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Everything posted by gandalph

  1. Russ, I've been trying to back away from this since 9:25 this morning when I sent a polite note to Turbs. I think the exchange between Turbs and myself has been vigorous but polite. I certainly haven't taken offence at anything he's said here today and I would hope that he hasn't been too upset with anything I've said to him. But as I said in that post, (#102) maybe I should have contacted Turbs privately and then I would not have woken the crowd in the stadium , but some others seem to want to continue to try and dowse me with their stream. Must be the weather! Glad you've been enjoying the exchanges - help is on the way!
  2. RAA Board? no. Do I need to have been on the board to comment on acceptable behaviour of Board members? Do I need to be a "well-known member " to make critical comment here?
  3. Steve, I wasn't suggesting that you were a board member and so my comments about the responsibilities of board members here were not directed at you. Sorry if you thought they were. My friends call me Chuck, or Chuckles. Take your pick
  4. Dear Mr or Ms. rankamateur, I am truly tickled by the irony of your suggestion . Regards Gandalph
  5. Ah Turbs! You presume too much. I understood it quite well. But that aside, I still think it's more productive to argue the issues rather than exchange insults with respondents.
  6. What purpose would that serve other than to re-ignite the debate? If people want to see the genesis of this thread they can backtrack if they feel it's worth the effort. Not sure that I do. If an RAA rep, either a board member or other, pops up here and makes what I believe to make an unsubstantiated claim or statement then I'll probably have another say, but until then I'll leave it be. I don't plan to pick a fight with you Turbs, I just thought your "coat tail" epithet was below you... EOS.
  7. Turbs, I've been following this thread since before it was split and I've had a bit to say about my belief that representatives of the RAA board, when they post in this site, should be careful what they say. because their posts can and often will be taken as legitimate information about what the boars thinks or is planning to do. The Maj's posts about the RAA taking action behind the scenes against Jabiru was what caused me to criticise his irresponsible behaviour. If you read back you'll see I was critising his behaviour and his posts not him. The Several folk leapt to the conclusion, falsely, that I was saying that because I took a swipe at his posts I was taking a swipe at him and saying that board members should be gagged. I understand the subtext of the exchanges between Oscar (or Emmy, or BAFTA - at that rate he'll soon be downgraded to the raffle winner at a FNQ CWA cake night) and Merv. but I think it would be better to argue the topic rather than insult the respondent(s). My $0.002 worth on a hot Sunday afternoon.
  8. Nice compilation Nick
  9. Turbs, you've come in for a fair share of criticism over the few years I've been a member and while I've not always agreed with what you say on this site I have always thought that your responses were mostlty rational and pretty well thought out. I think you have kept the standard of debate pretty high. Until now. Your comment in post 101 is out of character. It is uncalled for, petty and offensive. It, sadly, says more about you than your target. Perhaps I should have put this in a private conversation with you rather than wave my cape at the bulls in the arena but I didn't want to intrude on your privacy. Regards
  10. Hi Raz, Welcome aboard. Be sure to keep us informed of your progress.
  11. Stop teasing !
  12. Merv, Merv, MERV! What about me? I feel left out. Was it something I said???
  13. Merv, Have a Snickers. You're not yourself when your blood sugar's down:cheezy grin:
  14. Done that. Quite comfortable with them, thanks.
  15. I have been following that thread and I am very concerned that someone ( not sure who) is either seriously mis-informed or is telling porkies. Either way it's not acceptable and I share your anger.
  16. Yes, I do have a dog in this fight. I own a Jabiru and I've got a fair few dollars invested. I don't believe the Jab engine is the bees knees but I did do a lot of research before I made the decision to purchase and I'm going with a lot of CAMit's mods because my research shows that they will improve the reliability of my engine. I'm not happy when someone is spreading rumours in this or other public forums that may adversely affect my investment. When that person is a Board member his "opinions" tend to carry more weight and all I ask is that they be backed by fact. I don't believe that is the case with the Maj on the subject of Jabiru's. His posts here show a distinct bias against Jabiru. In a member of the public posting here, that's ok. but when a Board member posts with a bias then that's not acceptable. That's my opinion. If that's bashing the Maj then that's unfortunate. The solution rests with him.
  17. Thank you for your suggestion Windsor, but I think not. While ever he continues to talk rubbish as a board member, I'll continue to challenge him. Sorry if that's inconvenient for you.
  18. Sorry to keep re-stating the bleeding obvious. It's not just "the opinion of a man with an opinion" it's the opinion of a representative of the Board of the RAA. Maybe the Maj is not accurately reporting the actions of the Board. If that's the case he should keep quiet but that leads us back to my contention that he and all board members should make sure their "opinions" are backed by facts not fantasy or wishful thinking. As for Oscar's comment. I don't think he's playing a game of semantics I think he, like me, thinks the issue of Board responsibility is a lot more important than that. It's not semantics it's fact The point I'm trying to make Doc, is that you and I can voice our opinions , whether they be informed or otherwise, in this forum and they are just that: opinions. But when a Board member posts here they speak as a Board member. What part of that remains unclear to you?
  19. Merv, Was that "senior RAA Person" an employee or a board member?
  20. Sorry Doc, it is right. It may not be fair, but when he or any other Board member speaks in public on aviation related matters, he speaks as a representative of the Board, and he needs to temper his opinions appropriately. My gripe is that he either hasn't seemed to grasp that important fact or he chooses to ignore it. If it's the first, then that's unfortunate. If it's the second then it's reprehensible and I will do what I can to have him and any other loose cannons on the Board gagged until they learn to behave responsibly.
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