Turbs, I've been following this thread since before it was split and I've had a bit to say about my belief that representatives of the RAA board, when they post in this site, should be careful what they say. because their posts can and often will be taken as legitimate information about what the boars thinks or is planning to do. The Maj's posts about the RAA taking action behind the scenes against Jabiru was what caused me to criticise his irresponsible behaviour. If you read back you'll see I was critising his behaviour and his posts not him.
The Several folk leapt to the conclusion, falsely, that I was saying that because I took a swipe at his posts I was taking a swipe at him and saying that board members should be gagged.
I understand the subtext of the exchanges between Oscar (or Emmy, or BAFTA - at that rate he'll soon be downgraded to the raffle winner at a FNQ CWA cake night) and Merv. but I think it would be better to argue the topic rather than insult the respondent(s).
My $0.002 worth on a hot Sunday afternoon.