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Everything posted by Blackhawk

  1. Rutan Longeze, varieze
  2. Does anyone know if there is a list for L2 personal available for build inspections for Queensland; there use to be a list, but I can't find anything now
  3. That is totally rediculious.
  4. Admin, How do I edit or add to a topic that I have started ????
  5. Would anyone here have or know of anyone that would have; a building manual and/or plans for a Kolb Twinstar Mark III Xtra.
  6. The only set of original plans and documentation for the 2 seat Vampire built by Skywise Aviation at Bankstown in Sydney These plans are complete along with all the manufacturing documentation files. Build one or as many as you like. Price $800 plus shipping or pickup
  7. Chris Conroy also had the Terrier at one stage and was called the "Aerolite Terrier" which was sold to Max Peters in Victoria who owned Amax Gyrocopters, I don't think Max produced any of the Terrier's and sold it (I think it was bought by Helmut Kley) Foxcon maintains that they designed the Terrier from scratch which is total bs
  8. Kolibri AK4 aircraft dismantled for rebuild. It is complete except for the engine (Rotax 618) which was stolen. I have a few health problems and very unlikely to complete it. SOLD
  9. Hi Ian,

    How can I delete an advert from the Classifieds



    1. Admin


      Edit the advert and mark the status as Closed

  10. FAA Proposes Rule to Enhance Safety and Performance of Light Sport Aircraft Wednesday, July 19, 2023 WASHINGTON – The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is planning to enhance the safety and performance of Light Sport Aircraft operations. The proposed Modernization of Special Airworthiness Certification (MOSAIC) rule would put performance safety standards around larger aircraft that innovators are building by expanding the definition of Light Sport Aircraft. "This rule will encourage manufactures to make Light Sport Aircraft operations safer, more versatile and accessible while maintaining rigorous safety standards," said Acting FAA Associate Administrator for Safety David Boulter. Under the proposal, the aircraft’s weight limit is based on its stall speed. By permitting higher stall speeds, the proposal would bring within the Light Sport Aircraft regulatory framework aircraft weighing as much as 3,000 pounds. This more than doubles the weight of aircraft under the current definition of Light Sport of 1,320 pounds, allowing larger and stronger aircraft to qualify as Light Sport. The proposal would also expand the type of aircraft sport pilots can operate and allows them to use their aircraft for a wider range of operations such as some aerial work. Although sport pilots could operate aircraft designed with up to four seats, they would remain limited to operating with only one passenger. The public has 90 days to comment on the proposed rule once it is published in the Federal Register. The FAA will publish a final rule and respond to comments after the comment period closes.
  11. Hi Ian, Can you tell me how to remove a Classified Cheers Graeme
  12. Brand new complete Suzuki G10 - 13 PSRU 2.5:1 up to 130HP never been installed. $2300 plus shipping or Pickup SOLD
  13. I have nearly all the composite parts for an amateur-built 2/3 scale Two Seat Falconar SAL P51 Mustang. There are two fuselage's, canopy's landing gear There is also a fuselage mold to make more of these if you want. Comes with the plans for the wood version which this composite version is built from. There are photos available that I can send to anyone interested in this aircraft. For more details please contact me by PM SOLD
  14. I've had it and I could cope with everything (sort of) except for the sore throat (like swallowing course sand for 8 days) Wouldn't wish it on anyone.
  15. Hi Ian, Are you still working on Classifieds, Movies, Books and Go To Top Cheers
  16. Would anyone have or know of any Verner 133M engines or parts, they would like to part with.
  17. They reckon 3-4 months and 760Kg limit package will be signed off by the government. You will see a big increase in RAAus membership and aircraft registrations towards the end of this year and next year. It's about time
  18. I realsie I said yes to your question about stall speed, but according to the RAAus delegates that did a talk at the local aero club about the new regulation coming in with the 760Kg limit, they are also scrapping the stall limit requirement completly which means that the IBIS and many other aircraft will be allowed to be registered RAAus.
  19. This was a news report of the accident; According to the airport, the aircraft hit the runway harder than usual. The landing gear was damaged as a result. The two occupants were not injured. The aircraft was on the runway and had to be towed away. As a result, the airport was closed for half an hour.
  20. Looks like the laminated plywood bow has collapsed, probably from a hard landing; I prefer a composite bow
  21. Yes, I'm interested I'll PM you
  22. Would anyone know of or have a set of RJ03 IBIS Canard aircraft plans they would like to sell.
  23. Anyone know what's happened to Wedgetail Aircraft, their web site has disappeared. Are they still operating ?
  24. Spot on Yenn. The accidnet happened at a creekbed at dusk and Kiwi could have disturbed some kangaroos or some cattle and rolled trying to avoid them; unfortunately we never know what happened, except that we lost a very good friend.
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