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Everything posted by gandalph

  1. FT, The AGM is scheduled for this coming September and nominations for board members will be called before then. You seem to have strong views on how the RAA should be run (you seem to have strong views on most things), so maybe it's time you stopped just talking the talk and started walking the walk and nominated for a position on the board. You're pretty well known around the traps so you shouldn't need to do too much campaigning. I'm sure all your supporters would back you and it'll be interesting to see how many votes you get.... Step up to the plate and show us what you're really made of. Prove to the doubters that there's more to you than we see here and that you can be a positive influence.
  2. Oh Nev Now that is a funny suggestion. FT putting his money where his mouth is? He'd need to get his feet out first.
  3. I wonder why Russ got a warning shot across his bows for his post but Nong didn't?
  4. DWF, You may be right about "constitution fatigue" but I am perhaps more optimistic than you in that I think, considering remarks made by the Chairman at yesterday's meeting, that the Board is very keen to get it fine tuned and operating to most members satisfaction. The mechanism for members to promote amendments remains the same so there should be the same opportunities for members to continue to put forward ideas and proposals for change. Embracing change is always discomforting and sometimes dangerous. I'm confident that this time it's merely discomforting. Time will tell I was saddened to hear that your namesake has stepped down as Treasurer. Losing his experience and skill at this time could be a challenge for the Board but Don assured me that his replacement is exactly the kind of person with the right skill set and mind set that the Board needs to take on the position. I hope Don R takes a short breather to recharge and then considers renominating for a board position at the AGM in September.
  5. DWF, Isn't that what's happening?
  6. Just reviewed the meeting tape & the CEO's report has the Membership down from 9700 to 8500. My mistake! In my defence I did say "If I recall correctly" and clearly I didn't. That's what age and an insistent bladder does to ones ability to retain detail!
  7. It would be interesting to do some research on total votes cast (as a percentage of members) over they he life of theAssociation. My impression, not backed by data I hasten to add, is that today's vote was the highest recorded thus far. While some people may remain unhappy with the result the mechanism for change remains the same: put firwars a motion or generate enough support for a special general meeting. Or we could see how the new arrangement goes until the next AGM in Sept of this year. I'm happy to wait a bit and see. BTW. If I recall thefigures correctly, current membership is at 9700 not 8000. Not sure where Kasper got the 8000 figure from.
  8. To carry your dining analogy forward I'd suggest that you decide what you want to eat then you choose restaurant. Having done that, you trust the kitchen staff to prepare the meal you've chosen. I think the membership chose what they wanted way back at the Queanbeyan special meeting. They then chose (elected) the chefs. The Chefs took the extraordinary step of holding meetings around the country asking how members wanted the meal cooked and what ingredients they wanted included. They even sent out a series of newsletters to all potential customers explaining what was going into the meal and the way is was being prepared. Now as the meal is about to be served the critics from the Michelin guide arrive and complain that it's not how they'd do it and that everyone should have had a hand in the cooking. You know what they say about too many cooks.....
  9. A very enlightening post Dutch. Thank you! I'm sure I speak for all when I say we are VERY glad that you came back to tell us about it. And personally, it is so re-assuring to be reminded that making simple mistakes is not the sole territory of mugs like me.
  10. A: Factually WRONG. (Surprise!) B: Unfounded speculation AND an unwarranted personal attack on a respected contributor C: see B above. Ian. This is the second time FT has made these unfounded slights and personal attacks on Don's ethics his character and his motives. I know Don won't complain so I will on his behalf. I know it's still Moratorium May but I thought personal attacks were frowned upon by you and the Mods. Why have you allowed this rubbish to remain on the site? Or is that a rhetorical question? Rubbish like his devalues both the arguments put forward by reasonable members on both sides of the debate and the site. What a shame.
  11. I didn't think it was funny either Geoff, that's what prompted the post.
  12. The editorialising is beginning to make the Murdoch press seem reasonable and unbiased
  13. I think the answer to that questions would have to be "Because he could". Try making that in Australia. The Nannies would have fits
  14. !!!!!!!
  15. Well if the he's a QA dog and he gives you a bunt in the berries then he's obviously telling you you're doing it wrong. You should hire him out!
  16. PROXIES I will be attending the AGM. If anyone wants to load me up with proxies I'm happy to oblige.
  17. Before May 14th?
  18. I agree Turbs! (That doesn't happen very often, best put a mark on your calendar! ) And I think the Association, under the current management, is achieving or at the very least striving towards achieving those 4 critical goals.
  19. I'm not sure they still make holes that big.....
  20. Careful there Turbs, mean minded folk could think you were being mischievous rather than just distracted.
  21. Don! 12.26am!! GET SOME SLEEP !
  22. Off topic just a bit Kasper, did you get your rego mess sorted?
  23. How many members do you say haven't been listened to? 6, 7 or maybe even a dozen? Out of how many????? Time for a reality check
  24. Turbs, you've used the first person plural pronoun WE in several of your posts in this thread implying that you are in fact a member of the Recreational Aviation Association Australia. I have seen several posts that suggest otherwise, and I believe I may have implied recently that you were not a member. If I was wrong I apologise. Would you care to clarify this point for us?
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