Thank you for posting this David... There's some great info in it for anyone who flies...
You asked us to share our experiences: Well how about this one... About 13 months, two days and 5 hours ago, or there abouts, I was at 2,000' and trying to sneak between the South West boundary of Amberley's airspace and half a dozen thunder bumpers that seemed to want to prevent me doing that. The nearest one was 2 - 3 miles away to the South West and I thought I'd be OK... I was wrong... Without any warning, that big mongrell grabbed Ol' Jay Tigre and I and quite literally turned us upside down and shook us like a mongrell shakes a rat, then spat us out... When I realized, somewhat to my surprise, that we were right way up again, the wings were still on and the engine was still running, I looked to see what heading I had to turn onto to get back to the field I'd come from. I didn't have to turn so much as a degree. Ol' Jay Tigre was already running for home.
Some people think their aircraft doesn't have a mind of its own. I disagree. I'm of the opinion that if you've got a good one, and you look after it, it'll tell you what you should and should not be doing, and that's what Jay Tigre did...
To summarize the lessons I learnt that day:... All thunder bumpers are mongrells, especially when they're within about 5 miles of you... Always fly like a rat, and don't go anywhere near mongrells... Have a bolt hole in mind, and know where it is and how you're going to get there... And if what you're doing seems dangerous; it probably is, so stop doing it...