Deb, do you have the facts to back that up? Or is it just a guess/wish? I'm trying to persuade Ross to back up his assertions with data so it doesn't help much if the rest of us start making unsupported statements.
Hey VK3WA, Don't let the Maj get to you. He has strong views on this subject and he can sometimes get people stirred up with his assertions. He is a member of the RAA Board and as such I expect that he has better access to details of failures reported to RAA than you or I. The problem we often have here with his posts is that he refuses to back up his assertions with anything other than heresay. You on the other hand would seem to have factual "coal face" information and your input is therefore quite valuable. I urge you not to run away & hide but stay on and help increase the store of verifyable facts in this site. There are many good contributors and if you stay on you will easily identify them.
Kenaviator asked (post 1485):
" How many flywheel bolt failures have there been since the upgrades were introduced? Are these failures happening to both solid lifter and hydraulic lifter engines?"
Again Ross, Are you able to provide an answer from the RAA files? I assume that as you raised these failures in post #1480 today you must have some facts that you could share?
TurboP. If you are asking that question of me regarding Ross' latest post, then yes, of course he is allowed to join the discussion. What in my response to him would cause you to think otherwise?
Is what he said correct? Well that was the thrust of my request to him for some verified facts. Again I don't quite understand where you are coming from.
I presume that as a board member you would have access to the details of those types of failures. Will you please provide some details e.g. numbers that might give us some confidence in our post?
Well worth talking to CAMit re through bolts. Their through bolts are very different to the standard Jab ones and have been designed to address the issue of case fretting.
If it was, then Sorry Ozbear. But you weren't the first person to suggest it here so I thought I'd respond. Hope you didn't take is as a personal rebuke of your idea.
Thanks for that correction Ornis, but it doesn't change the thrust of my comment.
Weight would certainly be a significant problem for many of the small Jabs, but launching a rocket propelled chute above or behind a fuel tank would be even more of a concern for me? My opinion and worth as much as you paid for it.
Sorry Ozbear but No! I don't like the idea and I certainly don't like the idea of Nanny state intruding further into our lives. No objection to ballistic chutes as an idea if owners/builders want, or are able to fit them but I would be strongly opposed to mandatory fitment. Are you suggesting them for all RAA aircraft or just for Jabs? The idea of putting a ballistic chute in an aircraft that carries it's fuel in a tank immediately behind the occupants seems to be spectacularly dangerous. That would rule out all of the non wet wing Jabs.
Merv, it's a valid question and perhaps you should seek advice from a professional in that field rather than seek opinions here. It may need a trip to the big smoke.
Kaz, my private life is just that - private. Just as I have no intention of asking your, or anyone else's qualifications, I have no intention of detailing my qualifications here or on any other public forum. Why would you need to know?
RAA put out a newsletter date-stamped 8:07 pm in my inbox and this is all that is said about Jabiru:
"Jabiru Update
Recreational Aviation Australia made its submission to CASA and the Minister for Transport last Friday in regard to the proposed restrictions on Jabiru aircraft. Submissions were required by the closing date yesterday (27 November 2014). Recreational Aviation Australia continues to liaise with CASA and Jabiru to ensure the best possible outcomes for our members and will continue to provide updates to members as they come to light. "
Not much to chew on there!