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Everything posted by Suitman

  1. Is that really where the brown smelly stuff hits the round twirly thing?
  2. There's someone with their head stuck in the clouds
  3. Congrats 348! Well done! Now the big question will be "Who's going to be the first pax?"
  4. *Groan* I give it
  5. Thanks for the photos David. The use of the foam as a dampener within the "springs" certainly was an inspiration. I'm going to have to play around and see if I can fashion something similar for both my GoPro cams and my digital HD video camera. Peter
  6. Good stuff, David. How did you mount the camera to minimise vibration? Peter
  7. Suitman


    Welcome Joe, Sorry I don't own a sapphire either - but enjoy the site and the characters anyway. Peter
  8. Does the bike really need joggers?
  9. Hi Alan, I don't have any further incentives for J & J, but I promised myself an electric starter & battery (instead of the Rotax 503 Pull-start) if I could lose at least the weight of the package (11 Kgs). So I made the goal 15Kgs ... and I certainly noticed the change in (increased) amount of lift and climb rate! Peter
  10. Welcome Jake (I like the name too) Keep us up to date with your training! Peter
  11. Good photo find Tomo. Boy that looks really ANGRY! Peter
  12. Thanks Turbz, will that also stop the thread appearing in the "What's New" list?
  13. Either way Rocksfly, I enjoyed the vid, (and the skill shown) - I have only had that "occur" to me once, when a freak nose-wind gust pulled me up with no roll.
  14. Win, Maybe she said "I'm not a flyin person ..." since you were getting into the CAR! Surely she wasn't indicating she didn't enjoy flying!!?? Peter
  15. Jake, I use the Aldi skiboarders protective helmet with the earflaps removed - fits beautifully around my ANR Headset earcups! (And only $20 each!) Peter
  16. Thanks Ian, for your decision and action. (I was thinking maybe I should request that a thread have a "Never bother to tell me about updates to this thread" function so I could use it for all the politically-based content recently) Well done! Peter
  17. So how close to Avgas was it?
  18. I understand, GDL. I have a qualification in Training and Assessment, but I must possess any qualification that I intend to assess. (BTW it will not, of course, allow me to conduct flight training ...) Peter
  19. I would have thought, GDL, that you should only be able to assess someone on an endorsement that you, in fact, possess. Peter
  20. Good Luck Jordan ... and Peter
  21. "Ohhhh dear, I'm sorry the inter-cockpit intercom seems to be malfunctioning - I can't hear you!"
  22. Better start working out how you are going to handle that one ... as PIC you'll ultimately be responsible for which passenger flies! (Glad it's you and not me! ) Peter
  23. A hang(ing) glider license???? Peter
  24. That Rooivalk was at the 2007 Avalon Airshow I believe - it gave us an impressive flying display! Peter
  25. Suitman


    Is anybody going to add something .... like a Corollary?
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