Pre-approved or pre-discussed?
I don't see how the directors could pre-approve something without a holding formal vote on the matter. However I sincerely hope that Directors would receive, well in advance of any meeting, comprehensive briefings on proposals to be put to the Board and I would hope that Directors would discuss those briefings amongst themselves well in advance of the Board meeting so as to allow them to make a well informed and reasoned decision. Heavens! they might even use that time to canvass opinions from the membership if the sensitivity of the matter allows. To arrive at a meeting and be confronted with an agenda of items to discuss without allowing prior cogitation would be very poor practice and would reflect very badly on the CEO and administrative staff.
You are correct, the membership might elect a bunch of rogues and vagabonds, fools or ego-trippers, but given the minuscule perks of office offered to candidates, we are not likely to attract the treasure hunters to the executive. The fools and ego-trippers could be another problem entirely.
Note to all: I am NOT pointing the finger at any Board members, past, present, or presumptive future nominees when I speak of rogues, vagabonds, fools or ego-trippers.