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Everything posted by gandalph

  1. Yep thanks. That's the one. JSL014-1 Jabiru Cylinder Head Inspection And although it appears to be advisory rather than mandatory, the injunction on page 11 is pretty unambiguous: "viii. DO NOT use top end cylinder lubricants or fuel additives." Still, I suppose that's where the term "Experimental" comes into the equation.
  2. Planesmaker, was that in a mandatory service bulletin or an advisory service letter? I've had a quickish scan of the SB's and couldn't locate one that related specifically to fuel additives. Did you mean JSL007-5 Alcohol Lead Compression Ratio Fuel Guidance ?
  3. Unsealed 4x4 Mags? So what Mags have you been reading from the sealed section Daz???
  4. Facts! You want Facts? Good luck with that Russ.
  5. Joe, I guess the answers you get from CAMit or Jabairu would depend on what questions you asked. For example: Did you ask CAMit: "Can I buy an engine from you?" Or did you ask": "Do you have a dealer in the USA?" Did you ask: "Do you use roller cam followers?" "Do you use Nikasil in the Cylinder bores and if you don't can you tell me why you don't?" "Does your engine have notches in the pistons for valve relief and if you don't can you tell me why you don't?" "How do you stop cylinders from rusting in your engines?" Or did you ask "Have you got a shiny brochure I can read that answers all the questions I haven't asked? Did you ask: "How can the CAMit engine be different from the Jabiru engine when you make both engines?" Or did you hope that CAMit would just read your mind and explain all these things? Those are questions you've kinds asked here so why not talk to the horse's mouth? Like I said earlier, I'm sure both CAMit and Jabiru will answer as best they can any questions you ask - but you gotta ask! I'm equally sure that neither Ian Bent or Rod Stiff will say "Hey don't bother us - go ask the people on the Rec Flying group." You said "I would like to talk to some from Camit to see how they address these Items." but have YOU opened that conversation and have YOU asked those questions? You also said "If some one from Camit wants to contact me they have my Email address that I sent them last week" I'm sure that they would want to contact any prospective buyer but I hope you asked at least some of the questions you raised here in this group in that email so they have some idea of just what you want to know about. If you didn't than maybe you should sit down and draw up a list of questions and fire them off to CAMit - then you've started the conversation and hopefully you'll get information you need to make a sound decision. Hope it all works out well for you - keep us informed of your progress - We Aussies are always interested in someone else's projects.
  6. Joe, I don't understand your comment that it will be some time before you'll be able to buy a Jab or CAMit engine. You can place your order for a CAMit 3300 engine at 8:30 am Monday morning, and if Ian Bent doesn't have one on the shelf I woud bet he'll have one built and dyno tested by the end of the week. Have you actually spoken to CAMit or just looked over their web site? As I said in an earlier post, give him a call or email him. Get his view on when you can get an engine. I don't know if or when there will be a Jabiru 3310 engine. You'd need to talk to Jabiru and see what they can tell you about that. Cylinder corrosion can be a problem in any engine. You'll need to take appropriate preventative action no matter what engine you use.
  7. Andy, Have you thought of using dehydrator plugs in the engine. I had a set made up to use on my J2200 while it's stored. They seem to be working as designed but time (and a borescope) will tell.
  8. Hi Joe and welcome to the site. As Bex and Gnarly have said, a bloke here known as Oscar does seem to have very good information on the CAMit engine and and developments, and while I wouldn't want to downplay Oscar's role as CAMit Guru I would suggest that you could also write or email Ian Bent at CAMit with any particular questions you have about his engines and his philosophy behind the changes and improvements he's developed. He is a very approachable bloke and is very generous with his time and information. I know he's super busy at present developing and testing some very interesting improvements but I'm sure he would find time to give you straight answers to any sensible questions you might have. I have also heard on the grapevine that Oscar is developing some interesting cooling mods but I'm not sure if they're specific to his model Jab or can be adapted for other Jabs. You'd need to chat with him about those
  9. Curse you Nev! That made me snort my coffee!
  10. Can't see a downside to that deal! It's ok. I'm safe. My firstborn doesn't read these.....
  11. Rec frying seemed to roll off the tongue better than Rec Roasting.
  12. He's back! Welcome back into the fold Oscar. It must've been cold out there away from the warm embrace of Rec Frying crew
  13. Well maybe, but then you have automation doing this to a leading brand. http://casa.gov.au/wcmswr/_assets/main/lib100218/2015-09-07.pdf
  14. Thanks Phil. Very sober reading indeed. The revelation that there were 8 similar incidents, even if they were recorded over a 35 year period, is disturbing.
  15. Oops! Now I'm not sure which phil I should apologise to.
  16. No. Just the tautologist:spot on:.
  17. Never mind trying to put words into my mouth Pooh.
  18. Again Pooh, another attempt by you to divert and mislead the conversation. I Don't believe any here are saying the CASA action carries no weight and/or can be ignored. I am amazed that you would with any sincerity put that proposition forward. I'm sure we all acknowledge your attempts here in these forums to save lives. If the sky continues to fall as much as you say, there will soon be no sky in which to ascend.
  19. I don't belive it was me that tried to " squeeze in the much wider scope" of the heavy haulage industry or motor vehicle regulation. If by sniping you mean attempting to correct as much of the misinformation as I can Then guilty as charged. You stop misleading people here and I'll stop challenging your Pooh Bah-isms.
  20. So a it's a Poo Bah explanation then: "Merely corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative. " ?
  21. The Federal Office Of Road Safety would dispute that. The ACSVP wrote prescriptive standards for the performance of vehicle components and the ACSVD wrote prescriptive design standards that were incorporated into the Australian Design Rules for Motor Vehicles ( ADR's).
  22. Do they have sun in England Phil?
  23. Thanks Russ.
  24. Please tell us more. Details details!
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