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Wayne T Mathews

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Everything posted by Wayne T Mathews

  1. Well said Poteroo... It has always bothered me when an instructor assesses his own students and they are then issued a license/certificate. I'm aware that at times, because of location and/or lack of check airman availability, there are occassions when it has to be done. But in my opinion, it should definately not be the norm. I believe your suggestions have merit and deserve to be considered and discussed.
  2. Sorry Turbo, I just couldn't he'p m'sef... "If the CFI sins...." What the???
  3. Sorry Turbo, I just couldn't he'p m'sef... "If the CFI sins...." What the???
  4. Good morning Ahlocks; You obviously have been working long and hard. I believe you have done a great job by removing the obnoxious bits while retaining the thread's intent. You have also kept the thread's "flow" intact. A job well done. Thank you.
  5. Good morning Ahlocks; You obviously have been working long and hard. I believe you have done a great job by removing the obnoxious bits while retaining the thread's intent. You have also kept the thread's "flow" intact. A job well done. Thank you.
  6. In a perfect world, we could just walk up to someone we saw doing something wrong and say something to them... But most good people won't do that, because the bad people doing something wrong, know they're doing wrong, and will become aggresive when challenged. And it's a fact of life that most good people will walk a mile over broken glass to avoid an aggresive confrontation. Which the bad people know, and exploit... And so we go round and round... So how can we correct this? One way of course is to submit to a police state situation and have official "minders" looking over our shoulders all the time, looking for any mistakes we make so they can justify their salaries... And so we go round and round... I do not like the police state option!... But then I don't like the idea of bad people bullying the good people either, so we need to find an answer that works... And that my friends is what this thread is about... Tapping into the thoughts of good people to come up with answers... There has to be a way at grassroot level, that the good people can come together and negotiate better behaviour from the minority of bad people... Ideas folks, that's what David is calling for,,, ideas that'll work while staying within our cultural ethic of "No dobbing"... Not easy is it?... But come on, we can do it. Put your thinking cap on and submit your idea.
  7. In a perfect world, we could just walk up to someone we saw doing something wrong and say something to them... But most good people won't do that, because the bad people doing something wrong, know they're doing wrong, and will become aggresive when challenged. And it's a fact of life that most good people will walk a mile over broken glass to avoid an aggresive confrontation. Which the bad people know, and exploit... And so we go round and round... So how can we correct this? One way of course is to submit to a police state situation and have official "minders" looking over our shoulders all the time, looking for any mistakes we make so they can justify their salaries... And so we go round and round... I do not like the police state option!... But then I don't like the idea of bad people bullying the good people either, so we need to find an answer that works... And that my friends is what this thread is about... Tapping into the thoughts of good people to come up with answers... There has to be a way at grassroot level, that the good people can come together and negotiate better behaviour from the minority of bad people... Ideas folks, that's what David is calling for,,, ideas that'll work while staying within our cultural ethic of "No dobbing"... Not easy is it?... But come on, we can do it. Put your thinking cap on and submit your idea.
  8. I think this is an excellent question Alan, and I'm going to try and put David's response below so everyone can see the answer without having to search for it. Alan, The aircraft affected were all LSA and LSA types are the only aircraft NOT exempt the requirement to have a 'Special Certificate of Airworthiness'. The Lightwing Speed 2000 and the Morgan Sierra were found to be missing the 'Special Certificate of Airworthiness', some Jabirus had a certificate but it was not on the RA Aus records and these were produced and those aircraft were cleared to fly. In reality it only affected the 24 registered Sierras and a handful of Speed 2000s. Once a 'Special Certificate of Airworthiness' is produced both these aircraft will be cleared. David
  9. I think this is an excellent question Alan, and I'm going to try and put David's response below so everyone can see the answer without having to search for it. Alan, The aircraft affected were all LSA and LSA types are the only aircraft NOT exempt the requirement to have a 'Special Certificate of Airworthiness'. The Lightwing Speed 2000 and the Morgan Sierra were found to be missing the 'Special Certificate of Airworthiness', some Jabirus had a certificate but it was not on the RA Aus records and these were produced and those aircraft were cleared to fly. In reality it only affected the 24 registered Sierras and a handful of Speed 2000s. Once a 'Special Certificate of Airworthiness' is produced both these aircraft will be cleared. David
  10. Hang on FT, let's not put the cart before the horse... And please consider in future comments that the purpose of this thread that David has started, is to be constructive, not destructive...
  11. Hang on FT, let's not put the cart before the horse... And please consider in future comments that the purpose of this thread that David has started, is to be constructive, not destructive...
  12. I like the way you think Scotty...
  13. Many years ago, in a previous life, I used to fly on 727s with a Captain who, in the interest of protecting the guilty, I'll call, Percy Goodfellow. One night, after a late flight, Percy drove home and parked his car in the driveway at about 2AM. He quietly walked up to the front door and put his key into the lock to open it. To his surprise he found the door unlocked, so he walked through and went quietly into the loungeroom where the street light outside was streaming in and gave him the light he needed to undress, which he did in the loungeroom out of consideration for his wife, Grace, who he knew would be in bed asleep. Once he was undressed, and still being considerate of his family, Percy tip toed down the hall passed his teenage sons' rooms, to the room he shared with Grace. He tip toed to the bed, gently drew back the covers, lowered himself into the bed and snuggled up behind Grace. When Percy was comfartable and had stopped moving, Grace said, "Did you have a good flight Dear?" Percy, surprised that Grace was awake, said, "How did you know it was me, Old Girl? The front door wasn't locked when I came in. I might have been some lout off the street come in to ravage you." "Oh Percy," Grace said while chuckling, "I knew it was you. Who else but a woman's husband would creap into her bed, put his hand on her breast, and break wind?"
  14. It's an oldie, but a goldie... Makes ya shudder just thinking about it, don't it?
  15. I have just read through this entire thread, and I have to say that I believe all of the contributers need to be congratulated... Well done men. Especially Andrew... But (there's always a "but" after a start like that), have there been anymore developements/results etc since October?
  16. Oh nooo,,, David, David,,, You mustn't cuss at your aircraft... The little people might hear you (written with an Irish lilt), and they can be really mischievous, and sometimes downright nasty if they hear you speaking unkindly to your aircraft... ;)
  17. One of my neighbours in Iowa put signs all round his property that said, "Tresspassers will be shot. Survivors will be prosecuted." Trouble was; Everybody in the district knew ol' Doc Bradley wasn't joking...
  18. There's a simple answer Scotty,,, When someone 'orrible lobs in,,, shoot 'im... That way, Mum and the kids get to keep the property, and you get free board and lodging and meals and dental and medical and everything for a couple of years. How good is that?
  19. G'day Tam, welcome to the site... I'm guessing young Tomo's out flying again...
  20. In the picture of the carby bowl, Dexter: Is that water or something at the bottom, or just a trick of the light?
  21. Fair enough Dexter. I'd certainly listen to Wal... At 300 hrs, one would think it's a bit early for any plaque build up, eh?... Another area of infomation are the internet videos that are available. There's some good stuff on Rotaxes inbed in there. On one of the videos (sorry, I can't remember where I found it), I recall a couple of guys talking about problems from using Avgas with synthetic oil, causing lead build ups that restrict the already close tolerances in Rotaxes. When I get some time at home tonight, I'll have another go at finding it.
  22. There are arguements/evidence that using an upper cylinder lubricant may prevent/reduce the build up of carbon if it's used from the get go... In my experience though, once it's there, it takes a head job to get rid of it... Having said that, before I put a spanner to a Rotax engine in this case, I'd talk to the Australian Rotax Distributer's engine man, IE: Wal at Bert Flood's... He knows and has seen a hell of a lot more about Rotax engines than I do/have...
  23. Sounds like a weird one Dexter. Have you asked Wal at Bert Flood's if he's heard of it before? How many hours are on the engine? I haven't heard of it happening on a Rotax, but Continentals and Lycomings will occassionally get carbon on the valve stem which can cause the valve to intermittently stick. Can be a bitch because it will not show up on the differential pressure test if it's not stuck when you do the test. I'd give Wal a call...
  24. Good one Dexter, love the music... Very appropriate... I now see what you meant when you were talking about "dropping it in" in another post. I'm guessing from the wires that you don't get too many people wanting to do beat-ups over the homestead, eh?
  25. Extricate... Midwife Marriette, I have to tell you, the word brings back awful memories for me... F/sgt Darky Smart used it regularly when talking to me when I was an apprentice. Usually in the context of, "How're you going to extricate yourself from this mess you've got yourself into Laddie?"... Extricate... AARRGGHH... Nothing's changed... The very thought of it sends a shudder up my spine.
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