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Everything posted by gandalph

  1. Yes well ignoring questions is not the sole province of the RAA. We've probably all asked questions of someone in authority and either been ignored or fobbed off. It is deplorable no matter where it occurs.
  2. Thank you Ian. There was no suggestion that this site did not support recreational aviators. Perhaps Keith or the CEO of E&LAAA could answer the question of whether the E&LAAA has gained CASA acreditation as an administering body yet and is authorised to issue pilot certificates/licences in its own right?
  3. Ian, ( &Keith?), that sentence implies that the E&LAAA has achieved recognised status as an administering organisation? Is that correct or a typo? One would hope that the new org's aviation industry person consulted widely with its membership when drafting the manuals or the organisation is likely to suffer the same complaints and accusations of elitism that the RAA has endured in social media in recent times.
  4. Post #108 adds clarity to so much of what has been going on here over the last several years. Thanks for a very enlightening post Ian.
  5. Gotta agree that It would be nice to have some solid information about the new group, their aims ideals and policies, but we still seem to be in the "I know a secret nudge nudge wink wink phase". If the new group is to be successful it will need to develop it's communication style into something more mature and less nebulous.
  6. Mike, You are probably correct but you've also summed up very neatly why CASA is unlikely to ever agree to the changes you've outlined. Spot on!
  7. Thanks Kaz, An interesting and enjoyable read. I regard my prop the same way I regard my circular saws; if they're not unplugged then they are on. My long term plan is to only ever start my Jab from the left seat but Dick's Doc is very handy to have as back of the mind info for when Murphy decides to get in the way.
  8. I was able to "undo" a test like on my desktop. Haven't tried it yet on the phone or tablet. Technology! Ain't it grand!?
  9. OME , that's because CASA is obsessed with the idea that you could crash your Jab into an 80 seat bendy-bus full of school kids.
  10. Thanks for the link OME. A very interesting read.
  11. Thanks Red, I hadn't noticed that before.
  12. Post removed - Mod
  13. Gotta think outside the square Nev. Sorry Ian, I can't say I like the porthole look that the circular avatars have now. Seems more nautical than aviation themed now. I think the "On line now" flag is an innovation.
  14. As expected, the usual porch dogs yapping away at a result they don't like. All noise no ticker! If the vote turn out was around the 1000 mark, as some have suggested, then that is a disappointing figure, but it is still the democratic choice of those who made the effort to vote. Hopefully the naysayers scan get over it and let the elected board get on with it. Am I being overly hopeful with that?
  15. Keith, I mean no disrespect towards Kasper. But Oh! The irony!
  16. Aldo I am consumed with envy! You are living MY dream!
  17. Wow! The Wildebeest calling someone intolerant. Such irony!
  18. I've only had one coffee this morning so I must admit to being a little bit slow, but I'm having trouble seeing the link to recreational flying in all this tosh. Have we drifted off topic? It's claimed by some here that this site is the one true voice of recreational aviation. No wonder CASA ignores us!
  19. Perhaps the sky is NOT falling after all Could it be that the the notorious leaders of the dastardly coup are sneakily trying to lull the membership into a false sense of security by doing the jobs they were elected to do?
  20. They've always sent me a renewal letter well before my membership expiry date.
  21. No no no no no! No chastisement at all. I apologise if you read my response as a put down. It was not. There is a shared IP agreement, and that's about the extent of the public knowledge. As far as I know it relates only to the engines not the airframes. I assume that like most similar agreements it would be commercial-in-confidence.
  22. Jabba-who, You are probably asking the wrong people. I doubt that even Oscar knows all the details of the IP agreement that Jabiru and CAMit have, and even if he was full bottle it would be irresponsible of him to share those details here. You should seek enlightenment from Rod Stiff or Ian Bent not from us lesser folk.
  23. Do I understand you to imply that CASA had less experience and technical knowledge than the people they were writing the rules for? That wouldn't be the case today. Surely!
  24. Well if it was to be one of those "If you could invite anyone to your dinner party, who would you ask" kind of do's, I'd quite like to have Spencer Ferrier, Ian Bent, Allan Kerr and Dafydd Llewellyn to dinner.
  25. More to the point, the poor attention to detail that the drafter(s) of the new instrument paid to their own CASA Jabiru Engine Reliability - Analysis Report speaks volumes of their ability to read, understand and rationally interpret the data originally demanded of them from the RAA that lead to the imposition of the original instrument. Woeful!
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