Would it be possible/acceptable to track visitors, and after say a month, or maybe 10 visits, or whatever, send them an email, politely inviting them to join if they wish to continue visiting?
Please understand Compulsion, the fear of being jumped on from a great height is not restricted to "Newbies to flying". I've been involved in aviation in one way or another all my life (my Dad was on #1 intake of RAAF apprentices, I was on #22 intake, and most of my earliest memories involve aircraft), and when Bubbleboy, Old Koreela, David Isaac and Don Ramsay finally talked me into contributing, let me tell you, I was as nervous as a cat on hot bricks.
But over time, I came to realize that the blokes who know the most rarely jump on anyone, and when they do, it's sort of like a grandfather picking a youngster up and dusting him down while saying, "You silly billy. Bet you won't want to do that again?..."
I've also come to realize that the occassional bloke who does rip someone a new one, usually doesn't know all that much himself. So don't worry or get upset about what they're saying, they're just grabbing the chance to be a bully.
As always, there are exceptions... I have seen the older hands get lit up occassionally. But it's almost always when they've been provoked by a Troll...