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Wayne T Mathews

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Everything posted by Wayne T Mathews

  1. The AGM is this Saturday Guys. I've attached a proxy form file that Sue sent me so I could hand them out. The file has the instructions on how to fill out and file the proxy form. The proxy needs to be in by 10:00 AM Friday, which means to get it in now, it's going to have to be FAXED or hand delivered (via email won't be acceptable) to the FAX # or address listed on the form. The proposed changes are listed on the proxy form, including a copy of the new proposed proxy form, which is not to be used this time because it hasn't been approved yet (hows that for yuk speak?) If you don't know someone going to the AGM, you can nominate on the form whether you are for or against the individual changes, and nominate the AGM Chairman as your proxy holder. Good luck guys. And if you haven't sent in your proxy vote yet, please do. We need to know what the MAJORITY want. Proxy_form_LJ_September 2012_final_2.doc Proxy_form_LJ_September 2012_final_2.doc Proxy_form_LJ_September 2012_final_2.doc
  2. The AGM is this Saturday Turbz. I've attached a proxy form file that Sue sent me so I could hand them out. The file has the instructions on how to fill out and file the proxy form. The proxy needs to be in by 10:00 AM Friday, which means to get it in now, it's going to have to be FAXED or hand delivered (via email won't be acceptable) to the address listed on the form. The proposed changes are listed on the proxy form, including a copy of the new proposed proxy form, which is not to be used this time because it hasn't been approved yet (hows that for yuk speak?) If you don't know someone going to the AGM, you can nominate on the form whether you are for or against the individual changes, and nominate the AGM Chairman as your proxy holder. Good luck guys. And if you haven't sent in your proxy vote yet, please do. We need to know what the MAJORITY want. Proxy_form_LJ_September 2012_final_2.doc Proxy_form_LJ_September 2012_final_2.doc Proxy_form_LJ_September 2012_final_2.doc
  3. I've just reread this David, and while I usually agree with you, I think you might be being a bit heavy handed here. Especially the bit about the board allowing the CEO to run off in any direction he chooses... Am I missing something? Please explain.
  4. And we'll find it...???
  5. Whoever has the chair at this coming AGM is gunna have their work cut out. Fore there're some bloody serious quesions to be answered... And from what I'm hearing on the ground, I don't think platitudes, or a motion to table, are gunna cut it this time... Not that it won't be tried...
  6. And don't fuol up the landing...
  7. I've been a fan of david clark since the seventies. To the extent that I don't use the wizbang Bose headset I have because I prefered the DCs. Then I got your blue ones a couple of months back, Ian, and I prefer them to the DCs. So please, from my perspective, leave them as they are.
  8. Thanks for asking Ian, but they're fine the way they are Mate...
  9. Bugger the hairstyle... Have a go at EK's complextion... That's gotta be "Botox" don't it?... And that tarantula crawling across the cheek? Oh YUK...
  10. Hear hear... So I'll say again...
  11. Nits???... Nits??? ... Who's talking about Nits???
  12. I've got a dollar says you're not going to get to hear that David. A/ Steve Runciman won't be there, and, B/ You won't be there. So it's a pretty safe bet, eh? Having said that, and all jokes aside, I suspect whoever has the chair at this coming AGM is gunna have their work cut out. Fore there're some bloody serious quesions to be answered... And from what I'm hearing on the ground, I don't think platitudes, or a motion to table, are gunna cut it this time...
  13. You're a lucky man Paul to have a bride who has presented you with such value. I have no idea what the American iPad efbs is. And I don't care. What Bas and his mates have brought to us in Oz Runways is fantastic. Pure value for money in my opinion.
  14. And I don't think much of her tits either... (edit) Hullo,,, let me explain... I'm talking about Charly's tits. Not that lovely lass from down South for Krisake...
  15. In a previous life, I had the pleasure of flying with Greg Collins, who was known in the Squadron as Snilloc... Funny name for such a good bloke, but there you have it... Welcome Peter.
  16. To which she replied, "I don't think so. A wee lad like you couldn't fill them."
  17. Thanks Motz, that was a good read. Sounds like a winner. With your permission, I'd like to forward your post/report to a client of mine, please.
  18. Well yeah,,, I just reread the first post,,, and Motz is right... Stay the hell out of cloud!!!
  19. Yes it does. When it's done properly, you go from a level, gentle little wing low side slip one way, to a level, gentle little wing low side slip the other way, and so on. Be gentle, and with practise you will become smooth and precise with your stick and rudder inputs. My advice is though, get your instructor to show you how to do it first. Fore if you're not doing it properly, and you learn bad habits and technique, you'll wind up writhing and wobbling all over the sky like a damn idjit.
  20. Get someone to teach you how to "roll on a point". It's a great stick and rudder coordination exercise akin to playing the scales on a piano... Sorts out that "bloody aileron drag" big time... You pick a point on the horizon, then using stick AND rudder, you roll from one side to the other while maintaining the nose on the point. Start out with small and slow inputs. As you learn the technique and become more proficient, you'll be able to increase the "wing waggle" speed and rate. It really is a great way to teach/learn foot and hand coordination.
  21. When I joined the Air Force, my Dad told me, "The military can make you do anything, Son. Except love the baby." My Sons tell me the thinking hasn't changed much over the years... Perhaps that's where some would lead us?
  22. And then there's the cranky old master chief's line from the Blacksheep, "They're not your planes, Pappy. They're mine. And I'll lend them to you when I can, dammit."
  23. Now fair go... it's not all goble-dee-gook... Some of it's pretty straight forward. EG: "See this piece of sh*t here? Well it's fooked and needs replacing." Surely that's understandable?
  24. Congratulations with a big pat on the back, Comp. But a word of advice if I might: Be a little careful of claiming the airspace outloud like that. Fore if the little people be hearing,,, well they have a history of turning us on our heads if'n we be getting cocky you know... Seriously though, Mate. It's a "license" to learn. Remember that as you go forth and enjoy yourself while you're slipping the surly bonds of earth etc. etc...
  25. Still don't know yet. I've gotta go and pick Susan up from Sydney next Friday and then see what she's planning with my students. She's a bit busy at the moment getting her mother into a nursing home in the States, so I'm not going to hassle her till she gets back. If I do go, I'm thinking about taking the Cub down. So there may be a seat for you or young Jack if'n you or Lyle can take my swag and stuff. But don't say anything yet 'cause I won't know till after the weekend of 8-9 SEP.
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