We I have a problem Houston!
I can see the point you're making David, and I can see how the arguement may be valid. But geez, I hope you're wrong.
I filled out two ballots, as I hope everyone else did. There was only one vacancy on each of the ballots, therfore only one box needed to be ticked for each ballot to be formal, as per the instructions that came with each of the ballot papers, which were delivered to the members one month apart, by the way. I'm going to be really peed off if any ballot is assessed informal/invalid because the voter only put 1, or a tick, in the box beside the name the voter chose in that ballot. I'd also like to point out again, the two ballot papers were delivered to the members a month apart. Surely that implies/proves they're seperate elections?
Helup, helup,,,, Is there a lawyer in the house????