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Wayne T Mathews

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Everything posted by Wayne T Mathews

  1. The mind boggles/rebels when thinking of nose art that'll combine Gay and Thruster. Serious opinion/advice? BE BLOODY CAREFUL! They both look like a keepers. So try not to p**s either of them off. Perhaps a complete side step like, "Pud's other Kitten (or maybe Cougar)", should be considered.
  2. Now that is kool (not). Erebus, here we kuum.
  3. Is use of the word "resignation" in question again? And will we, the members, get another cryptic "no" in answer? Me thinks you've got your work cut out for you Don. Please, give it your best, rally the team, and sort out this oderous onerous mess. Good luck Man. Go forward with the knowledge that you've got more good men and women beside and behind you, than the not so good have in front of you. Wayne.
  4. GO SCOTTY, GO! Not that there's much point though. I remember a famous boxing fellah once said something about floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee. Is that why you chose the Hornet? Well he also said, "You can run, but you can't hide."
  5. Perhaps we should start a new thread about life's little porky pies. You know, stuff like: "I'm from the gummint and I'm here to help you." And "Of course I'll respect you in the morning."
  6. I've been strugling with this all night. Have you ever tried to fit a chasity belt to one of the blue rinse set? Man, it's not easy! On the subject of the hornet decal: My Minister for War, Justice, Finance, Good Taste and Entertainment...... Lordy Lordy,,, Sounds like I'm describing Russ Hinze. (For the youngsters: don't bother looking up Face Book, just google him) Anyway, my Minister for Everything agrees with your Minister, for reasons unbeknown to me. So in the interest of peace and tranquility, I must respect your decision to go with the one you did. How's that for a side-stepping, capitulating cop-out? We aren't born cowards you know. It takes them years of intensive effort to train us. Keep the sunny side up, Wayne.
  7. That sure is a grand looking aircraft, Scotty. Whenever you're ready, just let me know and I'll get ol' Jay Tigre all gussied up to pose beside the young fellah. I have to tell you though, I'm worried he's gunna make her look frumpy. Keep the sunny side up, Wayne.
  8. Oooh, the saucey young thing! But no tongue! D' ya hear? NO tongue! I have enough trouble controlling the old hussey without having one o' them young fellahs arcing her up with that sort of thing. Might make for an interesting photo shoot though, eh? We could call it, "The Young and the Pantless Panting",,, or something lke that. Wayne.
  9. Dammit David! Jay Tigre was looking over my shoulder when I read your post about Ole's aircraft.... She saw what you wrote, Man. She saw me nodding my head in agreement. And she got the sulks. I told her you were talking about another, younger, training aircraft, and not her. Even so; it took two flicks of the prop this time, instead of the usual one, to get the poor old girl purring again. Do you think she might still be p**sed off with us? Is there something we can do, or say, to smooth her ruffled blue rinse feathers? Keep the sunny side up, Wayne.
  10. When I saw footage of Matt Hall and the other big boys at the Red Bull races doing it, I thought to myself, self, I thought, that's gotta be one hell of a powerful tool.
  11. OK, I'll bite. So now I'll question use of the word "resignation", and sincerely hope I'm not opening a can of worms. From memory, at the members' meeting at Temora last Easter, a member asked a question along the lines of; Has our current CEO ever threatened one of our Board Members. As I seem to recall, after what I perceived as flannelling, the question was put in the "we'll have to look into that" bucket. My question is: Can you tell us from the minutes what the actual question was, and what is the answer?
  12. Go Don, Go! -- C'mon Col, C'mon! Wayne.
  13. At last, you have said something I don't agree with Don. And I know, I know, I'm being pedantic. But it wasn't Carol's resignation that was untimely. It was the board's delaying the bi election that was untimely. But that's why we voted for you. So you can rally the team and fix that sort of problem for us. Let me say in closing: "Go Col. GO!" Keep the sunny side up. Wayne.
  14. Well done, Don. Well done. Wayne.
  15. Hear hear, What Ian said. I take it the NSW bi election isn't over, so Col is still in the running?
  16. From the PIPER CUB Special J3C-65 OWNER'S MANUAL, dated MAY 15 1946. TEN COMMANDMENTS For Safe Flying 1. THOU SHALT NOT BECOME AIRBORNE WITHOUT CHECKING THY FUEL SUPPLY: It only takes a few minutes to gas up… it may save you a forced landing. 2. THOU SHALT NOT TAXI WITH CARELESSNESS: Taxi slowly and make S turns to clear the area in front of the nose. Know the proper use of the controls for taxiing in strong winds. 3. THOU SHALT EVER TAKE HEED UNTO AIR TRAFFIC RULES: Keep a constant lookout for other aircraft. Follow the rules so that pilots of other planes will know what you are going to do. 4. THOU SHALT NOT MAKE FLAT TURNS: This is particularly important when making power-off turns. You steer with the ailerons, not the rudder. 5. THOU SHALT MAINTAIN THY SPEED LEST THE EARTH ARISE AND SMITE THEE: Don’t be fooled by the increase in ground speed resulting from a downwind turn. Keep sufficient airspeed. 6. THOU SHALT NOT LET THY CONFIDENCE EXCEED THY ABILITY: Don’t attempt instrument flying in adverse weather conditions unless you have the proper training and the necessary instruments. Instrument flying is a highly developed science. Don’t pioneer. 7. THOU SHALT MAKE USE OF THY CARBURETOR HEATER; The carburettor heater is your friend. Know when to use it. Remember that it’s easier to prevent ice in the carburettor than to eliminate it after it has formed. 8. THOU SHALT NOT PERFORM AEROBATICS AT LOW ALTITUDES: Aerobatics started near the ground may be completed six feet under the ground. There’s safety in altitude. 9. THOU SHALT NOT ALLOW INDECISION IN THY JUDGEMENT: Be certain! You can’t afford to make errors of judgement. “I think I can make it” is on the list of famous last words. 10. THOU SHALT KNOW ALWAYS -- THE GOOD PILOT IS THE SAFE PILOT: It’s better to be an old pilot than a bold pilot. Courtesy of Piper Aircraft Corporation Lock Haven, Penna.
  17. As requested, here's the Ten Commandments from the last 2 pages of the Piper Cub Special J3C-65 Owner's Handbook. Dated MAY 15 1946. TEN COMMANDMENTS For Safe Flying 1. THOU SHALT NOT BECOME AIRBORNE WITHOUT CHECKING THY FUEL SUPPLY: It only takes a few minutes to gas up… it may save you a forced landing. 2. THOU SHALT NOT TAXI WITH CARELESSNESS: Taxi slowly and make S turns to clear the area in front of the nose. Know the proper use of the controls for taxiing in strong winds. 3. THOU SHALT EVER TAKE HEED UNTO AIR TRAFFIC RULES: Keep a constant lookout for other aircraft. Follow the rules so that pilots of other planes will know what you are going to do. 4. THOU SHALT NOT MAKE FLAT TURNS: This is particularly important when making power-off turns. You steer with the ailerons, not the rudder. 5. THOU SHALT MAINTAIN THY SPEED LEST THE EARTH ARISE AND SMITE THEE: Don’t be fooled by the increase in ground speed resulting from a downwind turn. Keep sufficient airspeed. 6. THOU SHALT NOT LET THY CONFIDENCE EXCEED THY ABILITY: Don’t attempt instrument flying in adverse weather conditions unless you have the proper training and the necessary instruments. Instrument flying is a highly developed science. Don’t pioneer. 7. THOU SHALT MAKE USE OF THY CARBURETOR HEATER: The carburettor heater is your friend. Know when to use it. Remember that it’s easier to prevent ice in the carburettor than to eliminate it after it has formed. 8. THOU SHALT NOT PERFORM AEROBATICS AT LOW ALTITUDES: Aerobatics started near the ground may be completed six feet under the ground. There’s safety in altitude. 9. THOU SHALT NOT ALLOW INDECISION IN THY JUDGEMENT: Be certain! You can’t afford to make errors of judgement. “I think I can make it” is on the list of famous last words. 10. THOU SHALT KNOW ALWAYS -- THE GOOD PILOT IS THE SAFE PILOT: It’s better to be an old pilot than a bold pilot. Courtesy of Piper Aircraft Corporation Lock Haven, Penna.
  18. Apart from the stall speed and the fact we can't aren't allowed to do aerobatics, is there a reason why a pitts can't be registered RA Aus? Wayne.
  19. A pilot who says, "Yeah? Well watch this!" A student who says, "I'll show you how I think it can be done." An engineer who says, "ooh sh**t!"
  20. G'day Jack, and congratulations. 16 with a pilot's certificate you got in a Cub? WOW!!! Now that's some serious bragging rights. In the back of the original owner's manual I have for my Cub, there are 10 commandments that will stand you in good stead throughout your flying life, no matter what you fly. Seeing as how you've trained in a Cub (who cares if it's a replica? There's no greater compliment than being copied) you may have already read them. But just incase you haven't, I'll offer the tenth one for your consideration -- 10. "THOU SHALT KNOW ALWAYS -- THE GOOD PILOT IS THE SAFE PILOT: It's better to be an old pilot than a bold pilot." I kid you not Jack. This tenth commandment is in the back of the original Piper Cub Special J3C-65 owner's manual I have. It's dated MAY 15 1946. And the other nine Cub commandments are almost as important. Keep the sunny side up. And again, congratulations young man. Wayne.
  21. Thanks David, my proxy will be in the post shortly. Wayne.
  22. Bill Grieves and I did our instructors' ratings late last year with Kevin Walters up by Gatton. We would have done it in one hit if the weather had allowed it. His phone number is 07 5465 8888. Good luck and work hard. Kev sets and gets a high standard. Regards, Wayne.
  23. Hear, hear,,, It's awful when I find myself repeating what I've already said. Be kind to me Don. Say something I don't agree with.
  24. Fair enough. Thanks again Dexter. So the fix should be that if either Don or Col wins this Friday, that person withdraws from the by-election, which then proceeds with only 2 candidates, true?
  25. OK. That makes sense, and I've no doubt it's the way it should, and hopefully will, work. But is it written in our constitution? What if the majority of NSW members want either Don or Col to fill both the vacant positions on the board? Is there anything in the constitution that prevents one person from having two votes on the board?
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