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Wayne T Mathews

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Everything posted by Wayne T Mathews

  1. It does not however change the situation where voters who returned the first ballot paper before receiving the second one, could not know that some candidates had nominated for both positions. Performing a full preference vote on the second ballot paper would prevent it being potentially wasted (exhausted#), if the preferred candidate in the first ballot is actually elected. I would urge members to cast a full preferential vote. ie. mark all candidates with a preference, as per the instructions. The system works! Expressing only a partial preference can back-fire under these circumstances. Thanks David, That makes it clearer for me. Here's another question I'd like to bounce into the ring. Is it possible, given the way we have been given two 'elections' one month apart, for two different positions, that the members in NSW may vote one person into two positions on our board? Therefore giving that one person two votes on the board? I accept it's not probable, but is it possible?
  2. Is Dick Smith a member?
  3. We I have a problem Houston! I can see the point you're making David, and I can see how the arguement may be valid. But geez, I hope you're wrong. I filled out two ballots, as I hope everyone else did. There was only one vacancy on each of the ballots, therfore only one box needed to be ticked for each ballot to be formal, as per the instructions that came with each of the ballot papers, which were delivered to the members one month apart, by the way. I'm going to be really peed off if any ballot is assessed informal/invalid because the voter only put 1, or a tick, in the box beside the name the voter chose in that ballot. I'd also like to point out again, the two ballot papers were delivered to the members a month apart. Surely that implies/proves they're seperate elections? Helup, helup,,,, Is there a lawyer in the house????
  4. Aargh geez, David! Wadja avta say that for? Some of us were starting to like you... Never mind... My Great Grandfather was born over there, and his descendents turned out OK, so yours might too, eh? :kiwi: Seriously though, one of the best pilots I flew with in the US, Keith, started out as a hangar rat. His parents were dead set against him going near airplanes, so he used to sneak off to the airport on his bike to clean windscreens, wash oily bellies etc, etc.. Eventually they did allow him to go off and get an A&P mechanic's licence. Keith says it was all down hill from there. If only one in every hundred turn out as good an airman as Keith did though, then I'm all for encouraging the youngsters.
  5. Hear, hear, Bravo, Folks, Bravo.
  6. Have you looked at Wag Aero, Scott? http://store.wagaero.com/index.php?cPath=15_38 What's the one you've got? Maybe if I bought one of the Wag Aero ones for you, we could swap, 'cause I just need a working one for the back seat panel I'm making. Doesn't really matter what it looks like, so long as it works. Keep the sunny side up, Wayne.
  7. Hey Scott, Those photos are great, Mate. I'd like to forward them on to the club members via our club mailing list if you don't mind. Trouble is I don't know how to download the ones on the forum. If it's OK to send them on, could you email them to me please? I know how to forward an email, you see. Regards, Wayne.
  8. I'm looking forward to meeting you Dexter. Hopefully there'll be traffic in the circuit when you get here, but I can't imagine that'll fuss you blokes from the Hunter. Weather wise, once this front that's blowing over us now clears, it looks like we're in for frosty mornings and sunny days with temps reaching 20 for a week or so. Looking goood! Keep the sunny side up, Wayne.
  9. I remember my Granddad told me I could eat an elephant if'n I wanted too. When I asked him how I could do that, he said, "One bite at a time, Son. One bite at a time." I'd never heard of this aircraft before I saw your post, Scott. When I looked it up,,, WOW!,,, 40,000 of them built up until 1959. There's gotta be some spares out there somewhere. Keep the sunny side up, Wayne.
  10. The most likely replacement will be a notice on a website. Late "majority adopters" and "laggards" will just have to suck it up eventually and get an online presence. I know this will probably not bother anyone reading this - for obvious reasons. However, I do have some sympathy for that group because I fear that one day I may have to get sucked into Facebook - but I'll resist Twitter to the very end! I agree with Don. The Kids are trying to get me onto Facebook, and one day I may have to do it. But Twitter? Come on, just the sound of it is revolting. Keep the sunny side up, Wayne.
  11. The accident happened at the Barraba airfield at about Noon on Sunday 19 JUN in front of a crowd of about 2-300. Immediately after lift-off, Phil climbed the aircraft (Pitts) steeply then nosed over, dived at the ground, and during the recovery, smote the ground with enough force to collapse the R/H gear. The aircraft came to rest off the side of the runway. Phil climbed out of the aircraft by himself, but was taken to hospital some time later for a check up and observation.
  12. Good on you Lyle. I'll look forward to seeing you. Keep the sunny side up, Wayne.
  13. Only outside of tower hours. As per the ERSA: TWR HR 2100-1015 MON-FRI: 2200-0530 SAT - Sun. (1 HR earlier HDS) TWR HR may change at short notice ..... etc etc. As per the ERSA. Regards, Wayne.
  14. Awright, I'll have a go at writing it, Nick. But I can't guarantee Brian Bigg won't come by and brick your roof for suggesting it. Damn, "The family that plays together stays together" is the subject, eh? Sounds like something that should be writen by somebody from the South Island. OK, here we go: It was a dark and stormy night......... To be continued. Keep the sunny side up, Wayne.
  15. Aargh Jeez Dave, have you been told lately, that you're about as subtle as a train crash. I thought I'd tap danced round Nick's idea with a degree of finesse, and BAM, you yank my chain. You know don't you, that when she who must be obeyed starts grumbling about the time I'm spending at the keyboard, I'm gunna blame you? Keep the sunny side up, Wayne.
  16. It certainly is possible Nick, and Grt Grandad may well still be flying. I'll give you an example. Grt Grandad born '32 Son born '51 Grandson born '73 Grt Grandson born '95 It hasn't happened in my mob, but there's bound to be somebody out there lucky enough to have similar numbers. Wayne.
  17. G'day again, The dog's name was Sue. I'm not sure if she barked at flare hieght. Dad reckoned she did. But I usually can't hear much above the sound of me sucking my teeth at about that point. "The family that plays together stays together", sounds like an interesting concept. I'll look forward to the article. Wayne.
  18. Next question Nick, because I'm new to this forum stuff. What do you mean by, "please feel free to identify yourself"? I could post my resume I suppose, but I'm not sure which would be worse; listening to the yawns, or ducking the half full beer cans. Keep the sunny side up, Wayne.
  19. G'day Nick, Yep, That's the old girl from Hong Kong. At 65 years of age, she's going back to work at Billabong Aviation here in Gunnedah. There won't be too many 4 generation exmples, I wouldn't think. But I'll be surprised if there isn't a truck load of 3 generations. You're in the middle of a threesome aren't you, what with your young fella coming up? A question please, because my Dad's not here anymore to ask: did my Dad first start doing his AUF BFRs with you, or with your Dad? Wayne.
  20. Dad was a framie on #1 intake of apprentices, I was a framie on #22 intake. As I suspect you know, Andy, the RAAF doesn't have apprentices anymore, so the Lad did the next best thing, and joined anyway. It's not his fault he's not a blackhander though. The poor kid's got his mother's brains.
  21. Just Dad and I so far, Nick. But my Lad is in Wagga learning all that queer stuff they teach Avionic Technicians. He'll probably come around eventually though.
  22. Hi Guys, Thanks for the support. And a special thanks to Scotty for talking this "Old computer illiterate fart" through what it's taken me to get on and say thank you. The 8;00 AM timeline wasn't meant as any sort of deadline, Dexter. It was Susan's way of letting people know we'll be kicking off and getting busy at that time. What we're planning - oh dear, I can't find the spell check, and double letters always confuz me. - Anyway, what we're planning is to have a briefing for the pilots and ground crew before we start engines at 8:00 AM. If we get this right, we're hoping for a movement at GDH (not that sort of movement, Matron) every 2 - 4 minutes. Which won't be a problem so long as everybody is on the same page and nobody tries to be a cowboy. Standard radio calls, circuit departures, and arivals, Moriarty. Standard radio calls, circuit departures, and arrivals. Keep the sunny side up. Wayne.
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