Thanks for putting this together in one pile for us Andy.
After having reread it all, and especially as now you've sort of collated it, it appears to me we may have a case of "Group think" going on.
If you haven't heard of it before, "Group think" is a phenomenon I first heard of during "crew resource management" (CRM) training in QANTAS back in the early 90s. It's where a group come together to do something, go off the rails, and then maintain their course with a, "If you're not with us, then you're against us, and we'll crush you," mind set. The Bay of Pigs Cuban crisis disaster was given as a classic example. And it was pointed out on the course that the higher the intelligence of the group, the more susceptible they are to the phenomenon. The fix is to A/ recognise the problem, and B/ dismantle the group's pecking order, explain to them what's just happened to them, then put them back to work under a new management system that monitors their behavior and outcomes closely. It is a delicate balancing act, because the Captain has to be allowed to command. But in my experience, it works well if everyone, especially those in the "Group", are aware of the phenomenon, and their susceptibility to it, AND if they have the tools they need to "Manage upwards".
With that in mind, may I suggest we really need to get these resolutions through that Don Ramsay, Andy Saywell, David Isaac and the late David Hunt worked so hard to prepare for us.
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