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Everything posted by Suitman

  1. Jonny - What do you fly? ... from where?
  2. Welcome Rob!
  3. Welcome Mum! Peter
  4. I now use Castrol Active 2T in my 503 - after finding out the Penrite HiPer 2 stroke wasn't available in the 20l drums anymore. Had to drain the fuel tank (whilst doing a minor service incl. changing spark plugs) to ensure that there would be no problems with oil incompatibility.
  5. Or blowing the leaves off the driveway!
  6. Suitman

    Dacron testing??

    Hey Pud, did you notice that in the document it states ... "To remove more stubborn oils, use ethanol such as methylated spirits (or vodka / whisky etc). " .... I can hapily report that after NYE, I have no stubborn oils in me. Peter
  7. Welcome sp500 ... I'd love to have a toy that I could work with! Peter
  8. Welcome Dane! Let us know how you get on. Peter
  9. Welcome Bob (and d34dr00), What are you interested in? Which part of the world do you live? What are your aspirations? Peter
  10. I think that the position of the switches is wrong in the first place (where they can be accidentally knocked to "off") I would rather see them mounted on the top plate. Peter
  11. Welcome, Pali, to the best site (for wannabes, gunnabes, and needabes!). C'mon, tell us! Peter
  12. Welcome StringPuller!! Good to see another one (PPC flyer) here on the site ... Yeah, they all seem pretty good here - I really enjoy reading about other Pilot's experiences etc. That would be really good! Look forward to your input! Peter
  13. Mine is a photo a mate took of me flying my Aerochute in an "Aircraft Carrier" comp at a flyin near Avoca Vic. a couple of years ago. Peter
  14. With the Christmas decorations hanging off my parachute on the left, its making it awfully hard to take off! (Can you tell I'm bored?) Peter
  15. Welcome (Back) Ryan! What aircraft do you normally fly? Peter
  16. But he'll spend a looooooong time in hospital first ...
  17. For Powered Parachutes it (the difference) is quite significant. To "stop" - let the parachute come to rest on the ground - requires engine off before the chute lands, proper control of the chute to ensure it stays down, then you must get out of cockpit, set into wind, correct layout of the chute, (preflight check), startup, manoeuvre chute to take-off position, then go. (i.e. it is a separate flight) ... a touch and go - least two or all three wheels down, keeping parachute under control so that it is still in take-off position allowing for any cross-wind.
  18. Not Eildon, Tomo but the co-ordinates put it just north of Lismore Peter
  19. For the purposes of maintaining the PAX endorsement, do Touch and Goes count as landings? (Or do they have to be "Flights"?)
  20. I've only had a plover try to swoop me in the Aerochute because I flew too close to it's nesting site - I was at about 50ft. Hate to think what damage a wedgie could do! (Makes mental note: NEVER annoy a wedge tail eagle! )
  21. Welcome Gandalf ... Of course, we expect a few photos along the way ... Peter
  22. Ian, I just want to wish you all the best, and thank you for all your work in creating something that gives me so much pleasure to participate in. I do hope you get a good break and return well rested, knowing your caretaker team is looking after things for you. (I also wish them all the best as well!) Peter
  23. Ian, I agree with your list above and would submit the following for consideration ... Tutorials - go under the Pilot Tools tab Members - go under the Home tab Downloads - go under the Pilot Tools tab Help is the 10th item - All main menus should have access to the Help. Peter
  24. Errr, You're not married, are you Tomo ? <<thought not>>
  25. Ahh, I know THAT feeling. Don't push it, eventually she'll come round (hopefully). After 5 years, my wife is contemplating her third flight with me. The conditions have to be just perfect, and she has the advantage of time on her side. Peter
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