To make things a little more clear to anyone who might harbour the suspicion that I am an agent for Jabiru, I am happy to declare my interests here:
I am part owner of a Jabiru aircraft that will have fitted a rebuilt Jabiru engine. The is the sole extent of my pecuniary interest in anything Jabiru. I, and my partner in the aircraft have fitted some CAMit modifications to the engine. That is the sole extent of my pecuniary interest in CAMit.
I post here using a pen-name because I work in an industry where, to ensure my safety and the safety of my family, I need to take some additional precautions to protect my privacy and to try to prevent my personal details from becoming available to my "clients". If and when FT and I get together for a friendly coffee or an ale, I'll be happy to introduce my-self using my correct name. Until then I will remain here as Gandalph. (as in "Gandalph the Grey", not "Gandalph the Wise".)
That FT, is the sole extent of my defensiveness. If you think or believe that I'm defensive because of anything you've posted here, sorry mate, you are very very wide of the mark.
If FT is suggesting I have any financial or other interest in Jabiru, then he is just as misinformed and/or misguided as he is with his other posts on the subject. But everyone can make an honest mistake.
I am interested in gathering any facts that are supported by evidence that will assist us to improve the performance and reliability of our engine. Innuendo, rumours, gossip and snide one line comments do not assist. That's why I continue to invite FT to back up his assertions with facts. So far, to my mind, he's failed.