No thank you, we have more than our fair share over here at the moment. This is exactly what I'm talking about. If you have the money you can get anything you want. There is no common sense left at the top.
Meanwhile an Australian who has thousands of hours experience is fighting to keep his licence because of a minor medical condition.
Forget about the basic English exams. These guys pay and pay well. Keeps everyone in a job at the department.
We need to quickly get this industry back in the skies flying. The government has just handed a life line to regional carriers. They need to consider more support measures. Let's not see the governing body now come out and police with new regulations to support their own positions.
We could see regional carriers quickly carrying out emergency work. Expediting medical relief and food stocking. The way it worked back in the 60s and 70s.
Now is the time for growth in this industry. Not regulation. More people will die of covid 19 today than aviation related deaths.
I maybe playing the devils advocate here.
With the demise of our industry we will see the collapse of the government run department. If there is one positive out of this, it could be a more simple and common sense approach to create growth and stimulus. There is no place for the red tape and high wages this department created for itself.
stand them down as the rest of the industry has been stood down. These people will only hinder the start up of the industry.
I was only there a few weeks ago. I used leigh creek frequently when commuting a few years back. Not an easy strip with hills all around, even to the north there is a slight rise. At the start of June we left YLEC and had a 50knt headwind. We decided to put down at Renmark rather than continue on into the unknown. Final destination was Hamilton Victoria. I have 600 hrs and was flying with a commercial pilot with over 2000 hrs. We were doing calculations most of the way. Easier when you have a qualified navigator. It cost us two taxi fares a room at the hotel, two meals and about ten beers.
It was a situation that we could have ended up in if we didn't make the decision to put down early.
I think the general consensus is that it's just another revenue raiser. I for one will no longer be renewing my asic card after expiry. I think most have really given up on it.
He did a great job under pressure. No fatalities on ground. This could have been far worse. No one knows the circumstances and the battle he had on his hands. Good glide slope, wings level till the end. Can't ask for anything more.
I'm in same boat, my plb (kannad xs4) just passed its battery life. Reading car 252 it does state epirb not plb but the casa ramp check has epirb/plb??
Can anyone throw any light on this situation.
Dents, scratches, hangar rash, dripping oil, moisture build up. All valuable information that piece together an incident/occurrence. I use it with notes in amalgamation with my maintanence record.
This suggests 912 injected, that's if it's the same aircraft. If it was used for training I'm sure it would have done tbo on first engine. Again it's just my opinion, no facts here. Sorry in advance if I have made an error.