In a previous life, I worked with a couple of lawyers over in the States. One of them, Mark, told me a yarn about an ocurrence in a bar frequented mainly by lawyers, just down the road from the Supreme Court.
Mark said that one lunchtime, a mountain of a man burst through the swinging doors and stood just inside, glaring around at the dozens of suited dinners congregated in the room. In a voice like rumbling thunder, he roared, "ALL LAWYERS ARE JERKS!"
A little, weedy, but well dressed chap at the other end of the room leapt to his feet and pounded the bar with his fist as his stool crashed to the floor.
"I OBJECT," the little chap said.
With a smile, the Big man ambled down to tower over the little chap.
"That's because you're a lawyer, isn't it?" The big man said.
"Hell NO!" The little chap declared. "It's because I'm a jerk."
My apologise in advance to anyone this yarn may offend. But I swear, it was told to me by an aviation specialist lawyer who back in the early '90s, before I knew him, was on the short list of people to head up the FAA. And yes, he was a bloody good bloke to work with/for.