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Wayne T Mathews

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Everything posted by Wayne T Mathews

  1. You think you've got problems? Check out the balls my old girl has grown....
  2. Hey guys, I just realized our hi wings have got big balls... On them I mean... On the wings...
  3. In a previous life, I worked with a couple of lawyers over in the States. One of them, Mark, told me a yarn about an ocurrence in a bar frequented mainly by lawyers, just down the road from the Supreme Court. Mark said that one lunchtime, a mountain of a man burst through the swinging doors and stood just inside, glaring around at the dozens of suited dinners congregated in the room. In a voice like rumbling thunder, he roared, "ALL LAWYERS ARE JERKS!" A little, weedy, but well dressed chap at the other end of the room leapt to his feet and pounded the bar with his fist as his stool crashed to the floor. "I OBJECT," the little chap said. With a smile, the Big man ambled down to tower over the little chap. "That's because you're a lawyer, isn't it?" The big man said. "Hell NO!" The little chap declared. "It's because I'm a jerk." My apologise in advance to anyone this yarn may offend. But I swear, it was told to me by an aviation specialist lawyer who back in the early '90s, before I knew him, was on the short list of people to head up the FAA. And yes, he was a bloody good bloke to work with/for.
  4. Hint: What's the towball doing to the hitch?
  5. Well done that man... "High Flight" by John Magee Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings; Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth of sun-split clouds, — and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of — wheeled and soared and swung High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there, I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung My eager craft through footless halls of air.... Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue I’ve topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace. Where never lark, or even eagle flew — And, while with silent lifting mind I have trod The high untrespassed sanctity of space, - Put out my hand, and touched the face of God. Feels fantastic doesn't it?
  6. Does more or less = almost? Image ourselves standing off to the side when the car went speeding by and the bullet was fired... What would we see the bullet do?
  7. Wayne T Mathews


    Bill Grieve on 0448 728 899... If Bill can't help you, the odds are better than fair that he'll know who can.
  8. Where's Sonarman Jonesy from the book "Hunt for Red October" when we need him? He'd be able to tell us what those sounds mean wouldn't he?
  9. Forum to Ham,,, helllooo,,, Forum to Ham... A member since 2008 and today's your first post??? Man, that's gotta be a record...
  10. Hi Heather,
  11. Those baloon thingies that David can't see came up shortly after I made me new signature... Could it be a sign???
  12. Welcome Chris... Four hours out of Emerald and training on a Foxbat and then a Savannah... I take it you're into STOL, eh? If that's the case, wait till you see the Hornet Scotty built down at Taree with Ole Hartman's help... You'll love it.
  13. Does penicillin work on viral thingies?
  14. See what you've done Pud??? Is that a Kookaburra larfin' outside your window???
  15. Say what???... if speed remains constant then distance and time have to change??? If that happened you'd have a variable constant...
  16. Of course they'd work. Energy doesn't just disappear. But man alive, they'd be bright wouldn't they? And REALLY close when you did see them...
  17. Now that feels mean just saying it.
  18. Huh,,, just made meself a signature, and now all me posts 'ave got it...
  19. Argh shoot... Looks like the tawny frogmouths have stopped calling each other and the young fellah from the South island has gone to bed. Keep the sunny side up, Wayne.
  20. It's the palmolive what does it David. Keep the sunny side up, Wayne.
  21. I'm wondering: Do tawny frogmouths sound like banjos?
  22. There's been a lot said over the years about using power versus attitude to control airspeed on approach. Both techniques have their place and their advocates. But to make it simple for my abinitio students, I teach them to close the throttle on base and land with power off. My reasoning for that is that if/when the engine quits on them one day, they'll revert to what they were first taught and they'll control their airspeed with attitude.
  23. I know what you mean Dexter, I've finnally received the parts I need to fix a blokes aircraft that is hangared at the North end of Lake Keepit. But I can't get there. Never mind. It'll be better tomorrow.
  24. Welcome Bacon...
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