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Everything posted by gandalph

  1. Nev, that was my point. I guess I just put it very poorly. Apologies for any confusion. It's been a long day.
  2. Happy birthday Corrine! Hope you had a great day and an enjoyable dinner. Best wishes.
  3. Thanks for the clarification Ian. I, and many others here appreciate the value of this site and the effort that you and the moderators put into maintaining the standards even though some of us may get narkey about some of the editing that takes place. The bottom line is it's your site and you set the rules. I just wonder about post #441 in the "Yet another jab down" thread. Seems to me to contravene rule 2.5 pretty comprehensively. I understand the frustration in that post but leading by example would have been a better option in my opinion.
  4. Merv, at the risk of upsetting Nev further by using a car analogy - if we follow your view of " if it ain't broke, why would there be an improved version at all". Why aren't we all still driving the equivalent of model T's.
  5. [quote="Dafydd Llewellyn, post: 460202, member: 8952......if we're going to make such a fuss about statistics, let's put them into some sort of perspective:...... I would be obliged if the moderators could refrain from interfering with this post. (Ok so far we wont, however we reserve the right to edit any post that contains material contrary to the rules as per our brief....mod) Thanks Dafydd for raising some interesting points. Good to see you back here. I note with some concern the moderator's response to your request to not have the post censored. I found the tone of that response more than a little intimidating - perhaps just my reading or perhaps I'm just sensitized by the amount of moderating that has been occurring lately. I would like to discuss some issues with you by PM but I would like to be assured by Ian and or the Mods here that private messages between site members are not monitored. Note to Ian: Nothing subversive intended Ian here and no criticism implied re the site. I'd just like your assurance that private messages are just that.
  6. But that thread has now been locked.
  7. The Bong carb is used when you want to get really high
  8. If only that were true. Try that line on Ford, GM or any of the major insurance conglomerates and see how far you get. The real first rule is to let the customer believe that you believe he is always right. I think I'm safe bagging them, I don't think any of them are members of this site.
  9. Hi Keith , Not sure what you mean by "reset your direction.....". Can you expand please.?
  10. Wow Merv, it's taken a couple of years but we finally agree on something. In the interests of flying, safety and common sense, ( well maybe two out of the three...) let's see if we can put it into practice.
  11. And the next step is identifying the cause of the problem , which is not always the same thing as the result of the problem. So much of the heat in these debates have been about the result, with not much seeming to be done to identify the cause.
  15. Oh boy! There's a frightening mental image!
  16. Dafydd, You recent post bringing evidence based factual information into a highly opiniated thread is most welcome and refreshing. However I suspect you are trying to teach the frogs chorus to sing a different song. A challenging task, but worth the effort?
  17. Steady on Geoff, with talk like that you'll set FT off on his " empire building" line again.....
  18. The aeroinjector (aerocarb) by Sonex, and the similar product by Rotec are not electronic fuel injection. The are throttle body type injectors See: http://www.rotectbi.com/ and http://www.aeroconversions.com/products/aerocarb/
  19. Wow Asmol! Do you get all of your exercise by jumping to conclusions? I've been reading Dafydd's posts for quite a while and I think the "Subliminal" is probably the least accurate description of his posts you could have used. Clear, unambiguous, direct and sometimes blunt to the point of gruffness would be a more accurate description. I've met him on a several occasions over the last 40 years or so and he has always been extremely helpful, informative, polite and friendly. He's the closest thing to a true polymath I've ever met. Is he opinionated? Yes absolutely. Does he have the qualifications and diversity of experience to support his contributions to these forums? You be the judge. Do yourself a favour and google him. It should throw up an article on "Ageing Aircraft - A real Problem or a Diversion?". His credentials are at the bottom of that article.
  20. Don't do it FT. We would miss you.
  21. I agree with most of rhysmcc's post #8 and although I ticked "fortnightly" in Andy's poll I think the frequency should depend on what there is to report rather than having to meet a regular reporting deadline just for the sake of getting something out to members. I would expect that as this newish board comes to grips with the problems facing the Association there would be a great deal that the members want to be informed about but as/if/when the Association drags it's self out of the mire and gets things on an even keel the need to report would drop off a bit. I would certainly like to receive an email on the Boards deliberations immediately following each board meeting , whether that meeting be face to face or via tele or computer conferencing. Maybe if the RAA website had a forum that works or if the board members kept a watching brief on some of the threads on this site they would get a feel for what information members are seeking . Of course there is always the risk that they might get buried in the guano
  22. Sooooooo.......... What did you answer?
  23. gandalph

    Jabiru USA video

    Gents, I think you have all taken the bait that Bex has cast. As an engine developer I'm sure he would be fully aware of what goes onto his potential competitors engines and how they are produced. I think he was just having a little joke with us and playing the "China card" right back at FT by linking China and forging in the same sentence.
  24. gandalph

    Jabiru USA video

    Andy, I'm staggered to hear that, as a Board member elect, you are not yet included Board communications. It would seem to be both foolish of the Board and unfair to those newly elected not to bring the newbies up to speed before you are gowned and wigged. I can understand that you could not cast a vote on matters yet but in my view you should be allowed to contribute to discussions and, I would argue, MUST be included in board discussions. If there is a barrier to this in our constitution then I strongly urge you work to have it removed. Regards Note to Mods/Admin: New thread?
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