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Everything posted by gandalph

  1. Hell no Maj, Your credentials in that field at least are already well known. As if you needed to ask..... Really!
  2. Well done ! Congratulations on achieving that milestone. Nice flying, nice video. The music? Well.......
  3. I hope you mean "annoy"
  4. Ah Daz, the truth is much more mundane. The name came about from a (dry) dream their manager had. The other sad news is supposedly that the average is only 3cc! See: www.snopes.com/music/artists/10cc.asp Can you let the Maj know please, as I'm still on his ignore list (sniff).
  5. I guess the question arises: Was the salesman selling the plane or the parachute.....? Another strong candidate for the Darwin awards
  6. I'd much rather get back to topic. If people want to throw Sh*t let them start a separate thread that we can all ignore. This isn't the place for juvenile rants or bullying
  7. Gents, How 'bout a bit less of playing the man and a bit more of playing the ball? The personal nastiness being posted here does none of the posters credit and adds nothing to the debate. Time for the Moderators to do a bit of moderating?
  8. No apology needed David.
  9. No David, I simply thought you may have missed that post. Just trying to be helpful.
  10. David, Read post # 109.
  11. I agree. I don't think I'd try that any more. But did he suggest hand reaming or are we just assuming that's what he meant?
  12. I agree that the RAA has the power but does it have the expertise or the resources and will to gain the expertise?
  13. Yeah but you surely don't transfer that mindset to your flying or instructing, do you?
  14. If you're correct (and I'm not suggesting that you're not). Then if CASA was to launch an investigation into the common failure points of the J2200 engine either on it's own motion or in response to a request from the RAA, wouldn't they, if they're only going to look at the "what" not the "why", limit their investigation to determining whether the engines and all their component parts are still being manufactured to the design standards they were built to when the J2200 gained certification? I would've thought that the "what" is obvious. Surely it's the "why" that's important. If the RAA (and by that I mean not just the Organisation but us, the members) hopes to gain anything out of petitioning CASA to "do something" they/we need to provide a wealth of in-depth accurate and intellectually rigourous reporting on the cause(s) of the failures. If CASA decides develop new standards or raise the bar, surely they need to understand why the existing standards are insufficient. Simply saying that through bolts break and should therefore be made stronger isn't improving the engineering standard, it's just spackling over the cracks. Is that spending the taxpayers money wisely? From what I've seen, Ian Bent is going to great lengths to identify and understand the root causes of the failures and use that information to improve the engineering and design of his engine. I imagine that when/if he seeks certification for his engine all that information will be provided to CASA as justification for the changes. So I suppose Ian is doing what the RAA is asking CASA to do. Investigate. The expense must be horrendous. I sure hope he gains adequate rewards for his efforts. And before the crabs (not you Turbs) respond to that bit of bait I should assert that I have no financial interest in either Jabiru or CAMit, though I wouldn't mind buying shares in CAMit if Ian was offering..... I do have shares in a Jab and I am very keen to have it fit on the "no problems" side of the ledger.
  15. Thank you Deb for your giving us the benefit of your insight and wisdom. The value of your contribution is immeasureable.
  16. Merv, the failures may be well " documented" or recorded but certainly not well investigated. What seems to be documented is the basic fact that an engine stopped because a through bolt failed, or a valve head dropped, or etc etc. what doesn't seem to be happening is an in depth investigation of WHY those events occurred. And until either the RAA or CASA undertake an in depth forensic investigation into each incident we won't get any further than we are now which is a very superficial understanding of the incidents. We certainly won't progress while ever we continue to get most of our exercise by jumping to conclusions in forum threads like this one.
  17. Given that there are far more Lyconentals and Cessna's in the world, and they've been around for a whole lot longer and flown in total many more thousands of hours/ miles/ kilometers than Jabiru's, I'd hazard a guess and say Cessna. Was that really what you meant to ask?
  18. Jan Eggenfellner was behind Mazda wankel rotary aero conversionx; PSRU's and now behind VIking areo engine conversion of Honda Jazz engines in the US Do a google search and read the history - Lots of unhappy customers for his earlier endeavours. Maybe he's got something with the Viking. Time will tell.
  19. Come on guys! It takes maybe 60 seconds of your time ONCE! You do it once & it's done, it's not like you're filling in a tax return every time you log on. Reality check time!
  20. Wow! it's in place already, Slick work Ian. One question though: my aircraft is still in several separate bits and isn't likely to be re-assembled and flying for a few months yet. It will be Jabiru, unless Rod gets cranky and makes me call it something else. Would you prefer me to put that as my aircraft (even though I don't actually fly it yet) or should I stick with enthusiast until it all comes together?
  21. Ian, Whatever you need to do to make this site even better is fine with me. However, I agree with those who would like to see the aircraft field remain. Perhaps the "qualifications" section could be in the background and accessible by clicking on the poster's name or avatar for those of who want a bit more info about correspondents?
  22. The LCH heads on display at Natfly this year had many pits showing on some of the machined surfaces. Whether that's indicative of porosity or inclusions in the casting process is beyond my level of expertise. I'll see if I can upload a photo when I get home tonight so those with more expertise can give their opinion.
  23. I believe that some shops are using a Hylomar aerosol as a non-setting case jointing compound and achieving very good results. It has a much longer working time than 515
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