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Wayne T Mathews

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Everything posted by Wayne T Mathews

  1. Wow!!! Your comments Shane, were posted while I was mucking around with my previous post half done, and I didn't see them until after I'd posted mine. For a bloke who says he doesn't like confrontational, derogative, name calling language, you sure know how to use it. Forgive me for saying this, but in my opinion, people who live in glass houses, Shane, really shouldn't throw stones...
  2. Kevin trained me to be an RA Aus pilot instructor. Believe me, I know from first hand experience that he can be as subtle and soothing as a train wreck at times. As Tomo said, the man doesn't mince words. Having said that though: in my experience, so long as I listened to what he was telling me, and tried to do what he showed and told me to do, the man had the patience of Job. One of the points Kev really stresses, is that RA Aus pilots should always know where we are going to land if our engine quits. To do that, he trains us to always be selecting another emerg landing site before the one we're using now is out of range. With this technique firmly in our mind, it's easy to plan in the event of an engine failure after take off, to land straight ahead within 30 degrees of the centreline, with the wings level, until such time as another emerg landing site is selected. Kevin trains his students to verbalise this plan prior to rolling, because verbalising our plan reduces the odds of an engine failure on take off causing us to panic and attempt an impossible turn.
  3. Thank you SF... I knew David a little better through telephone conversations and personal emails, but you have so clearly described, far better than I am able to, how I and many others feel about what has happened. Vale David.
  4. Hear hear... Thank you Dexter for expressing so well what so many of us feel...
  5. We've lost a good man, Folks. A real good man...
  6. GUNNEDAH AERO CLUB FAMILY FLYING DAYS AIRCRAFT “TIF’S” & ADVENTURE FLIGHTS SATURDAY & SUNDAY - 23 & 24TH JUNE 2012 8:00 A.M. TILL 4:00 P.M. AT THE GUNNEDAH AIRPORT WEAN ROAD GUNNEDAH NSW 2380 When you go on a flight, you will see the surrounding area with a bird’s eye view and you can experience what it’s like to pilot a plane! Here’s your opportunity to see if flying is for you. You can do this and more on the weekend of 23 & 24 June 2012 at the Gunnedah Airport. Gunnedah Aero Club with support from Airborne Flights, AutoGyro Australia, Billabong Aviation, Lake Keepit Soaring Club, Maxx-G Aerobatics, Middlebrook Air Operations, Thomas Aviation, YBZ Airborne Adventures; are proud to bring this opportunity to you at the Gunnedah Airport. There will be more than 10 instructors, with their aircraft, to take you up for a “TIF” (Trial Instructional Flight) or an Adventure Flight as a passenger. Booking times are on a first come first serve basis; please contact the pilots to make an advance booking. You need to be at the airport terminal office at least 15 minutes before your flight time. There will also be availability on the weekend; just stop by and check in at the office building. Aircraft available for Training Instructional Flights (TIFs) – for advance bookings call the pilot listed: · Piper Archer or Cessna 150 ($100 - 20 min flight) Gunnedah Aero Club 0408 453 030 · Piper J3 Cub & Tecnam Sierra ($100 - 30 min flight) Wayne Mathews 0429 422 747 · Microlight Trikes ($60 for 10 min or $100 - 30 min flight) Chris Perdulovski 0428 444 868 · New Generation Auto Gyros ($100 - 30min flight or $180 - 1hr flight) Hunter Jones 0412 048 679 · Glider ($150 - 20 min flight) Ian Downes 0425 796 619 Aircraft available for Adventure/Joy flight: · Cessna 182 (3 people per flight - 10/15 min flight) Gunnedah Aero Club 0408 453 030 · Yak 52 Warbird ($299 aerobatic adventure by former Navy Fighter pilot) Dave Baddams 0402 123 363 - Amy · Stearman Open Cockpit Biplane ($299 – 30 min adventure flight) roy Thomas 0428 359 590 · Tiger Moth Open Cockpit Biplane ($199 – 30 min flight) Troy Thomas 0428 359 590 · On display; look over airplanes, antique cars, motorcycles, tractors and horse drawn carriages. There will also be an overhead aerial display on both days, kite flying on Sat (12:30 - 1pm, you need to bring a kite) and model airplane aerial displays on Sun (12:30 – 1 pm). BBQ food available from 11- 2 pm. Bring the whole family along, making it a day to remember. PITTS SPECIAL AERIAL DISPLAY in the skies over the airport at 12 Noon on both Saturday and Sunday - 23 & 24 June 2012 (sponsored by Taylor Automotive) Gold Coin Donation at the gate will go to Westpac Rescue Helicopter or Angel Flight, your choice.
  7. GUNNEDAH AERO CLUB FAMILY FLYING DAYS AIRCRAFT “TIF’S” & ADVENTURE FLIGHTS SATURDAY & SUNDAY - 23 & 24TH JUNE 2012 8:00 A.M. TILL 4:00 P.M. AT THE GUNNEDAH AIRPORT WEAN ROAD GUNNEDAH NSW 2380 When you go on a flight, you will see the surrounding area with a bird’s eye view and you can experience what it’s like to pilot a plane! Here’s your opportunity to see if flying is for you. You can do this and more on the weekend of 23 & 24 June 2012 at the Gunnedah Airport. Gunnedah Aero Club with support from Airborne Flights, AutoGyro Australia, Billabong Aviation, Lake Keepit Soaring Club, Maxx-G Aerobatics, Middlebrook Air Operations, Thomas Aviation, YBZ Airborne Adventures; are proud to bring this opportunity to you at the Gunnedah Airport. There will be more than 10 instructors, with their aircraft, to take you up for a “TIF” (Trial Instructional Flight) or an Adventure Flight as a passenger. Booking times are on a first come first serve basis; please contact the pilots to make an advance booking. You need to be at the airport terminal office at least 15 minutes before your flight time. There will also be availability on the weekend; just stop by and check in at the office building. Aircraft available for Training Instructional Flights (TIFs) – for advance bookings call the pilot listed: · Piper Archer or Cessna 150 ($100 - 20 min flight) Gunnedah Aero Club 0408 453 030 · Piper J3 Cub & Tecnam Sierra ($100 - 30 min flight) Wayne Mathews 0429 422 747 · Microlight Trikes ($60 for 10 min or $100 - 30 min flight) Chris Perdulovski 0428 444 868 · New Generation Auto Gyros ($100 - 30min flight or $180 - 1hr flight) Hunter Jones 0412 048 679 · Glider ($150 - 20 min flight) Ian Downes 0425 796 619 Aircraft available for Adventure/Joy flight: · Cessna 182 (3 people per flight - 10/15 min flight) Gunnedah Aero Club 0408 453 030 · Yak 52 Warbird ($299 aerobatic adventure by former Navy Fighter pilot) Dave Baddams 0402 123 363 - Amy · Stearman Open Cockpit Biplane ($299 – 30 min adventure flight) Troy Thomas 0428 359 590 · Tiger Moth Open Cockpit Biplane ($199 – 30 min flight) Troy Thomas 0428 359 590 · On display; look over airplanes, antique cars, motorcycles, tractors and horse drawn carriages. There will also be an overhead aerial display on both days, kite flying on Sat (12:30 - 1pm, you need to bring a kite) and model airplane aerial displays on Sun (12:30 – 1 pm). BBQ food available from 11- 2 pm. Bring the whole family along, making it a day to remember. PITTS SPECIAL AERIAL DISPLAY in the skies over the airport at 12 Noon on both Saturday and Sunday - 23 & 24 June 2012 (sponsored by Taylor Automotive) Gold Coin Donation at the gate will go to Westpac Rescue Helicopter or Angel Flight, your choice.
  8. Thanks for that Bill, I've seen heat shrink put around the spring, but I hadn't thought of putting the silastic up inside it. It'd definately look neater, and hey, it might work better too. On one engine that has been brought to me, there was no silastic on the springs. Two springs were missing, the rest were rusty, and worn where they'd been rubbing against the exhaust's attachment "hooks", causing an indentation in the "hooks" as well. It wasn't expensive to buy replacement springs from Bert Flood's, nor was it a big job to put them on. But replacing the "Hooks" on the exhaust will be a bigger job when it becomes neccessary. For the moment, I have put silastic on and am monitoring it in the hope that it'll slow down the "rubbing", and therefor the wear rate. Eventually though, I expect we're going to have to take the exhaust off, grind off the old "Hooks" and have new ones welded on. The question is: when?
  9. I'm sorry, this post does not make sense to me... And I am finding it difficult to identify any truth in it... But as an argument starter... Hey, way to go damkia...
  10. The picture below is an example of an accident waiting to happen. The exhaust springs are not pulling straight. They are stretched. And they have no safety wire or silicone to keep them from flying into the prop if/when they break. With these exhaust springs, Tomo. If/when they break they can fly off and damage your prop. Which is what happened in this picture. You can reduce the chances of this sort of damage by putting a lockwire loop around the spring (through the inside and then around the outside) and then laying a silastic bead over the lockwire and spring ends as shown below. I know this isn't pretty, but it works.
  11. Low cloud + High/rising terrain + Homeitis (perhaps)? = Bad news. The Warrumbungles are not all that high, but they're rugged and certainly rate as tiger country for light aircraft. And the weather over them and down towards Coolah can occasionally, be very iffy. It's claimed a few people over the years, and frightened many others, myself included. It's so sad for the families when things like this happen...
  12. Don't worry about that Scotty, them Austers is already all growed up and kickin' a#se...
  13. Thank you, Carol. Thank you... You have done a truly outstanding job for us, and I for one want to thank you for what you have done...
  14. Dang !!! That's one sweet lookin' airplane David... I'm guessing you must have told me at some stage that she's lockhaven yellow, but I'm damned if I remember it... Looking at it in the full view, side on, arial shot, you sure can see its CG Taylor pedigree lines, eh?
  15. Yee har... It looks great Tomo... But you're about to find out what was meant by, "When you find you've got spare time and money. Buy an aeroplane. It'll fix the problem...
  16. Bloody good write-up Ross. Thanks.
  17. And I'll ask again... Have you no conscience, Man?...
  18. Bloody hell... 130 neddies?... What sort of carbon footprint are you putting in the sand for Kri sake? Have you no conscience, Man?...
  19. The A40 window winder as a trim adjuster I can understand. I've got one of them too. But what's with the park brake stuff?... Yuh Cissy!
  20. You're doing it again Turbs. You're applying logic to matters of the heart... Kero Burners between major airports are the most cost effective transport if you're travelling between major airports. No arguement about that. But it's neither what I am or want to do... Methinks you're being a bit harsh with this one, Turbz... David Isaac has told us there is already a group (CRC) looking at known problems with the intention of submitting proposed solutions for ratification by the members attending the next AGM, which is to be held on the Gold Coast. He did not say they're going to ram them down our throats. He said they'll be presenting us with solutions they hope we'll accept. David, and a couple of others, have repeatedly called for interested members to contact their board representatives and ask what the issues are that are of concern and/or offer suggestions. David has also given us his and Don Ramsay's private email addresses so that we may ask questions and submit suggestions to the CRC. I feel it is fair to say there are many of us here on this forum who followed, or at least observed, what happened on this forum on "Black Sunday" last year when both Don and David, plus many others, were censored by having literally thousands of posts wiped out without warning or recourse. Because of that, many of us understand why Don, and many others, will not post here again. (Screw me once, shame on you. Screw me twice, shame on me) I think saying he is not being transparent is a grose distortion of fact, Turbz... For the fact is Don has asked me, and I must asume he has asked others who have called him, not to go public yet with what he has told me/us, because it'd do more harm than good at this time. Don is not being secretive, Turbz. He just won't talk to us via this forum... So call him if you have a question or a suggestion. And if you don't have his phone number, send him an email at [email protected] and ask for it...
  21. Ooohh waarrgh... Toilet talk, toilet talk... Mummy will be cross, Boys, if you keep it up...
  22. Hear hear... Having said that, I'm sorry, but I'd much rather fly myself into somewhere like Grafton than PAX into somewhere in a Kero Burner... On the subject of venues... Perhaps Temora???
  23. Richard Bach certainly knows how to write. But I think it's fair to say he regularly takes the art of being a nutter, to new heights...
  24. I wasn't ignoring you Andy, I've not been to this forum since before you asked who would like to get together for a pow wow... This sort of stuff is way outside my comfort zone. But I'll come from Gunnedah NSW and listen. And Coffs is as good a place as any in my opinion...
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