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Wayne T Mathews

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Everything posted by Wayne T Mathews

  1. I don't see anything wrong with stopping at the Holding Point Brett... Because Gunnedah has its own CTAF (1274), we sometimes get guys arriving with 1267 selected and as a result, we don't know about them until we see them. For that reason, I teach my students to do an S turn while taxiing and look both ways before they enter the runway, because the guy on 1267 could be using either runway.
  2. I guess what we're trying to say is: Not stopping at the holding point is not necessarily bad airmanship. Not broadcasting your intentions and checking both ways before crossing the holding point (read: entering the runway) is bad airmanship.
  3. You'e right Tomo. Once they start to roll, the big boys won't stop unless/untill they have to, and the young fellahs driving the regional turbos are in the main, training/programing themselves to one day operate the big jets. So they won't stop unless they need to either. And with a set of eyes on each side, they can see better than you or I can while doing our S turns whether it's clear or not. Having said that, they are humans too, and sometimes humans make mistakes. So watch them like you would anybody else. Keep the sunny side up, Wayne
  4. Outstanding... Thank you Ian.
  5. Scientifically, I don't know... But when we put a spoonful in the bottom of an upturned empty beer can and lit it, it burnt with an even blue flame, and left hardly any trace on the can bottom. Keep the sunny side up, Wayne.
  6. Bourbon... sweet and icky??? Well yeeaah,,, the 37% stuff that's made to mix with fizzy drinks is, and that's for sure... But the real stuff that's made up in them thar hills is a horse of a different colour, let me tell you... A mate of mine over in the States, Nature Wayne, was born in Tennessee. By his own admission, his mother's family tree resembles a telegraph pole. Anyways, Nature Wayne's kin, on his mother's side, make a passable livin' makin' shine up in them thar hills... One time, while visiting Wayne, I got to try the family good stuff... Sippin' whiskey they called it... We were in Wayne's shed down the back from the house, and it was served to me in about a 200 ml peanut butter jar with the lid on... I was instructed that before I took the lid off and had a sip, I was to put my pipe down on the work bench on t'other side of the shed and have some chewin' tobacky instead... That should've been my first clue... But I just thought they wanted me to try their chew... I don't know if you've ever tried chewing tobacco, but it makes you hiccup like a son of a bitch the first few times you use it... But that's not a problem if'n you've got some sippin' whiskey, 'cause sippin' whiskey will cure ANYTHING. And here's the amazing thing... It tastes great mate. Keep the sunny side up, Wayne.
  7. Hullo... An oportunity like this doesn't come by often... GlenMorangie is indeed a pleasant scotch, one of the reasons it's so pleasant I'm told, is because it's aged in special Bourbon Barrels that are made in Kentucky from the wood of special trees that're grown in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri. I'm also told that whiskey should have an e in it, but the Scotts were too mean to waste the ink.... Least wise, that's what the second cousin of the wife of one of the 16 Men of Tain told me....
  8. Yeah, I know,,, I've got one of them too... What's a man gotta do to get some respect?... I blame it on the Simpsons, you know... Bloody tellie... Keep the sunny side up, Wayne.
  9. You're a wise man Scotty.
  10. Respect is never granted Phil, it is earned. And you have earned ours today, for we understand what you've done.... Well done. Keep the sunny side up, Wayne.
  11. Oh oh! Naughty talk,,, naughty talk... Cover your eyes ladies.
  12. Ooh Kay,,, let me put it this way... I used to get lots of wind noise through my intercom, right up until a local young fellah who understands these things, showed me how to adjust the intercom squelsh properly. I'm not saying it's your problem, but it was mine. Keep the sunny side up, Wayne.
  13. I have a fishing vest that I wear when I fly. It holds lots of things, and allows me to say, "I'm not really fat. It's the tools in the pockets that makes me look that way."
  14. Hey Pud, does your intercom have a squelch control on it? Mine does and I find I have to adjust it depending on whether the doors and/or window are open or not.
  15. Wow... made me double blink and check I was at the right place, that's for sure.
  16. OUT BLOODY STANDING SCOTTY... OUT BLOODY STANDING... I'm gunna take the laptop out to the hangar tomorrow and show the old girl where the young fellahs up to. The 5th & 6th NOV are in the diary. Gloucester here we come. Dunno where I'm gunna fit the sleeping bag though, what with that bloody chasity belt on board and all.
  17. G'day Kleiny, welcome. There's a lot to be said for, and learnt from, the folks down here in the grass roots. Keep the sunny side up, Wayne.
  18. What a great wish to give someone MM... I used to fly with a DC10 Captain who's closing sentence when giving his "Captain's brief" was always, "and our main aim today is to make this a boring flight,,, OK?" Let me tell you, I used to love hearing him say that. Especially before we went out to do the 6-7 hour test flights we used to do after major maintenance.
  19. Oh boy!... Does this scenario press some "Raw Nerve Buttons", or what?
  20. Hear hear. There There ...see post 142.....Moderator Oops, wrong again... Sorry.... Wayne.
  21. Good afternoon Propfarmer, One of our more senior forumites, CFIcare, signs off his posts with: "As we know, There are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know There are known unknowns. That is to say We know there are some things We do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, The ones we don't know We don't know. ....buggered if I know!" I'm going to borrow part of what he says to answer your questions.... buggered if I know! One thing I will say though: Experience has taught me that the CAOs and CARs are riddled with the sort of anomalies you have quoted. Experience has also taught me that if I use the more restrictive of the limits being considered, I won't get my butt chewed. EG: In this case, don't refuel or start you're aircraft if it's closer than 30 feet (9mtrs) to another aircraft or building, or 50 feet (15 mtrs) of a public area. You may need to remember the other numbers to pass your exam though. So I do that by remembering the two numbers I'm going to use in practise, and the two (edit: oops, it's actually three) I'm going to need for the exam. Hoping that helps. Keep the sunny side up, Wayne.
  22. I'm wondering if we're going to be revisiting touch and go training?
  23. A succint summary Don.... I'm wondering if anybody else has thought about what happens if "she who must be obeyed" gets the poohs with you and.... Sorry, I just can't bring myself to say it. Keep the sunny side up, Wayne.
  24. Outstanding... Thank you Win... I've got Mates in America who are gunna get told about this one,,, and that's for sure. Keep the sunny side up, Wayne.
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