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Everything posted by gandalph

  1. Great Scott FT, does that rain cloud follow you EVERYWHERE.
  2. Getting in before Dazza. The punctuation is terrible.
  3. You are quite correct Trekair, I had posted before I was able to read further and see that the Moderator had acted. By then it was too late to delete my post. I'm happy for the mods to delete it.
  4. Truly good advice. Have you considered practicing what you preach? Btw. Was that you last post again?
  5. Ah! Wikipedia. The authorative voice on anything and everything where posts can be made by anyone regardless of their knowledge or of the veracity of their posts. I see some similarities with some posters here
  6. All reputable sources with no perceived bias or agenda to push.
  7. Politicians promise? BTW have you heard: Kennedy isn't dead, he was kidnapped and is being held by the FBI; Elvis is selling real estate in Vegas; the Twin towers were bombed by the CIA and all the videos were faked by Speilberg ; And John Howard staged the Port Arthur massacre just to get the gun laws through? Give us a break!
  8. Very true Andy, but how do you expect Forumites to get their exercise if they stop jumping to conclusions?
  9. Worse than that Nev, it's unethical.
  10. Still playing the Newcastle song?
  11. Developing a new aero engine?
  12. gandalph

    Starter issue

    The FIA kill switches are designed to do just that. How about 200 millisecond operation time, 2500 amp surge current capacity, rated for installation in hazardous situations?. There are also solid state versions that seem promising but I'll need to do more research before I stick my neck out for them.
  13. gandalph

    Starter issue

    Sorry Biggles, I have to disagree. Battery isolator switches have been mandatory installations on race & rally cars for yonks. Their primary role is to isolate the battery in an incident and prevent fires. You have the same arcing within the solenoid but it is contained within the body of the solenoid just as the arcing would be contained within the body of the isolating switch. BUT you've gotta spend the dollars and get the right design. Frank (post#20) is right though and any stuck solenoid problem should be apparent immediately on starting and would be a " no go" event.
  14. gandalph

    Starter issue

    True JetJr, but flying is a bunch of compromises; risk assessment and risk management. A high current fusible link between the battery and the isolation switch takes care of the un-fused cable problem, but then we have the added complication of two more firewall penetrations unless we go the mechanical linkage route, then there's only one more penetration to worry about. A properly sized mains cable with appropriate gas free terminations should manage the Vd problem, Sturdy heat shrink insulation with good mechanical support and a regular inspection regime helps to keep the crappy insulation rubber from perishing, then we just need an increase in the MTOW allowance to cope with the extra mass. Like I said - compromises.
  15. gandalph

    Starter issue

    Starter solenoids that jam in the open circuit position are an inconvenience but not dangerous. That type of failure is usually caused by mechanical wear in the solenoid coil. Solenoids that jam in the closed circuit position usually do so because high starting current or high resistance at the solenoid contacts cause them to weld themselves together. Two solenoids connected in series doesn't reduce the chance of one of them welding itself closed though it does prevent the starter remaining engaged. Two solenoids simply adds weight and gives you one more point of failure in the electrical system. Fitting an appropriately rated solenoid, preferably one where the contacts wipe rather than just bang together saves weight and complication. A battery master disconnect switch (similar to shown below) if you have room on the panel might be a good option. Get one with a removable key and it serves as a simple anti-theft device as well. The warning light between the solenoid and the starter is a very good idea though.
  16. Ian, I selected "don't like it" because for years all the menu options on every program and on every browser I've used have been across the top of the screen/page. So that means (for me) there's a lot of muscle memory invested in looking up to find a menu option. No doubt I will adapt but unless the change does more than implement change for the sake of change, I'd rather not. So I guess what I'm saying is, I like it just fine the way it is. Just seems more natural for me.
  17. Electric powered flight? or maybe as a spare engine......?
  18. Best be ringing Rod and asking him. Anything else is, like most of this thread, speculation or wishful thinking.
  19. Clearly Hilux's should not be flown over populated areas and should not be flown above 80 kmh. I once had an old International Harvester flat top that was presumably specc'd for Australia. The engine used to stop without warning in summer and I never felt comfortable doing more than 100 in that. Should CASA have banned that?
  20. Hmmmm . The grammar seems vaguely familiar. Could it be that Dazza is really Deb in disguise?
  21. A more realistic (but still unlikely) option would be for Jabiru to concentrate on producing airframes and CAMit to produce CAE engines, but that still requires the extensive (and expensive) test program to be undertaken. Crowd funding anyone?
  22. Like Bob Hudson sang in the Newcastle song: "don't you ever let a chance go by" You keep on sticking the boot in Daz if it makes you feel good. It would be good nice not to lump all the Bundy manufactures under the one disparaging label. But that's probably, asking way too much. FFS!
  23. Turning Japanese?
  24. Thanks Nev & Oscar. I'll do some more research.
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