Thank you for answering my questions Col.
In a previous life, as a check and training airman in a multicrew environment, twice, I was part of teams that went to a lot of effort to try and stamp out the need for "little black books" by insisting on standardised transparencey. IE: we didn't want F/Os & F/Es having to keep notes on how their individual Capt's wanted things done. It didn't work then and, I'm told, it's still not working entirely. Oh, there's been massive improvements since the bad old days. But my point is, we're all human. As much as I don't like them, I have to accept that little black books do, and always will exist, dammit.
So, should we expect the outgoing crew (and that includes David, whom you didn't mention) to hand over their little black books to the incoming crew? Get real, of course they won't. But if we play nice, they might agree to hand over copies, or at least copies of parts of them. So lets play nice, eh.
The next point I'll make, is that the outgoing crew are not departing the ship. They're handing over their post on the flight deck to the incoming crew. There's a massive diference.
Now let's address the accusations that you have said are starting to sound like, "have you stopped beating your wife". (I'm going to take a couple of deep breaths before I continue this) We all have/do love more than one person. Be it our daughters, our sisters, or other men's wives, we have all loved more than one person. When we see that person bruised and bleeding, is it unreasonable to ask what the hell is happening? Of course it's not. Raw emotions are involved, and raw emotions are rarely polite or civil.
But let's not be distracted by the emotive questions and/or accusations Col. Let's look at the bruising and bleeding. And fix it.
We've had two of our directors submit what have been politely called, "untimely resignations" within the last six months, and a third one say he would have resigned if he wasn't leaving shortly anyway. Why? We obviously have a problem, and before we can attempt to fix it, we need to know what the problem is. We need to know why these good people want to resign. And it's being kept secret. Why? Because if they tell us they'll be sued? That's bullshit Col! Pure, unadulterated bullshit!
In case you haven't noticed, there's a ground swell building up. We, the members of RA Aus, want to know why our representatives are being induced/forced to resign. That's why the NSW members have elected Don, and hopefully you. We want you to go to Canberra and bloody well find out why our representatives are resigning. And then fix it.
In closing, I'd like to thank you again for responding to my post. And I'd like to thank CFI for telling me to calm down.