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Wayne T Mathews

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Everything posted by Wayne T Mathews

  1. Hear hear...
  2. I know I shouldn't laugh, but jeez Andy, come on, from a black hander onlooker's perspective, watching a queer trader trying to control one of those old INSes with the gyros still spinning would have been as funny as... Would have stopped being funny in a hell of a hurry if you'd have dropped it though...
  3. For sure, the 1 in 60 rule will still work in an SR 71. But I'm guessing that at the speeds they were travelling at, it'd be a tad combersome with the decimal points about 6 places to the right, to be all that practical, or acceptable, in their operation.
  4. And then there's Voltaire's quote, "I do not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." (I'm a little less hard line than Voltaire was. In most cases I'd rather say, I may not agree with what you say, but....)
  5. I was recently included on an email list discussing the election, I responded by saying: I know you're correct D....., and no matter how this election was/is tallied up, Col just ain't got the numbers. So Michael and Paul are returned to the board, and I'll extend them my congratulations and best wishes when I see them. But I still have a problem with the fact that the people who chose the first place getter, got a second vote for the runner up, when no one else did. I know it's the way it's being done. But that doesn't mean it's right, in my opinion. I mean to say, "OK guys. One man one vote. Except if you vote for the right bloke in the first place, you'll get to have your second pick counted too. But if you don't pick the right bloke first up, you won't get a second pick." I know it's the way it is, and I'm not going to go charging off tilting at windmills. But I'm having a bit of trouble getting my head around that one... Keep the sunny side up, Wayne. Then Don Ramsay responded by saying: Wayne, Probably easier to think of it as two elections for two positions. Each member should effectively get two votes - one vote for each position on the Board. Regards Don My thanks go to Don. Looking at it that way makes it work for me. Now I understand and empathize with what David P and Turbz are saying above. But the fact remains, in this election, by the rules we're using, Paul and Michael won their seats on the board fair and square and Col didn't get elected. Personally, I salute all three men for having the balls to put their hats in the ring...
  6. We know you can ride a bike longer and further than most, Nev. (for those who don't know, Nev recently rode a motor bike, that I'm told is only slightly older than he is, from Perth to Sydney)... Now about this catching a ball and not bumping into doors too often... How good do we have to be at it??? ... -> ->
  7. We've already got sort of airbag thingies. They're called ballistic recovery systems.
  8. Excuse me! Am I missing something? It seems to me that in this example, the people who voted for the outright winner Middo, got to have their vote counted twice, but the others didn't. How can that be right?
  9. Good afternoon David, welcome aboard. One of my clients (he is such a gentleman, it seems disrespectful to call him a student) is 67. And let me tell you, he's doing great. I wish all students were as upbeat and politely positive as he is, and it'll not be long before I send him solo. One thing I have noticed over the years though: People who think they can, usually can. People who think they can't, don't. I'll leave it to you to work out which group my 67 yr old client is in... And I'll ask you a question. Do you think you can learn to fly?
  10. Wow!!! Now that's what I'll call, SERIOUS tapdancing...
  11. Good to see you're back from where you've been David. Is it true you were offered an alternative to going OS for the wedding, but it was too expensive?
  12. Some places, like Gunnedah, even still accept cash (but it has to be exact because there is no change capability) and cheques as well as major credit cards. If you're tracking near Gunnedah and you need fuel, drop in, and if I'm not there, make a phonecall to the fuel number (0408 453 030) that is listed in the ERSA and is posted on a sign by the fuel pumps. One of the aero club members will be there to pump gas for you within normally, 10 - 15 minutes. If you call before you arrive, he may even be waiting for you.
  13. Welcome aboard Dennis. That flying bug is a nasty little critter. Once it's bit you, it just itches and itches... But it feels sooo good when you scratch the itch.
  14. Before you go shutting down your RA Aus registered aircraft inflight, Keenaviator, you might want to talk to the Ops Manager, Zane. Fore if he finds out you've deliberately shut down your engine without a CFI on board with you, the odds are better than fair Zane'll be talking to you, and I doubt that it'll be a pleasant experience.
  15. Well said... G'd onya Motz.
  16. Spot on Justin... The only RA Aus pilot you could pay to fly you around, Bryan, is an instructor. And you'd need a student pilot's certificate for him/her to do that for more than 3 hours flight time, or thirty days, whichever comes up first.
  17. And then there's the cost against benefit. At the speeds we normally operate at, tucking the dunlops away looks neat as,,, but are we going to get a big enough increase in airspeed and reduced fuel consumption to justify the increased purchase and maintenance costs?
  18. Good on you, Motz... The sky is not the limit, eh?...
  19. Are you saying it can't be registered with RA Aus, Sue? You do know don't you, we already have retractables on our register? And there is a retractable endorsement we can get on our pilot's certificate... I guess I'm missing something.
  20. I'm guessing you're talking about taildraggers that can be used as trainers, right? Because the Hornets that Ole Hartman and his team builds that I've seen, look pretty damn good.
  21. Yeah, but that's only because the grass is so long.
  22. You poor bastard, Maj. I feel for you... But you're tuff, Mate. Say YES, and don't let them keep you down...
  23. Attendez une minute (wait a minute) Vliegvink, we are not the ones living upside down. Haven't you heard the song? We come from the land down under. We're normal. The land is under us. It's you folks who are living in the land up over, all topsy turvey... I've never built a house. But I totally restored an old one once. She who must be obeyed has told me if I ever want to do it again, I'll need a new wife. And as we all know, that's way too expensive. So I just go flying instead. Well, that's the excuse I'm using. And so far it's working. Good luck with yours.
  24. I know... Sorry... It's the way I was brought up... My dad used to tell me, "If you're gunna say something, Son, try to make bloody sure it's right!" ... My psych tells me I'll get over it and be able to forgive the old bastard, and then be able to live a normal life one day....
  25. I don't want to appear pedantic here, but the beautiful, unique gullwing wasn't on the original Stinson Reliants. It was on the SR7 and later models. Prior to the SR7, the wings with the two wing struts shown in the photo above is what the original Stinson Reliants had.
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