Number one Son and I arrived by road around 10:15 Friday. Sadly I missed the Techman forum but there were plenty of things for us to do, gawk at and drool over. I tried several times to have a talk to Ian Bent at the CAMit booth but I couldn't get to the front of the queue til mid afternoon on Saturday. If he comes again next year he's better bring more staff! The Guys at the Rotec stand seemed to pretty busy as were the Bolly boys. The Bundy brigade were there with s few nice Jabs as were the Bristel, Sling, Piper sport, Aerochute, Technam Morgan, Pipistrel & Cirrus guys.. No sight of the rotorcraft guys though apart from one lonely single seat chopper. There were certainly less planes and fewer trade stalls that when I was here 2 years ago but I still found it a most enjoyable outing. All the trade guys were happy to chat without any hard sell. The flying displays were just breathtaking!
The RAA general meeting was a bit of a giggle with most of the time taken up with dealing the the 7 special resolution. The new Pres, Sec & Treasurer all seem to have their eye(s) on the ball and I came away moderately confident that we may at last be in good hands. There wasn't much time allowed for questions from the floor which upset the Colonel blimps there but.....will they ever be pleased???
The forum with Matt Hall was briliant but afterwards I overhead one of the Colonels mustaches bristling at the possibility that the RAA may have paid for his attendance. We didn't it seems, he (Matt, not the Colonel ) was sponsored by QBE so honour was saved.
The forum with mark Clayton was kinda hijacked by our immediate past Prez but his intentions were good I'm sure
The food in the food court was about the same standard (!) as last time bit a bit more exxy The coffee was good. The food in the pub was fine, the yobbo's in the pub weren't so fine and seemed threatened by the sight of my son wearing rabbits ears on Easter day! So much testosterone from so small testes!
Will I go next year? Maybe not because I'll probably be up to my ears getting my bird ready for flight but once she's ready I'll be there as often as I can. It Natfly dead? It sure as hell will be if the gloom and doomers continue to bag the event and the association promoting it.
To those who stayed away because of the fear of ramp checks. Well done - right decision. If you're not confident you've got it all together then you're best leaving it in the hangar and driving down, but best be sure your licence and rego is up to date on the car and it's roadworthy, I've heard a rumour that the REAL police are doing roadside checks. Bloody bureaucracy gone mad!
Uploaded some pics in the photo section
Retiring now to don my fireproof suit and wait for the firestorm.....