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Everything posted by gandalph

  1. A predictable response. but compost none the less
  2. I wonder if the black boxes record heart rate these days?
  3. Thanks for quickly clarifying that Keith.
  4. Phil, I think the person who "leaked" the notice did so in good faith. I hope he/she does not suffer for that. I'm more interested in why it appeared to be "unleaked" from this site and by whom but more importantly why what would seem to be a potentially serious safety issue has not yet been officially circulated. Surely not because of a typo with the date. There's probably a good reason for the delay and all will become clear in time but until then......
  5. Keith, Your opening post is a little ambiguous in that you refer to Dafydd Lewellyn's letter in the latest edition of Sport Pilot and then go to refer to "this gentleman" and his alleged misdemeanours. Several people have posted asking you to be more specific as to who the person might be, and KGWilson in post# 16 has reasonably assumed that you are referring to Dafydd Llewellyn as the miscreant in your story. If you are saying (but, as usual, not saying in you own inimitable - "I've got a secret a but I I cant tell you about it" - fashion) that Dafydd was the transgressor then you should cut out the coy nonsense and say so. If it was not Dafydd then you should man up and say so. Dafydd no longer contributes to these forums for reasons that have not been made clear. That is our loss. He is therefore unable to defend himself or the slur on his reputation. I imagine that having people either wittingly or unwittingly (wittlessly?) libelling him here would be reason enough for him not to want to return. If you have an agenda then either publish it or shove it.
  6. Thanks Jetjr. Still no sign of the notice on the RAA site
  7. Does Jabiru have the infrastructure to make the hub Jrtjr? I would think, but I don't know, that the hub would be either produced by the Prop maker or by a contracted casting & machining service. I do know that CAMit is not involved.
  8. Think it is? or know what it is? Have you actually SEEN the notice FT or are you jumping to conclusions and spreading doom and glo0m? That would be out of character.
  9. Yes, perhaps. But reviewing safety alerts should be done in house. Well that's my opinion, others may differ. My prop & hub is all wood so I don't have a dog in this fight and I'm certainly not looking to crucify anyone - just slightly more than mildly curious mostly about the timing its reported vanishing from this site.
  10. Thanks Andy for chasing that up and keeping us informed. One last question. My information is that it was circulated (as a pre-release draft?) to some members of the Association. Do you know it that's true? If it is, what was the reasoning behind the limited release? Was it approved or or was it an overzealous ooops on someone's part? And finally, unless the information in the draft has been significantly amended - i.e. not just correcting the date typo - wouldn't it have been more appropriate and beneficial to all members to have circulated the notice and THEN issued an amendment with the date corrected? I ask, not to cause trouble, but because from what I saw and heard the cracking detected and detailed in the notice is pretty serious with very real safety implications for those using that equipment. Wouldn't it have been better to get the information out sooner rather than later?
  11. How long does it take to white-out a date & re-type it?
  12. No names, no pack drill!
  13. You didn't happen to save a copy of it did you FT?
  14. Nothing that I could see either under Jabiru or under prop's on the RAA site. Nothing in the Service bulletin area on the Jab site either. Nothing under CASA AD's either. I wonder why the thread disappeared from here? Seems odd to say the least. Could it be a glitch in Ian's new system? I wonder, can the Mods shed any light on that?
  15. There's a Religion thread?
  16. That's the probably the one Planesmaker. Are you saying it was selectively sent only to those using that type of hub and a particular brand of prop rather than broadcast generally? Or have i interpreted your post incorrectly?
  17. I've heard from a reliable source that there is an RAA airworthiness notice dated 24 April about cracking of Jabiru prop hubs for composite props but I can't see anything about it on the RAA site when I checked today. It apparently requires mandatory inspection before next flight. This appears to be a very serious issue for those running composite probs on their Jabs but I can't see anything about it on the RAA site. I understand that some RAA members have been advised via newsletter, which is good, but what about the rest of the membership? Has it been issued? Has it been withdrawn? Is it a furphy? WTF is going on?
  18. Me? I'm not picking on GG. If you mean my comment in post #108, that wasn't aimed at GG, that was aimed at you. I disagree with the views he's expressed here and I thought his post about the Age survey result was misleading, but the headline was designed to mislead - he just took it at face value without, I suspect, reading deeper into the article. But that was the aim of the story, and it reinforces the point about the lack of objective journalism in the commercial media. GG is entitled to his views and people are entitled to disagree with them. Doesn't mean that he being bullied. That's just petulant schoolyard talk Turbs. Anyway GG hasn't posted since around 17:00 today, so I suppose it's safe to say no Gnu's is good news. Well.... Someone had to lighten the thread up a bit.....
  19. Not sure what you mean by that. Way too oblique for me. Would you care to elaborate?
  20. No more outrageous than post # 79 I'd have thought.
  21. Hmmmm. Seems someone might have upset the Dear Leader by doubting his proclamations
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