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Everything posted by gandalph

  1. Ah! The irony of such a comment from the land the iconic flightless bird.
  2. Thanks Squidi, I missed that. I hadn't twigged that there was a parallel thread when I posted.
  3. There's speculation now that a microlight was involved in this incident. Anymore on that aspect Phil? http://www.flyingmag.com/technique/accidents/unstable-approach-eyed-london-phenom-300-crash?cmpid=enews081115&spPodID=030&spMailingID=23244240&spUserID=NDc4NjI0NDI3OQS2&spJobID=621073969&spReportId=NjIxMDczOTY5S0
  4. Ever tried nailing jelly to a tree?
  5. Well the data is in the hands of the guy who took the time and spent his own money to submit an FOI request, and who had the perseverance and determination to follow it up and not be fobbed off by the bureaucrats. Whether he chooses to make the data available is up to him. I doubt that CASA is likely to be overcome with a sense of generosity or contrition and feel the need to release the data to the world any time soon.
  6. Well done Camel for your initiative in taking this matter on and for your perseverance to see it through.more power to your arm mate!
  7. Note to self: Remember to be very very polite to Kaz in all future correspondence.
  8. No wonder it crashed, the second engine not only failed, it fell off completely! Lucky he had the other one to get him to the airport ok. Glad they're both ok though
  9. All good points Jet but when I'm faced with risks I can't eliminate like 65 litres of fuel just behind my seats, a fuel pump, fuel line, fuel tap and 6 joins in the fuel line between the tank and the firewall, all in the cabin with me, I have to mitigate the effects of those potential failure points. That's why I choose to use PPE as appropriate. I could have chosen other paths such as buying a different model of aircraft but.....$$$$$. You know the old saying: " You makes your choices and you takes your chances." We now have nanny censoring what we type . I can't call the manually operated valve that closes or opens the fuel flow to the engine, a fuel cock (insert another name for a rooster here), I have to call it a fuel tap! PC gone mad!
  10. Thanks. $182 - $330 spread Wow! that's a demonstration of the free market at work!
  11. Related but not strictly on topic. http://www.aopa.org/News-and-Video/All-News/2015/July/07/NASA-tests-ELTs
  12. Thanks rgmwa, sorry for the late acknowledgement, I was on " holidays". Do recall the cost?
  13. Just trying to nudge us back to the original questions.....
  14. Oscar and Turbs have raised some good points (never thought I'd see those two linked!). The full nomex kit isn't really a viable option for the reasons Turbs mentioned earlier but an Oscar style hybrid kit such as non synthetic shoes, socks trousers and underwear with maybe a nomex flying jacket or a leather jacket and a pair of nomex gloves could be a sensible compromise. I have a pair of ex USAF nomex overalls and a nomex jacket bought from the States for about Aud$200 all up. I'll wear those as I see fit. If I'm doing circuits around Canberrawhere the response time for the firemen is pretty damn good, I probably wouldn't kit up 'cause I can probably get down and out before I start to need basting, but on a flight further afield I'd probably go with the kit. Jake, I don't think anyone here is suggesting PPE should be mandated. It should of course be a matter of personal choice, but the wearing of it it is surely a topic worthy of consideration discussion here? To answer your question directed at the cotton wool brigade, yes I will be providing appropriate PPE for my wife when she flies with me and I will be recommending appropriate clothing to anyone who chooses to fly with me. What she, and they, CHOOSE to wear will be up to them. And yes they do matter. My Co-owner and I have discussed these options and I believe he is coming to see the value of PPE but what he chooses to wear will be up to him. He can fly bare-assed & buck neckkid if he wants to - so long as I'm not there to witness it!
  15. Beer o'clock already Daz? Good to see one of our anti gun law advocates showing such tolerance, restraint and moderation in his language. FFS!
  16. A 2 part question: Where do people mount their fire extinguishers in those Jabs that have the tank mounted behind the seats? And, What type/ size of extinguisher do you have? Any pics of installations would be great.
  17. I like it Nev, but using carbonated soft drink gets you out of one sticky situation and into another.
  18. Ross, why wouldn't the RAA investigators still want or need to know why the pump was fitted; how the pump was fitted and who signed the installation off? The fact that Geoff and his wife escaped unharmed (physically) from this near calamity is no reason for the RAA to shrug off an investigation.
  19. Yeah, you're right about the vaseline. What was I thinking!
  20. Geoff, First of all let me mirror all the others that have congratulated you on you handling of what was a serious in flight emergency. I reckon you did a great job! You got your wife and yourself safely back on the ground. How could there be a better outcome than that? Can I ask if you plan to replace the master switch? If it was the wires in the pump arcing that caused the hole to be burnt in the steel casing I'd be a bit concerned about the integrity of the switch after handling (and switching) that amperage. I'd also be going over all the electrical joints and connection in the circuit with a good magnifier and strong light looking for signs of hot joints. And finally I'd be taking the damaged pump and a large jar of vaseline with me when I went to talk to the person who installed the pump.
  21. That'll be the day! Seeing you two agree on anything? Doesn't seem likely does it Russ?
  22. Scary isn't it?
  23. The ASTB doesn't seem to agree with you on that Turbs. Did you read the attachment in O1rmb's post @ 1029 particularly, the 10 December update?
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