I did close to 2,000 hrs in Caribous as a loadmaster/flt engineer in the late 70's. On one trip the Captain was a very experienced (he would have been around 40 at the time) ex- Sabre/Mirage driver who'd just earnt his gravel truck command. We went down to Sale to pick up a bunch of Knucks who'd just done their fighter combat instructor training, and take them back to Williamtown. When the Paxs came on board with the engines running, a couple of them came up the front to say g'day to the 'bou drivers.
When they saw who was driving, one of them said, "Jesus John, I didn't know you'd been sent to these. This's gotta be a hell of a step backwards for you isn't it?"
John smiled and said, "I thought so too at first, Brian. But then I found out this's a high performance aircraft at the wrong end of the speed spectrum."
Pretty well sums up the old Barloose, and many, if not most, of the aircraft we fly in RA Aus today.