JJ I have to take issue with your use of the term "fraudently" in accusation that "In other words it was done fraudulently, illegaly, (sic) by the Tech Manager......."
I quote from a Uni of Melbourne article: http://insights.unimelb.edu.au/vol12/07_Ferguson.html
"While there is no definition of fraud in the Australian criminal code the Australian Fraud and Corruption Control standard defines fraud as:
A dishonest activity causing actual potential financial loss to any person or entity ........ by employees or persons external to the entity whether or not deception is used at the time, immediately before or immediately following the activity. This also included the deliberate falsification, concealment, destruction or use of falsfied documentation used or intended for use for a normal business purposeor the improper use of information or position.
In essence, the key elements of a fraud include a
about a
material point
which is
so, which is
acted upon
by the victim to the victim’s
So it seems to me that the allegation of fraud could lie against the entity that originally provided you with the information which you then provided to the RAA (if you believe that the information contained deliberate falsifications.) It seems to pivot on the words deliberate and intentional.
You might want to get some legal advice before you decide at who you're aiming.