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Everything posted by damoski

  1. Heh. I know Dean, I learnt to fly out of Damyns Hall in E London, where he's based. Before that, he built an Eindecker. I haven't been there for ages, so suspect he's building something even wackier now.
  2. Thanks all. TP: I did have a written statement from the insurer saying that they would cover me for RA flying; it did seem to be a nonstandard request, however.
  3. This thread raised a question in my mind about life insurance. When I had my first child in 2012, I checked with my super provider if their life insurance covered the more 'interesting' things that I liked to enjoy - ultralight flying, motorbiking, etc. For ultralights, they confirmed in writing that yes, it was covered. I wonder if the ruling mentioned in the SMH changes that. They classified any recreational flying as an 'obvious risk', and that it's inherently dangerous. Although the case notes focus on a different aspect of this case, that the plaintiff's claim that the pilot turning back earlier would have prevented injury was invalid, it might also provide material that microlighting is proven as a dangerous sport, and therefore not covered by normal insurance or life cover. Is anyone else covered by their standard life cover / insurance? Thanks, Damo
  4. We sorely wanted, and planned, to fly up from Sydney basin. booked leave for Friday, hotel, etc. We watched wx all week, but then decided finally on Thursday morning for a No Go. Looking at the glorious blue sky on Friday morning, I didn't chastise myself too much. We had lots of excuses around issues taking off on a soggy airfield fully loaded, and possible boggy airfields enroute in the event we needed one for an out landing, but the key reason was possible rain on the way back and the need to be back at work Monday morning. So - I'll check the weather reports during Sunday in an act of self education/flagellation. At the end of the day, we were on the ground wishing we were in the air, rather than the other way round, and that means there'll be a next time.
  5. Hi folks, I did this 4 years ago with an NPPL(M). I wrote to the Ops manager at the time, and had it confirmed that I just needed a check flight by friendly CFI here, which I duly did, had my UK logbook signed off, and then sent in for my RPC with the medical. No GST, no exam. Not sure if/how that would work to the RPL these days. D
  6. I didn't see the aircraft going in, but did see the earlier part of the display - including some very steep banks at relatively low speeds that I led me to comment to someone "I wouldn't do that in these conditions if I were him"
  7. My main reason is to fly with 3-4 PAX, so medical and ASIC are givens, whether I do RPL or PPL.
  8. Yep David, I read elsewhere that this is the same for RAA. ie. If you are not a current PPL pilot and/or member of RAA, then you cannot hold an ASIC with that relevant body. Each is responsible for monitoring currency of holders. Under that argument, I'm inclined to get one with RAA, since I'm more likely to do most of my flying and maintain currency with them. Thanks all D
  9. Yep - that was my concern. So I have: - Wait to complete medical (hopefully 1-2 weeks), then apply for ASIC, or - Apply via RAA for ASIC, but not be able to solo or apply for RPL until it arrives Seems simpler to wait and go with CASA all the way. D
  10. Hi all, I'm thinking of training for a PPL, so need an ASIC. However, since I'm still waiting for my medical, and am about to go abroad in 3 weeks, I was thinking of applying for an RAAus ASIC to get the process moving, otherwise it could be 3 months before I take receipt of one. I'm aware I can commence training before I receive the ASIC, as long as applied for. I'm also aware I need to maintain RAA membership to maintain my ASIC. Neither should be an issue. Anyone know: - Can I commence PPL training with an ASIC in process with RAA? Will the school accept that? - What current processing times are? Are all CASA at the EOFY sales? Thanks! Damo
  11. I also went up. I found that going through a full spin for the first time was a valuable experience - something I'd otherwise (hopefully) never experience in RA, but at least gave me an understanding of what to expect, and also how much height it takes to get out of them!
  12. Hi Flyerme, I had a UK NPPL(M) for microlights, and was in the same situation. I emailed whoever was the Ops Manager at the time, and they confirmed I needed to be checked out by a school, and then could be issued a pilot certificate - effectively a BFR. No need to retake exams, although my school (wisely, I would say) insisted that I retake Nav, so he may be limited to 25nm. Depends on the CFI, it seems. The trick is how long the cert takes to be issued once he qualifies, versus his time in-country! D
  13. Just an observation, but has anyone else received malware warnings when trying to open the Flight Safety Briefing e-magazine? Google Chrome warns me that the site has hosted malware in the past, and it seems to resolve this down to casa.grapevine.com.au, so it appears to be the CASA-specific microsite. What happened when Google visited this site? Of the 5 pages we tested on the site over the past 90 days, 5 page(s) resulted in malicious software being downloaded and installed without user consent. The last time Google visited this site was on 2013-05-26, and the last time suspicious content was found on this site was on 2013-05-26. Malicious software is hosted on 1 domain(s), including noveltyship.com [hyperlink removed] This site was hosted on 1 network(s) including [/url]AS7718 (TRANSACT) . I've not tried to open it, for now, as a result - often these things are resolved - but I would have expected someone else to see this. I assume Grapevine is CASA's distribution provider, and not just a well-crafted malware site.
  14. I occasionally use a couple of apps for self-tracking and sharing my location when flying - Glympse and MapmyTracks. Although no substitute for proper aviation emergency beacons, it's reassuring to know that a friend or family member can look up my last logged location/track, and perhaps derive history/intent as well. We also have the capability to use "Find my iPhone" by having a share iTunes account. Perhaps OzRunways and AvPlan should add a location-sharing feature. They're always on, powering GPS and exchanging data anyway.
  15. Too late to add my 2c? I use North up - I find I need fewer mental gymnastics to account for the aircraft heading with relation to north, than to have Track up but then think through next headings, landmarks, runway orientation and circuit joining, etc in relation to my Track and the bearing. I also find it quicker to give my location or check my location relation to radio calls, and to get my "navigation head" back on much faster, if the map is North Up to start with.
  16. Hi all, Just wanted to say thanks - we flew to Moruya and routed directly over Nowra on the way there; made a refreshing change. I did call the number mentioned above, the number in the ERSA, and the mobile number - left voicemail on all, no response on any. In the end I called Sydney, who referred me to Melbourne, who confirmed the CTR was deactivated... but we flew at 2,500ft anyway. :-) And we even dropped into Jaspers' :-) D
  17. Thanks Sue, Poteroo, It's what I suspected, but you don't know until you ask, so thanks for clarifying that. I guess the main opportunity I saw, which turns out from Sue's reply to have been closed out, was to reclaim personal salary income tax against expenses of operating the aircraft as an investment. ie. "I've bought this plane share as an investment, but it's at best a break-even one", or rather - "if I'm going to indulge in an expensive hobby, then perhaps the taxman will indulge with me". My fallback position, is that rather than incur the huge expense of owning (or sharing) and operating an aircraft myself, then it would be cheaper to share it with a syndicate, and then rent it to a club to ensure consistent use and maintenance. Again, I was hoping to also share some costs with the taxman - but again, since the club is nonprofit and so am I, there's nothing to offset expenses against in the first place. Damo
  18. I went out for a run just now, which is always dangerous, as when left with nothing to do but admire the scenery, my mind tends to go off on its own and come back with 'interesting' ideas. I haven't fully thought this scenario through, but was wondering whether there's any benefit in it: Let's say I have some capital to invest, and pay a reasonable amount of income tax in my job. I'm also a member of a non-profit flying club, which has a few aircraft. I'd like an aircraft of my own, but could never justify the cost or expense of owning and maintaining it myself. Would there be any merits in: Joining a syndicate in buying an aircraft Perhaps forming a company to hold it as an asset Renting it out to the club at market rates When I say 'merits', I'm thinking in terms of: Somehow leveraging some kind of negative gearing - in a sense, getting tax back to finance club (or my) flying Obtaining an additional aircraft for our club, and getting some more varied flying that we might not otherwise do Is anyone doing this? Are there any benefits, and what are the pitfalls? D
  19. Thanks for the heads-up, -merv! That's a good point on Jaspers - I tried a couple of times early last year, but unfortunately wasn't in an amphib. =;-) Currently tossing up between going S or W from YOAS, but will decide in the morning... D
  20. Awesome - thanks Ultralights!
  21. Hi all, I was thinking of transiting airspace near Nowra over the Christmas period - maybe 27-29th December. I'll be in a RA-Aus Non-Transponder A/C on a Recreational Certificate. I've run all the R420- zones through NAIPS for up to 112hrs ahead, and they all show deactivated - so I assume they're off to the beach. However, NAIPS warns this does not cover the Nowra CTR. I can't find anything that does inform whether the CTR can/would be deactivated. My defaulting at the moment is that it would not be (since it would be de-activated explictly by NOTAM?), and perhaps I should call Sydney Center or Melbourne Center on the day and ask. Does anyone know what Nowra does over this period? Even if the CTR is active, it looks like I could skirt it through R450-/R452/R453 (all are deactivated) and stay feet dry - is there a reason I can't do that? Interestingly, Richmond also shows deactivated...? Thanks! Damo
  22. Hi guys, While very concerned about the turmoil in the RAA right now, I've been out of the loop and trying hard to play catch-up on everything going on. I would be very interested in attending the GM, but again can't justify the time and expense to visit Canberra. Rather than talk about laptops and webcams, how much would it cost to engage a professional company to webcast the whole event. I assume not cheap - perhaps $3000-4000? But compared to the issues we're facing at present, this could prove inexpensive in the long run. I presume there are companies or venues that handle everything from bandwidth to AV to web clients to voter registration and voting handling - or better still, a venue where all of this is available pre-set, reliable and on-tap, within a packaged rate? I've attended amateur webcasts in the past - and even the best amateurs lead to an event where glitches, poor audio, etc. just lose people's interests, and you can see the attendees dropping off the webcast within minutes. They never work. Perhaps a vote on these forums, or somewhere publically accessible with a posting on the RAAus website, to establish a sense of attendance on this kind of approach, followed by a decision on whether to go ahead? I also agree with paying a little more in membership for staff fees and better governance, than what we are going through at the moment. My current membership fees would pale into insignificance against a large number of $150 flying hours, or certification costs, or not being able to fly at all, because of a less beneficial regulatory regime. D
  23. That's a fair point John. I'd always rather just sit the hours' training and firm up a few things, rather than sit the GFT again... Although the two flights are similar in intended outcome (checked, safe pilot), I feel I would have a lot more to prove in the GFT than the check flight, and the examiner would also be far more stringent. D
  24. Hi, I find myself in a bit of a bind. I've just been checking on my UK NPPL(M) certification (equivalent of the RAA Certificate), and my BFR is due by 28th July 2012. I'm due to go back to the UK on 8th August, and was hoping to re-certify and get some flying over the green and pleasant land while I'm over there. (I had intended to get some done on my Christmas visit, but Christmas isn't really flying season in the UK..) However - I've just checked, and when my UK licence expires... that's it. Gone. New GFT required. There might be a way that I can keep my UK licence alive, if I post it off to a UK examiner, but am restricted to Single Seat Microlights until I can do the mandatory 1hr training. The other option, is if I can get an hours' instruction from an ex-UK instructor in NSW who still has current NPPL(M) Revalidation Examiner status, and can sign me off... A verrrrry long shot, I know, but I thought I'd ask - any recently-arrived Poms out there who can help me out? :-) Damian
  25. Thanks for the video! Yes, the flap speed is a pain - thanks to my nervousness about the fewer options on final (less power, higher stall speed, running out of control authority), I tended to keep slightly high, and then also run out of options on how to get rid of that height without gaining speed, with limited access to sideslip. I guess it just takes more practice to keep it right within the parameters all the way around the circuit.
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