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Everything posted by gandalph

  1. Exactly the points some have been making since before the restriction was implemented when some people here were hinting of their inside knowledge of forthcoming action against Jabiru. The message then was "be careful about letting the genie out of the bottle". The question now is: How do we control the genie?
  2. Ahh! Trying to be too clever there Turbs? I was referring to you response to post #1010. (as if you didn't already understand that.....) You are many things Turbs, but ingenuous? I think not. BTW. Sherry is not my tipple. You would know that it dulls the senses.
  3. Turbs, re: post 1010, you are becoming predictable.
  4. Andy & Jabba-who, I'm more perplexed that the FOI decision maker at CASA elected to give Jabiru the option to review CASA's decision to release the information. CASA's FOI decision maker cited s27 of the FOI act as justification for referrng the matter back to Jabiru for consultation as to whether the data should be released. My reading of S27 and 27A suggests to me that CASA drew a very long bow in deciding that s27/27A was appropriate in this instance: I would have thought that S11B - Public interest would have been more applicable. See below for relevant extracts of the FOI act 1982. However it would seem that the time allowed under the act for Jabiru to comment has expired and Camel could reasonably expect a response to his FOI request soon. If CASA is swayed by Jabiru not to release the data Camel can seek a review of that decision by the information Commissioner and if still not satisfied he could take the matter to the AAT. 27 Consultation—business documents Scope (1) This section applies if: (a) a request is made to an agency or Minister for access to a document containing information ( business information ) covered by subsection (2) in respect of a person, organisation or undertaking; and (b) it appears to the agency or Minister that the person, organisation or proprietor of the undertaking (the person or organisation concerned ) might reasonably wish to make a contention (the exemption contention ) that: (i) the document is exempt under section 47 (trade secrets etc.); or (ii) the document is conditionally exempt under section 47G (business information) and access to the document would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest for the purposes of subsection 11A(5). 27A Consultation—documents affecting personal privacy Scope (1) This section applies if: (a) a request is made to an agency or Minister for access to a document containing personal information about a person (including a person who has died); and (b) it appears to the agency or Minister that the person or the person’s legal personal representative (the person concerned ) might reasonably wish to make a contention (the exemption contention ) that: (i) the document is conditionally exempt under section 47F; and (ii) access to the document would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest for the purposes of subsection 11A(5). 11B Public interest exemptions—factors Scope (1) This section applies for the purposes of working out whether access to a conditionally exempt document would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest under subsection 11A(5). (2) This section does not limit subsection 11A(5). Factors favouring access (3) Factors favouring access to the document in the public interest include whether access to the document would do any of the following: (a) promote the objects of this Act (including all the matters set out in sections 3 and 3A); (b) inform debate on a matter of public importance; © promote effective oversight of public expenditure; (d) allow a person to access his or her own personal information.
  5. Exactly! And it's that quality that gives me confidence in his developments. When you understand the "why" it's that much easier to make a judgement about the product.
  6. Frank, I can't answer for Geoff but I certainly support his comments about Ian Bent's positive attitude towards visitors. When I was up there the year before last I was blown away by not only his willingness to explain the thinking behind the changes he's made but his eagerness to come onto the workshop floor and set up tooling for us and demonstrate the correct technique. He's got my vote!
  7. Ok. I figured you didn't mean it they way it came out. Maybe you need to have a cuppa between writing something and pressing "send"? Sorry you've decided to quit flying. I wish you well. Stay calm.
  8. So just to clarify Bull, before you finally do leave us. You say you won't fly again until someone forms a group for ultralights and the RAA has gone down in flames. So you need a new AUF to form AND the RAA to go out of business before you'll fly again? Both? Really? Seriously? You see what I meant before about your anger getting in the way of making sense? You're not doing your cause any favours with silly statements like that. If you don't like where the RAA has gone then by all means leave and form your own speciality group, but please, please keep your spite, hatred and denigration of other flyers under control.
  9. Well Bull, I think it's kinda accepted by the vast majority of people, even those that don't use the Internet, that the only way to communicate on an Internet forum is via a computer. Not having a go at you but I think your anger is cloudng the points you're trying to make here.
  10. I think, from memory - I don't have any charts handy- that the strip is tucked under that part of the Canberra's class airspace that has a lower limit of 3500 ft or around 1500 ft AGL. Obviously not impossible to access Robin, but it would require meticulous situational awareness not to attract the ire of ATC. It's also a fair step from the end of the strip to the village of Hall if you're just dropping in for a cup of coffee or a jerry can of fuel. I'm happy to see if I can find out more details for you if you want but it could take some time.
  11. There is a snail mail address in post #4. No occupant name though. If you send me a couple bottles of something nice as suggested by mnewberry, I could go and knock on their door and ask..... There is a risk though, that if they do have a space for one more aircraft on the field it could go to the bloke at the door.....
  12. I think what Oscar is saying is that, given that the figures quoted by CASA (86 precautionary or forced landings - presumably as a result of the 142 engine failures) simply don't 'make sense. If CASA can't see a problem with that discrepancy how can we or, the industry, have faith in the process they used to determine that there is a valid reason to restrict Jabiru aircraft?
  13. Ross, I understand your irritation at some of the inflammatory material being posted here but the language of your response was not appropriate for a member of the Board.
  14. You mean the Maj has finally reached his TBO.?
  15. Unlikely because there is a "live" FOI request in with CASA. If CASA were to try to work a sweetheart deal with Jabiru they could find themselves in a world of pain
  16. Sorry Deskpilot, I can't. I don't have any other information above what's has been given so far. I'm just a bystander.
  17. As opposed to before the instrument?? Sadly FT there have been too many killed since the instrument came into force. Not wishing in any way to trivialize those terrible incidents but none were Jabiru powered.
  18. The rest of us chickens should be as worried as all get out about if (or when) that particular axe will fall.
  19. Stevek, Not all that far away and ......... size isn't important!
  20. I count 3 sets of tail feathers as at 14:00 today
  21. I'll duck out and have a look.
  22. Jab might have some difficulty accessing a test facility within a reasonable time frame. Oscar mentioned one, but that has seems to have been booked by CAE for their engine testing. Not sure how many others there are that could be adapted quickly , easily and easily appropriately instrumented to run the tests for Jabiru. One has to wonder if CASA can decide that the certificated engine from Jabiru apparently no longer meets the certification requirements ( for what ever reasons) , how many other engines might also be on CASA's agenda for re-certification. Someone a long time ago in another thread warned that we should be fearful of this action by CASA, not simply because of it's effect on Jabiru powered craft but because of the potential to effect the entire movement. Wise words.
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