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Everything posted by damoski

  1. Given that he's overflown every large body of water he can find, I'm not sure avoiding tiger country is on his agenda :-) I was going to drop by Bankstown this arvo, but guess he won't be there for then. Shame. I spoke to Airport Information, and they couldn't really think of where he might taxi to, other than suggesting I go to the 'terminal' at Airport Drive?
  2. Yep, track should be passing Dubbo in half an hour or so. UK BMAA forums are still down, so no idea if he's told anyone what the plan is when he lands.
  3. Congrats mate! Amazing how much more quickly they climb when you're 1-up, isn't it? :-)
  4. Well, it looks like he's definitely not taking off today - either that, or he left the GPS Transmitter at the airfield :-) If anyone is 'on the scene' and hears/sees progress, please update us all here so that some of us can attend if possible. I was hoping to be at the airfield to see him land, which is a lot easier at the weekend, but might be able to drop by on Monday...
  5. Still nothing... Thought I might ping the BMAA forums where he's been posting, but they're down.
  6. Just checked: Nothing yet this morning; and no blog post;maybe he's planning to arrive later in the day.
  7. So - unless he makes a blog post saying he'll hang around Nyngan or have a lie-in, he should arrive at Bankstown around 12-2pm tomorrow, perhaps. I'll make sure I'm there. Not sure how or where to welcome him though - you could end up on the wrong side of the airport easily enough.
  8. Fantastic - thanks Sue!
  9. I've just tried to predict Dave's arrival date; I've been trying to keep next week free so I can head over and see him come in, but have a 2-day meeting in NZ, so am trying to arrange it so that I can be in Sydney :-) [update: I completely misread the map earlier] It looks like it could be: So far: Darwin to Tindal, Renner springs, Barkly Hornest, Cloncurry, Barcaldine, Fri pm Charleville, Nyngen, Sat Dubbo, Somersby, Sydney Bankstown Sun? Newcastle There's a low over the eastern coast for most of the week, although I doubt that'll pose much trouble for him! Any thoughts? Anyone else going to Bankstown? :-) Actually... anyone know how well-wishers could get airside to see him come in, at Bankstown? D
  10. Thanks guys. I think I need to get my X-country out of the way and take her to see some sights that are only possible from 3,000ft... maybe a dawn over the bush, a bit of whale-watching... any suggestions for the Sydney area?
  11. Yep, I just read your post after writing my own. Congrats to you too :)
  12. Well, after around a year (very on and off) of procrastination, I finally took up my first 'real' passenger - my wife. I've had a PAX endorsement for 2 weeks now here in Oz, and I've been PAX endorsed for 12 months in the UK, but had still been perfecting my approach to our small farm strip over a tree, and had wanted to get that right before taking anyone up. Anyway - The Oaks are very different, and as it turned out, conditions were perfect - bright sunshine, some scattered small cumulus at 3500, cool and completely stable air, a front over the ocean that held off, and a friendly and relaxed bunch at the airfield to help put her in the right frame of mind. I had debated going for a practice first, but felt confident, so I briefed her, particularly about how squirrelly an ultralight can feel on takeoff, and off we went. The take-off was uneventful, but as I expected, she did get nervous with the acceleration and climb-out of takeoff. Once we were up at 2,000 in smooth air, and she could get a look at Lake Burragorang and surrounding tiger country, she was happier. We headed north to Penrith past the Warragamba Dam, and up to the start of the Blue Mountains, and finally, she understood What It's All About :-) We loitered for a bit and took some photos and video, then headed back. Landing, again, was a doddle and one of my better ones, and we exited the runway almost adjacent to the parking spot. She has talked to some of the other pilot's wives, and it turns out I'm pretty lucky to get such a positive reaction from her; some have taken years to fly with their partners, or only few once :-) . Mind you, I didn't push the stick forward and scream, or pull a 60' bank, or fly into turbulence on her first flight, so I'm probably ahead there :-) She's now telling all her friends about how great it was, if a little scary, and I have a few more victims enthusiasts wanting to come up. And - hopefully - she didn't dislike it enough for me to seriously look into getting a syndicate share for some 2-up touring.... D
  13. So I guess he could make Sydney the start of next week? I'll have to be sure to take the day off and go down to Bankstown!
  14. I actually tried these on Sunday, but the links were down; I was about to ask for suggestions for alternatives, but just seen it's back up again. Phew :-)
  15. BTW Evan - what GPS logging app do you use? Looks pretty accurate. I use MapMyTracks, but the fix can be variable..
  16. Congrats Evan! I did the same last weekend - hopefully getting my licence in time to take my wife up next weekend! Which begs the question... any advice from anyone on taking your wife up (or any non-pilot pax) for the first time? I know what was in the test, of course. But anything else? I guess, try to avoid a turbulent day the first time... Fly smooth... Pick something interesting to fly over... Don't argue over directions... :big_grin:
  17. Great! Thanks!
  18. Still on the ground. I wonder if he would be up for a Diamond Colibri - only 20 holders in the world in 21 years, including two guys who I think did the first round-the-world in a Microlight. He'd certainly be up there, but apparently you have to have the Silver award before being nominated. Speaking of which - apparently one of the other holders, Brian Milton, left his London-Sydney microlight in Sydney airport. Does anyone know where??
  19. Thanks guys! RAA Pilot licence received, and it sounds like I might get a Navex trial-by-fire on Monday to get the Nav endorsement... :thumb_up:
  20. I do go and check it from time to time - well, most of the time I do it eagerly, but sometimes I get busy and leave it for a while. I suggested on the BMAA forums about Dave having some kind of push updates (RSS, Twitter, etc), but there doesn't seem to be anything. Anyway, he's flying through Mynamar / Burma. 4-5 hours' sleep a night, multiple transponder failures, landing a flexwing in 40kt gusts.. There'd better bloody well be a doco...
  21. Crossed Saudi and due to leave Oman shortly
  22. Thanks mate! I'm thinking maybe amphibious certification next!
  23. Ok, passed my certification flight with the CFI yesterday - application is in the, um, fax. Next is Passenger and Nav (already UK certified, so hopefully also quick), and then I need to do some real flying :-)
  24. You're right, it's Egypt. And I assume he's forgotten to take the sat-GPS out of his pocket. Either that, or he's currently overflying central Cairo. BTW, recent news interview in Malta; interesting to see the wheelchair wheels mounted on the trike.
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