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Paul Cox

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Everything posted by Paul Cox

  1. Hi Turbo I was "NOT" over weight as I told the ASTB but they would not listen so I used their own figures against them and proved with the flight over I burnt the 2 kg of fuel anyway. The ATSB just didn’t listen. Do the math yourself and work it out. They are wrong! And as I have said all along the plane didn’t falter. The pilot stuffed up the landing. (Who hasn’t at some point?) And the reason the pilot drifted to the left was because he was low and that section had none of the pollarded trees and open clear sky albeit overcast and with a silver Ferris wheel that blended into the background and a nose high attitude the plane was headed for open sky.
  2. Thanks Matty Still flying albeit a lot wiser now.
  3. Thanks Alan but I dont think so.!
  4. Sierra 7634 came out of the paint shop late friday and looks great. The motor was completely replaced with a new 2200 Jab. The old motor is still sitting on the bench. Should be flying next week.
  5. Hey Kevin. I was going to send you some Sierra rebuild pictures but there already here.
  6. The responsibility of the pilot is to fulfill the dreams of our earthbound ancestors who could only stare skyward and wish.
  7. Hi David Yes legally I cant comment on anything that happened at the interview. ATS had me sign a legal document to that end. Just briefly I have been through everything a 1000 times since the accident and believe a bad landing yes and an aborted landing but everything from the time I aborted was text book and I dont think i did anything wrong from that point. I was in a nose up attitude, as stated in the news interviews straight after the accident and neither myself nor my passenger saw a thing until the bang. From my persective I had nothing but clear skys in front of me and I was out of there. - Gary Morgan and Tim Morgan his son were there at the time watching the whole thing. Gary Morgan his wife Chris and Tim Morgan his son stayed the whole time at the accident giving moral support. They have all kept in close contact with me ever since offering what ever moral support they could. I feel for everyone involved no matter how distant they were to this including sideshow people guests at the show the poor children that were in the cage above. When you hear a child crying just above you for his mother and its because of what I had done and there was nothing I could do but listen to him cry puts a knot in your chest. _ Any suggestions I can give to help from this. Dont just look when at a strange runway. "Examine" Overfly the runway not just to check the windsock amd runway but "everything" Look hard because in photos you can see the ferris wheel from the runway but in a nose up attitude travelling at speed in a low wing you see nothing but open sky. If I knew that ferris wheel was there I could have avoided it by a slight adjustment.
  8. Thanks Kevin Great to hear from you. Thanks for the comment Some of the $#*% on here isnt worth reading. People really have no idea what really happened and what it’s like to survive something like that (and the potential and lives it could have affected) Then to judge on speculation before the facts are out are just plain nasty. I sat with the ATS and RAA inspectors today going over every aspect and they examined everything that happened from 3 days prior to the accident up until 5 minutes after the accident. (They were extremely thorough) - As a footnote the passenger I had with me approached Gary today asking if he could learn to fly in one of Gary’s planes. (I think that says a lot just there) Pilot in command Paul Cox
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