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Everything posted by gecko__

  1. Hey Mazda, I understand the calls are standardised but I would like to practice at home so when I'm in the air it comes naturally. I've come across Virtual Air Traffic Simulation network (VATSIM) and I've also found the Live ATC website which will help me get an idea of the different responses that come from ATC, SMC etc.
  2. Because I would like to simulate real world communications. Reading to myself is not quite the same.
  3. Hi everyone - I'm new to flight sim. I'm training in at Jandakot in an Evektor Sportstar and am looking for a home flight simulator that I can practice radio calls to SMC and ATC with in relation to the Jandakot area. Can anyone recommend a simulator and any add on's, and where I can get them from? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks, Jason
  4. It systems administrator
  5. Hi Pud, Thanks to you too. I recall going to an Airshow at Pearce Air base years ago, do you know if it still happens?
  6. Thanks for the info David, yes im a RAA member now and have just received the member pack and magazine. Is the magazine a monthly subscription?
  7. Hi everyone, I've recently started my RA-Aus Certificate training, 5 lessons down. Im training in an Evektor Sportstar in Perth. I was wondering where I could find information about aviation events in and around Perth. Thanks
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