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Everything posted by djpacro

  1. Land and Land Ownership | Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping "Apart from these and other similar statutory exceptions, the surface owner does own the airspace above their land in the sense that, subject to building regulations, they are fully entitled to extend their occupation of the air, for example, by building high-rise developments. However, judgements in recent cases are interpreted to mean that an owner's rights extend only as far as is necessary for the ordinary use and enjoyment of their land."
  2. Hopefully some-one can help you with that. CASA flight school Operations Manuals generally have the specific base(s) identified, even those of us who have one of the new-fangled Become a single-person instructor flight training operation | Civil Aviation Safety Authority - however, I see provision for a temporary Flight training locations | Civil Aviation Safety Authority (educating myself here). Unfortunately, CASA's website does not help finding Part 141 flight schools. My suggestion: look more widely than this website. Perhaps approach some flight schools directly. It is going to need an experienced instructor with the appropriate authorisations to do it all.
  3. Not going to get approved for a "FACTORY BUILT TYPE ACCEPTED 95.55", especially an LSA. You'd need to prove compliance with the ASTM specification.
  4. and doing "it", the approval of a change, "right" for a "factory built type accepted" aircraft, especially an LSA is where all the work is
  5. Perhaps there is a factory option and an associated flight manual supplement? I believe that you have a 24 series registration "FACTORY BUILT TYPE ACCEPTED 95.55" which obliges you to follow specific rules about any modifications to the aeroplane OR .... not.
  6. Not necessarily. My POH for the Sportstar states "Minimum weight of crew ... 55 kg". It is not the only aeroplane where the loading system requires ballast with petite pilots. Yes, I think that you have it right too. But I'm a "has been", of course. Weight Control Authority for about 40 years.
  7. I've been through that. I found an appropriate POH and Maintenance Manual - the latter has the moment arms same as you stated. Your spreadsheet seems fine to me. My wife and I total about 150 kg and she would want to take more luggage than the 15 kg max of the Sportstar. Lucky, we have a different type. Max baggage is 15 kg and max fuel is 65 litres regardless of balance.
  8. Which model of the Sportstar? The POH for the Sportstar Max that I grabbed from online is different. It has fuel arm of 26.75 in (679 mm) and baggage arm of 43.65 in (1083 mm) assuming my arithmetic is correct! Crew moment arm is also different from your spreadsheet - 545 vs 500 mm. Suggestion: to check your spreadsheet use the example given in the POH. And ignore those who say use different datums etc, just follow the POH and the TCDS.
  9. Not quite right - see the USA FAA guide (CASA is similar - they require proof of no side effects) Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners | Federal Aviation Administration
  10. Even more ridiculous with the correct interpretation of the rules. Take a look at websites for Essendon and Moorabbin airports, for example - ring them up and ask.
  11. The regulation is very short with simple words and phrases. "a person in the airside security zone of a security controlled airport must properly display a valid red ASIC" It does not state that "a person in the airside security zone and not in an aircraft ..." How do I know? Back when I had an AVID not an ASIC I regularly (but not frequently) took students into Essendon Airport - fly in, land, taxi around and takeoff again without getting out of the aeroplane. Only passengers may be escorted. There is provision for special events at an airfield where less onerous processes may be implemented.
  12. Any news on the manufacture of these? I have a tailwheel one and I need a new spring at least, perhaps the whole unit.
  13. nope.
  14. What people do, or get away with, and the rules are two different things. Being inside an aircraft on the ground does not remove the requirement for an ASIC.
  15. The system has nil provision for anyone, without an ASIC, who has a need to go to a security-controlled airport once or twice a year. An AVID is only relevant to a Part 61 licence holder who never needs to go to a security-controlled airport due to the requirement for a licence holder to undergo a security check.
  16. No special tests required, in general, for a Class 2, regardless of age.
  17. https://www.aviation.govt.nz/assets/publications/gaps/caa-gap-weight-and-balance-october-2023-web.pdf A bit more comprehensive from the USA: https://www.faa.gov/sites/faa.gov/files/2023-09/Weight_Balance_Handbook.pdf CASA here still has this obsolete document as the current advice: https://www.casa.gov.au/sites/default/files/2021-09/weight_control.pdf 50 years old and some things have changed with the way CASA requires us to deal with the subject.
  18. Private pilots may be paid for some flying activities. Some commercial activities may be undertaken on a Class 2 medical. If you can't work it out by spending many hours looking through the regulations then I suggest that you ask CASA - they respond well to questions like this from a form on their website. Contact us | Civil Aviation Safety Authority
  19. My Graduate Aerobatic Scholarship is also open to applications until 18th January. Graduate Aerobatic Scholarship | Ozaeros
  20. Doesn't indicate that to me. May be because she knew some of the young people killed recently. Maybe because I have read statements she has made in total rather than edited by a journalist. And I am familiar with the business she is promoting. RAA is developing their training program further as are some GA flight schools. The CASA Part 61 MOS is quite sensible but it is not a syllabus. I was recently disappointed to hear of one flight school where most of their instructors admitted to ignoring most of the Part 61 MOS elements about stall training - teaching to pass a test rather than teach to demonstrate competency per the MOS. Seems to me a direct correlation between the typical flight training syllabus and the single biggest cause of fatal GA accidents.
  21. I guess there are more like us who ask CASA the meaning of stuff. Yes, the first draft was worse, it required all aircraft to have strobes or beacons.
  22. Good, however I don't see that bit about poor visibility in the current MOS?
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