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Everything posted by gandalph

  1. The bolding is mine added for emphasis. Received this afternoon by email: "CASA Media Release - Online services unavailable early July [sEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 25 June 2015 CASA’s online services will be unavailable for up to five working days from close of business 30 June 2015 due to an IT upgrade. More information of alternative ways to contact CASA during this time can be found on the CASA website" So once again CASA looks likely to leave Recreational aviators hung out to dry with another "Watch this space..." type of notification. Or are we betting that they will get the notice out before their web services go down on 30 June ? (an apt phrase). Screwed again, but politely.
  2. See if this works CASA/Jab/RAA/SAA meting minutes CASA Minutes - 292-14 Operational Limitations 2 June 2015 (final) 20150619.pdf CASA Minutes - 292-14 Operational Limitations 2 June 2015 (final) 20150619.pdf CASA Minutes - 292-14 Operational Limitations 2 June 2015 (final) 20150619.pdf
  3. Thanks Nobody. Very helpful and informative.
  4. Received this afternoon from Jabiru. "Hello Jabiru Fleet, Firstly we would like to say Thank You to our owners and operators for the continued support we have been shown over the last six months. Already this year there has been a significant decrease in Jabiru engine incidents. It would appear the incident rate is now equal to or less than the Rotax incidents by which we were judged last year and were given as the justification of the operational limitations. We sincerely appreciate all your efforts so please keep up the good work. Your attention to maintenance and operation and adherence to service bulletins will continue to assist greatly. Likewise we are committed to the growth and continued health of the Jabiru Fleet and communicating with you all. As you are all aware the instrument placing operational limitations is due to expire on the 30th of June. We recently attended a meeting with CASA where Jabiru proposed that all restrictions to Jabiru powered aircraft should be lifted for aircraft that have complied with all the Jabiru service bulletins and letters, operate the aircraft in accordance with the manuals, have performed the maintenance in accordance with the manuals and use trained technicians and where the aircraft do not have unapproved modifications. For those owners and operators of Jabiru powered aircraft that do not wish to comply with the Jabiru requirements, the limitations can apply except for the signing of the waiver in its current form. For Jabiru powered aircraft in the Experimental categories of RAA and SAAA, these organisations can assess the risk of owner modifications and apply limitations if required. Over the past 7 months Jabiru has given CASA an insight into the depth of engineering knowledge and research and development that goes on behind the scenes on a day to day basis at Jabiru. Jabiru has also provided all the engineering documents that were used for the last certifications of modifications through a CASA authorised person; engine reports for ASTM compliance; reports for engines achieving 1000 hours and numerous tear down reports of engines from reported incidents. Jabiru has complied with the standards of certification approved by CASA and continues to monitor airworthiness issues for Jabiru aircraft and engines and issue the appropriate service notifications. Jabiru Aircraft acknowledges CASA’s primary safety related obligations however the overwhelming body of evidence shows Jabiru Aircraft to be one of the safest aircraft in this category of aircraft on the Australian register based on statistics. Student pilots, passengers and persons on the ground are at no greater risk of injury from a Jabiru Aircraft than any other aircraft. However, indications are that CASA will re-impose the restrictions again with some slight relaxation to the signed waiver requirement. Indications have also been given from CASA that perhaps complete relief from the limitations will soon be settled. As more information comes to hand we will keep you updated. As always.......Happy Landings JABIRU AIRCRAFT PTY LTD PO Box 5792 Bundaberg West Qld 4670 Ph: 07 41551778 Fax: 07 41552669 Email: [email protected] [/url]www.jabiru.net.au [/url]www.facebook.com/JabiruAircraft "
  5. I wonder what Turbos means by "Optimistic" Is he optimistic that the restrictions will be extended? Or does he think Oscar's forecast that they will extended is optimistic? Unusually cryptic there Turbs.
  6. Perhaps the 2 CASA people resigned on medical grounds with hernias from moving the goalposts?
  7. Ozzie, as you've been saying this for ages I guess you have given the issue some serious thought. So I expect you'd be able to answer some of these questions. * Where do you propose the training facilities are set up? I note you said "facilities", so I guess you want several? * What sort of training facilities do you have in mind. * Are you planning to set up in competition with existing FTF's? * And the maintenance facilities, How many of them and where? * And how would they be funded?. * Do you propose selling off the Canberra office building in a very deflated property market and use those funds to set up these facilities? * Would that cover the infrastructure costs? * What about the staffing costs and the ongoing running costs? Where would that money come from. Increased rego fees? (Hold onto your hat Bull!) Fee for service? * That might work if the training was compulsory but with 3000 aircraft do you make the training compulsory for all members or just those have current pilot certificates? * What's that going to do to their annual fees? * What in blazes has the location of the office got to do with it?
  8. Am I missing something or have I made the wrong assumption? (Polite answers to that question please...) When I renewed my membership recently I signed up to receive the magazine in hard copy. I assumed that I would also receive the electronic copy but so far I've only had the had copy delivered. No big deal but I'm wondering if those who haven't opted in for the print version will have to go looking for the electronic copy on the RAA site or whether a copy (PDF?) will be emailed to them. No hidden agenda behind this question - just genuine curiosity.
  9. Sorry if my post offended you Teck. I didn't think I was telling anyone what to do. I was simply drawing attention to what some could perceive as a lack of uniformity in action taken by the powers when the posts get personal and nasty. Others have been suspended for that. Are you reading too much into it I wonder?
  10. Geez Mods! Lost your blue pencils?? We've seen blokes here sin binned for less. No Oscars for some of these rants.
  11. I'd second the warnings posted by Oscar about WD & CRC. I've heard that from several sources over the years. An NRMA tech told me they were good as fine penetrating oil but shouln't be used as a long term lubricant or preservation oil because of chemical changes that can adversly affect the metal when it dries out. I use INOX now as my tool preservative oil.
  12. Jetjr this is the stuff I used. Got ours from Skyshop in Vic. - ASAP spares in Caboolture also carry A/C Spruce stuff, dont know if they have this though. http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/eppages/vpci326.php And these are the re-useable hygroscopic plugs I had made up when I couldn't find any to fit the Jab's plug size. I had several sets made up just to use up the materials we had to buy. Happy to sell them off to re-coup some of the costs if anyone's interested. Also an article on engine preservation from Avweb that you might find useful.http://www.avweb.com/news/redundant/storing_your_airplane_for_winter_207881-1.html
  13. I'm using hygroscopic plugs ( got some made up to fit the Jab) and engine preserving oil. I'll need to go back through my records to get the name of the oil I'm using and the supplier . I'll post the details tomorrow sometime when I get to the relevant box of invoices. See post # 26 in the cylinder Bore Corrosion thread or a pic of the hygroscopic plugs I had made up. PM me for details
  14. Sorry mate. They freak me as well. I was going to tell you about the one that appeared next to us while on a mates 24 footer off Sydney but every time I think about it I have clench really hard!. Oops! Gotta go!
  15. Damn TV stations. Tonights show is on Crocs not great whites as advertised.
  16. Russ! Russ! Tune in tonight to SBS at 20:30 for Operation Maneater the story of the great white shark.. Know thine enemy!
  17. What! You mean that even in the middle of Bass Strait Jabiru's are at risk of crashing into a kindergarten full of toddler sharks? Geez Russ, make sure your 3rd party is up to date. Let's hope that the CASA (the Commune of Antipodean Shark-loving Activists) takes immediate action to limit all Jabs to over land flights only. Thanks barman, I'll have another please.......and one for that bloke at #37
  18. Exactly Merv. Settle! The discussion was about the vulnerabilities if different types not Breeds.
  19. Agreed Treckey, I don't think I'm a defend Jab at all costs person, and I didn't think you were necessarily attacking jabs in your earlier post . I just wanted to clarify that you were referring to trike gear planes in general. No argument from me about the vulnerability of trike gear landings off the hard. One of my instructors told not to stop flying the aircraft until it was tied down. Good advice no matter what the undercarriage arrangement. Not sure what you want me to stop doing, and I'm almost afraid to ask.....
  20. Well done there Phill m'lad, I think you've just won the prize for the most baits cast in a single post! I think I hear the hounds baying already......
  21. Yes. But a C150 is a different class of aircraft. We should compare apples to apples.
  22. I'm guessing that you accidentally omitted to insert the word "type" between the words "that" and "aircraft" in your post Teckair. I assume you are referring to tricycle gear type aircraft rather than jabiru in particular. I seem to recall a recent incident involving a C150 that did not end as well as this one, also a non Jab tricycle gear aircraft that ended upside down on Broadwater beach Qld on 1 May 2014 and another at Kyneton Jan 17 this year etc. etc. etc.... I can provide the links if you need to verify these FACTS.
  23. Well done that lad! Well done that that lad's instructor(s)! From the ABC News site this morning. Teenage pilot makes emergency landing in NSW Snowy Mountains, walks away unharmed Posted 50 minutes ago MAP: Khancoban 2642 A 16-year-old pilot has walked away unharmed after making an emergency landing in the New South Wales Snowy Mountains. NSW Police said the teenager, who was on his fourth solo flight, took off from the Jindabyne airport yesterday and the alarm was raised when he did not return as scheduled. The region's rescue helicopter was called in to help search for the boy, who was found just before 7:00pm. The single-engine, two-seater Jabiru was resting in a paddock near Khancoban on the western side of the mountains. Police said low light and fog prevented the boy, a student of the Jindabyne Aero Club, from returning to Jindabyne, so he made an emergency landing and walked to a nearby property to raise the alarm. An instructor from the club went out to collect him after the incident. Officers from the Albury Local Area Command are investigating the cause of the incident and the Australian Transport Safety Bureau has also been notified. The plane had some minor damage. ACT Emergency Services Agency acting commissioner David Foot said it was "a good news story which had an alarming start". "We had a report of an aircraft overdue between Dalgety and Jindabyne just after 5:00pm," he said. "Snowy Hydro Southcare went up to commence search preparations and the aircraft and pilot were located safe and well."
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