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Wayne T Mathews

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Everything posted by Wayne T Mathews

  1. All jokes aside:... You got a medical problem on board?... Your priorities are still: Aviate, navigate, communicate... You may well have to do more than that. But they're still your top priorities as PIC.
  2. Legal problem, shmegal problem... What about the seat covers, eh?... What about the seat covers???
  3. Would this be the same as Yenn's post #34?
  4. There is a service instruction out from Rotax, Selection of suitable operating fluids, SI-912-016 R4, dated 31 AUG 11, and posted 14 SEP 11 on http://www.auf.asn.au/
  5. What does the manual say?... Has anyone asked Wal at Bert Flood's what he thinks of oil in the jacket?
  6. It could happen though...
  7. Some times I wonder what the rich people are doing... But then I think... Argh, who cares?... Nobody's richer than those of us who get to sit around shooting sh*t about little airplanes, eh?
  8. Deeral? Of course ... No traffic, no terrain, no weather, and nowhere more than 5 minutes from somewhere to land? ... If you say so...
  9. Is it true David, that the reason you upset the chooks was because of how long it took your javelin to get from one side of the chook cage to other?
  10. Hear hear... The Darling Downs... Aren't they just fantastic... A great place for airmen: No traffic, no terrain, no weather, and nowhere more than 5 minutes from somewhere to land... How good is that?
  11. I might be wrong David, but those fields look like they've been setup along the keyline plan idea. For more info see: http://www.keyline.com.au/
  12. Congratulations DJ
  13. Have you ever noticed how some words just don't feel nice to say? I reckon certificated is one of them... But it beats being certified...
  14. Argh come on GG, some of us still do it...
  15. Oh oh... Now we're introducing logic... Oh oh... See what you've done Pud?... Do you see what you've done?... Do you?...
  16. For those who have forgotten, Dazzza38 was post # 2, and the above was post #3 on this thread... You've both done us proud.
  17. For those who have forgotten, Dazzza38 was post # 2, and the above was post #3 on this thread... You've both done us proud.
  18. Hear hear... Especially for what we're getting...
  19. Hear hear... Especially for what we're getting...
  20. What a top idea... Keep It Simple Sam...
  21. Sure we will... We'll just have to supply our own lubricant, is all...
  22. Sure we will... We'll just have to supply our own lubricant, is all...
  23. Thank you for posting this David... There's some great info in it for anyone who flies... You asked us to share our experiences: Well how about this one... About 13 months, two days and 5 hours ago, or there abouts, I was at 2,000' and trying to sneak between the South West boundary of Amberley's airspace and half a dozen thunder bumpers that seemed to want to prevent me doing that. The nearest one was 2 - 3 miles away to the South West and I thought I'd be OK... I was wrong... Without any warning, that big mongrell grabbed Ol' Jay Tigre and I and quite literally turned us upside down and shook us like a mongrell shakes a rat, then spat us out... When I realized, somewhat to my surprise, that we were right way up again, the wings were still on and the engine was still running, I looked to see what heading I had to turn onto to get back to the field I'd come from. I didn't have to turn so much as a degree. Ol' Jay Tigre was already running for home. Some people think their aircraft doesn't have a mind of its own. I disagree. I'm of the opinion that if you've got a good one, and you look after it, it'll tell you what you should and should not be doing, and that's what Jay Tigre did... To summarize the lessons I learnt that day:... All thunder bumpers are mongrells, especially when they're within about 5 miles of you... Always fly like a rat, and don't go anywhere near mongrells... Have a bolt hole in mind, and know where it is and how you're going to get there... And if what you're doing seems dangerous; it probably is, so stop doing it...
  24. Sotty hasn't disapeared HH... He's out there doing what wise men do... He's out there learning how to fly his high performance aircraft at the wrong end of the speed spectrum... Let's give him time with his new misstress, eh...
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