I think the weight is a furfy (sp?) in this and that it is the usage, as said before, which is aimed at 'Recreation'.
However, as Tony said, the training of people for flying and
maintenance, and the maintenance schedules are a problem. The
'Recreational Aviation' group, in this sense is not much different to
the Old Car and Bike movements, the complexity of the equipment is
increasing rapidly, but the members capability is not increasing in
line with it.
So, based on this, I would like to see a basic flight license, for say
the 'standard' ultralight, with extra endorsements to handle more
complex/faster/etc types. This would at least ensure that the skills to
handle these aircraft are there. This is a bit like the taildragger
endorsement for tricicle undercart pilots. Also, perhaps some more
education sessions should be available for pilots maintaing their own
aircraft, rather like the SAAA, ie you built it/you maintain it, you
bought it/you get educated to maintain it.
This may leave the simple end of RAAus aircraft as is, but for the
faster/heavier/more complex would start to add some extra training to
ensure pilots understand the risks and how to mitigate them.