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Wayne T Mathews

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Everything posted by Wayne T Mathews

  1. If you haven't PMd Motz yet, you're crazy...
  2. Go West young man. Or North. Or Northwest. Or South. Go anywhere but Sydney...
  3. For those who don't know already, Kaz is a Solicitor...
  4. Is Nick Sigley still training people in his drifter up at Heck Field?
  5. Up 'em Scotty!!! Show 'em no mercy... Hey, have you seen the new tongue in cheek smilies Ian gave us yesterday? #1:tongue in cheek: and #2
  6. Ouch!!!... You've been reading rarely spoken of history by the sound of that...
  7. Methinks there may have been some serious and therefore distracting interference with the left wing before the hangar loomed. But I wasn't there, and I haven't heard the report, so there's no point in my speculating. Fact is, looking at the photos, it'll be a big job. But from the outside, it looks doable. And I like the idea of fitting a Lycoming. Trouble is though, given the price of a straight one States side, is it economically viable/justifiable to do that much work on this one? This be the question the minister for finance is bound to ask. But hey, if it's a matter of the heart, and not the head making the decision, as many orphan cases are, then go for it, Met. It's only time and money...
  8. Nice guys don't always come last, eh Tomo?
  9. Welcome aboard Aldo, you lucky, lucky man...
  10. Oh, I don't know... He's letting us get away with heaps at the moment. Try putting a dig at Turbo in it. It's worked like a champion so far... On second thoughts, maybe not. If it's the one I think it is, it's a wet joke anyhow. And that wouldn't be fair to Turbo.
  11. I heard about that pill. It was called Niagra. But I figured out it was just going to dampen my enthooziasm...
  12. No no! That wheeling it on is way too advanced at this stage. Try teaching her to three point it first... Height of a London bus, round out, height of a London cab, hold off, wham, bam, thumpety, whomp, whomp, whomp... There, wasn't that fun?... Sound familiar?
  13. Yeah, but I'm starting to think maybe he was once...
  14. Ain't that the truth. A bit like girls actually, only slightly more predictable...
  15. Hear hear... Well said Turbz, well said...
  16. Now that made me laugh...
  17. Oh oh... We're back to the spoked wheels and tillers in defence of the blokes who can't handle serious aeroplanes... Nah, I don't like that'n as much as the yella one...
  18. Maybe you're just being a kinky old so & so and not ducking as fast... There, I got to use it again... Yee har...
  19. Your turn'll come Shags. Get the job nailed down first, Mate.
  20. Holy cow, you know how to fly an aeroplane AND you can do stuff like that! WOW! You must be Superman. You're a good man Ian. You not only fixed my problem, you also gave me a chance to use the new smilie you gave us today. Seriously, thank you...
  21. Yes Sir. Thank you.
  22. Oh we're drifting off Met, I'm sure. But Ahlocks will jump in here and sort us out shortly. I haven't been to PNG since the late '70s, so I have no idea if the Twotters are still working up there the way they used to, but they were doing a damn fine job back in those days. A Canadian aircraft of course. But then, so was the 'Bou. Funny that...
  23. Good afternoon Ian, I've got a "search" bar thingy covering the alerts and such at the top, on the right hand side. Is there some way I can move it about an inch upwards so it's out of the way please?
  24. You're right Riley, we are off topic a tad. But I can't resist complimenting you for such a delightful description.
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