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Wayne T Mathews

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Everything posted by Wayne T Mathews

  1. Longest word in the Australian language? yagottaavasenzayumamate:rofl:
  2. Now come on, Kaz... These are dangerous waters... Being as how you're a lady of the law, we know damn well you're not going to ask a question like that if you don't know the answer already. Unless of course, it's background for a knotty problem to do with dirty water...
  3. Holy moly, I love your avatar, Kiwi... You're gunna love having to deal with David Isaac. He went to school over there in your part of the Pacific, so he understands what you really mean when you say you want a sux pack.
  4. Huullooo,,, Lyle, your brother used to be, and even though he's retired from the RAAF now, I'm guessing he still is, one of the best rad techs this country has. When you've got those sort of brains in the family, man, why would you be asking us? Unless of course, you're just teasing...
  5. I was gunna click the like button, Win. But I just couldn't bring myself to doit...
  6. The Caribou has 3 pisserphones. The one down the back on the R/H side has a down going periscope thingy that allows it to be lowered down into clear airflow. Part of the preflight was to check it hadn't been turned 180 degrees, because if it had, it'd blow your pee back at you rather than dump it overboard in the slip stream. I can't remember where the two pilot seat phones came out. Over the years I spent on the old girl, I only remember a couple of blokes trying to use the front phones, and they were just checking them out so to speak. The consensus seemed to be it was too hard to pee while sitting in the pilot's seat, so everyone went down the back. On the rare occasion when a lady needed to go in the Caribou, I rigged a screen across the back by putting a tiedown strap btween the upper seatback rails, and hanging towells over it. Then give the lady a sick bag which when she'd finnished, we would jettison out the back door. Who knows, there may be farmers out there who have secret horror stories of being smote from the heavens by soggy, evil smelling white paper bags. And yair, I know there's rules about not throwing things out of aircraft... So I know we shouldn't have done it... But the risk of leaking corrosive fluid causing problems was enough to warrant the jettisoning of the container.
  7. Hear hear... What Planey said.
  8. This one went over my head, Col. Could you explain please?
  9. If it is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission, then why would they bother asking for permission?
  10. See !!!... Put a good looking sort in the picture and even smart men miss the true meaning... I'm of the opinion that the Biggles books, and maybe even the Billabong series, were to our generation as the Harry Potter Books are to our Grandsons.
  11. Could it be the arrogant condescending old bastard was the model for Professor Crawford in the movie, "Finding Forrester"? What a pompous ass...
  12. But the dust cover picture... The one Win put up right at the start of this thread... Could the subliminal face in the moon be the first known picture of Voldemort (or however he who musn't be mentioned spells his name)... Could Harry Potter's Dad have really been Biggles?
  13. Good afternoon again Barry, Your questions are valid and deserve answers. Problem is, the questions need to be asked of your RA Aus representative. You should ask your rep personally. I'm serious, pick up the phone and call your rep's phone number. You'll find it listed in the front of your Sport Pilot Magazine. If you haven't got your magazine handy, call the office in Canberra on 02 6280 4700, and ask the ladies who your rep is, and what your rep's advertised phone number is. Another question you might like to ask along with the ones you've listed here, is to ask your rep, "What can I do to help you?"
  14. Good afternoon Barry, Because we are what we are, there will always be people who need to be reminded/asked, "What does the manual say?" There will also always be people who think they know better than the manufacturer. And every now and then, one of the people who think they know better than the manufacturer will actually get it right... But the stats are way out there in favour of the manufacturer being right. So in my opinion based on my experience, on the condition there is no compelling reason why you shouldn't or can't, just do what the manual says... On the issue of aircraft periodic inspections, I'm of the opinion that the Technical Manual is crystal clear. All of our aircraft are to be maintained in accordance with their manufacturer's maintenance manual. If the aircraft in question doesn't have a manufacturer's maintenance manual (in which case the aircraft cannot/will not be used for hire or reward) then the aircraft is to be maintained in acordance with the schedules contained in the tech manual. So we're back to the question, "What does the manual say?"
  15. In a previous life, I used to fly around the Pacific in B727s with a Captain who, to protect the guilty, I'll call Percy Goodfellow. On one trip whilst carrying out the walkaround while on the ground at Christmas Island (the nuclear one on the equator south of Hawaii), I found an eight inch nail in one of the main tyres. Looking around, I saw Percy standing in the shade of the shed that doubled as a terminal, smoking his pipe. I walked over to him and quietly explained what I'd found. "Well did you take it out?" Percy asked. "Yes I did," I said, "but the tyre started leaking so I put it back." "Did that stop the leak?" After I nodded yes, he asked, "So what's the problem?" "Well, I'm concerned that during takeoff, the wheel rotating may cause enough centrifugal force to fling the nail. And if it flings up into the wheel well, we could damage our hydraulics and such..." I went on to explain to Percy that I had no idea how long it would take to repair the tyre, or even if I could repair it out there in the middle of no where. After considering what I'd told him while staring off into the distance, Percy turned to me and said, "Never mind, Old Chap, We'll go with it the way it is. I'll just take off slowly..."
  16. Yee har,,, "I can go blasting through all the airspace I wish in the appropriately equipped aircraft"... I must admit Tomo, if I was gunna go blasting through some of the airspace you've got around where you live, I'd want my aircraft equiped like an A 10 Warthog... Short of a warthog, I don't like the odds of being able to blast through more than once.
  17. Wow ! ... Tortology (see Tautology),,, what a marvelous, effervescent, bubbling word to summarise the concise musings of one our master orators verbalization... Well done David, well done... We just love it when you talk dirty like that...
  18. Holy sh!t Kaz... Keep that up and we're all gunna start calling you Shelly (for those not in the know, Shelly is the double humped biped version of the name Sheldon)...
  19. Funny thing the English language. So much of it is dependent on context. Take for example the common PA announcement American flight attendants make, "We will be landing in (where ever) momentarily." Every time I hear it, I veynear brace for impact.
  20. Our Dads must've gone to the same school Alan. Every time my Dad gave me a clip in the ear, my ear would ring. He was also want to say at times, "I never understood how some animals could eat their young, until I had you."
  21. I have it on good authority that Elvis has left the building...
  22. Hi Dexter, sorry I missed your comment earlier... We're not all as hard as you, Old Chap. Those of us what fly CG Taylor's aircraft might seem to be tough and of rare breeding. But deep down inside, no matter how hard we try to hide it, really we're gentle and caring souls. ;)
  23. If you google "Victoria's secret" you'll find the "secret"... The women in my family over in the Mid West used to insist us menfolk wear boxing gloves when handling the catalogue... Talk about toys for boys... ;)
  24. I love your avatar Kaz... A rose and pearls, beautiful, with not a thorn in sight... Or am I just being an old romantic??? :D
  25. Well said Poteroo... It has always bothered me when an instructor assesses his own students and they are then issued a license/certificate. I'm aware that at times, because of location and/or lack of check airman availability, there are occassions when it has to be done. But in my opinion, it should definately not be the norm. I believe your suggestions have merit and deserve to be considered and discussed.
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