Hi guys,
While very concerned about the turmoil in the RAA right now, I've been out of the loop and trying hard to play catch-up on everything going on.
I would be very interested in attending the GM, but again can't justify the time and expense to visit Canberra.
Rather than talk about laptops and webcams, how much would it cost to engage a professional company to webcast the whole event. I assume not cheap - perhaps $3000-4000? But compared to the issues we're facing at present, this could prove inexpensive in the long run. I presume there are companies or venues that handle everything from bandwidth to AV to web clients to voter registration and voting handling - or better still, a venue where all of this is available pre-set, reliable and on-tap, within a packaged rate?
I've attended amateur webcasts in the past - and even the best amateurs lead to an event where glitches, poor audio, etc. just lose people's interests, and you can see the attendees dropping off the webcast within minutes. They never work.
Perhaps a vote on these forums, or somewhere publically accessible with a posting on the RAAus website, to establish a sense of attendance on this kind of approach, followed by a decision on whether to go ahead?
I also agree with paying a little more in membership for staff fees and better governance, than what we are going through at the moment. My current membership fees would pale into insignificance against a large number of $150 flying hours, or certification costs, or not being able to fly at all, because of a less beneficial regulatory regime.