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Wayne T Mathews

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Everything posted by Wayne T Mathews

  1. Don't worry Turbz. You'll find it's easier to do when the tail wheel is in the right place. I almost promise...
  2. You're kidding, right? You were taught to fly tailgraggers by Bob Hoover?... WOW!!! But that'd be SERIOUS bragging rights, wouldn't it?
  3. I've known and flown with a few RAAF pilots in my time. And I'm sure there's bound to have been some who had held a commercial license before they started in the RAAF. I just don't recall any that I remember...
  4. Have I missed something? Why is the airfield location interesting in this case?
  5. Good points... But then so are these... Bottm line IMHO? As Powerin said, "I really hope they get it together and produce a trustworthy powerplant for their good, solid, no-nonsense airframe."
  6. Inflight restarts can be fraught... In RA Aus they are not normal operations, and I'm told that should it occur, an incident report is required...
  7. Pilots who teach themselves to deliberately shut down their engine in flight are taught by a fool... Don't do it!... Having said that, I agree with Motz. Under controlled conditions, with an experienced/qualified instructor, in an aircraft that is designed/rated for it, e.g. a motor glider, it is a valuable experience. But please Folks, don't do it "just for kicks"... Throwing away one's option to go around, under normal circumstances, in a normal airplane, is not smart. Nor is it "acceptable risk management"...
  8. They're good dogs them 'roo dogs. A bit of a hand full at times. But good handlers get outstanding results. I guess it's only to be expected that those who don't (perhaps even can't?) handle them, are going to say horrible/unkind things about the beasts...
  9. Yee bloody har, We'd all learn to land like a cat peeing on glass if'n we had to land with that gear, by crikey...
  10. Good morning Solomon, You don't HAVE to be an Australian citizen to join the RAAF, but it helps... As Dazza has implied, if you do the research, (and getting names right is rule #1 in any career) and if you show your recruiter you're taking the steps to get citizenship, it'll get your foot in the recruiter's door. Then as KC said, you'll still have to put in some serious effort to cross between wanting and getting, no matter which country you choose to serve. There's a lot of other young Wanna-bes out there competing with you. But it can be done, Solomon. So if it's really what you want, then go for it Young Fellah. Do the hard yards, and be a winner...
  11. I have never thought it's wise, to be worth more dead, than it is alive... Be careful of that insurance policy she wants you to take out, as an example...
  12. I've always liked the look of those tail dragger Jabs. They look like a serious airplane when they've got a tailwheel. There's nothing sissy about them...
  13. You tryin' to pick a fight, Turbz? Huh? Huh? You tryin' to pick a fight? Stand back everyone, this could get messy... Old 20s style indeed!!! I'll give you old style, you,,, you,,, you HIPPY...
  14. In an effort to say something nice about the P76, I must admit that for its day, it had a good boot.
  15. Holden vs Ford? I don't think so... Surely it's not that close... Now Mercedes vs Morris I might entertain...
  16. Your bein' norty Dazza... Ahlock's gunna hafta spank ewe (but not a holiday) if'n ewe keep cussin'.
  17. Hear hear...
  18. Another American hero, eh?... Horse stealing was a capital offence back in them there days. And he wasn't a youngster when he did it, as some would have us believe. The man was 23 years old at the time... But credit where credits due. That buntline special Wyatt carried was to hit people who annoyed him up side the head, rather than shoot them...
  19. WOW!!! One day I gotta learn how to do that too...
  20. And then there's BC's Missus... Oh Boy... But be careful who you say THAT to in Arkansas... The dueling banjos may well go into overdrive...
  21. Never forget,,, RHIP....
  22. If you're looking to get someone to do the fabric for you Pete, Nick and Greg Challner down at Murwillumbah covered my Cub back in '83 with Ceconite, and it's still in bloody good nick. No pun intended, Nick. They've been doing it for a long time, and the evidence is they do it well.
  23. And let's not forget the Frenchmen who claim to have been first too... But the fact remains, the Wright brothers are accepted and acknowledged by most as having been the first. It may not be true... But hey, Roger Bannister wasn't the first to run a mile in under four minutes either. I know that because I met this young Zulu who was telling me about his uncle, who had a friend who's brother had an encounter with a hungry lion, and he said.....
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