And there are others, I'll hold my hand up for that as well, who understand that CASA doessn't have that role; that forensic investigation of engine failures; component failures; structural failures should be forensically investigated by the manufacturer (if they have the expertise), and or by the regulator, (in our case the RAA) if it has the expertise. Then reports to CASA/ATSB might contain much more informative and accurate information than a one line comment in a spreadsheet that an engine ran failed/ran roughly/ lost power.....
What CASA could have - SHOULD have- done is what you, I and many others here have done and that is looked a little deeply into the information on the infamous spreadsheet and they would have arrived, as we did, at a very different number. That would have given them the opportunity, if they were of a mind to, consider appropriate action and perhaps arrive at a different and more sensible a outcome. To simply (and lazily) tally up the number of cells in a spreadsheet column and arrive at the magical number of 46 engine failures is, as some of us non-flat earthers on this site saying, simply unprofessional but more importantly negligent.