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Everything posted by Floatplane

  1. lets just say after 35 years in the game are we/you/us surprised? nope! typical used car dealer attitude but the trouble I see is those same clowns not doing the right thing for owners who actually "pay commision" for those same guys trying to sell aircraft. example 1 - I wanted a Citabria and asked a Melbourne Aircraft saleman to keep a look out (normal question one would think), months later after viewing some articles here I found out one owner in fact asked the very same saleman to sell his plane (and yes, it fitted into my price range) but did I hear from this salesman? NO! he really wanted to sell, still is I think! example 2 - Silly mistake on my part, but I told a Gold Coast saleman how much I was prepared to spend, funny how an aircraft turned up right at the max limit and only after dragging info from him did I find out he suddenly forgot to add GST, engine was out of hours and it needed spars repairs (basically he didn't tell the truth, again surprised? yes this time, but not second time round) One wonders why they are having a tough time, personally go OS and get it yourself via a professional import company, pay about the same end of day by the time you get export CofA, freight etc and another Oz CofA, but the a/c would be 10 times better. Sorry but nothing changes much and too those rare honest salesman, sorry. FP
  2. Hi there, Thanks anyway but after witnessing yet another sales rip off from a guy in the Gold Coast, I purchased another kit, way safer! Regards FP
  3. You'll see trust me, it's unfortunately called "human nature" just a quick glance you'll have damages for "loss of income" from wheel operator, another could be "stress" from the poor soles (patrons) sitting up there for hours wondering! Sorry, seen all this before unfortunately FP
  4. Ok, but listed in NAIPS? Interesting but as you said, it's users responsibility which goes without saying really to any aerodrome be it ALA or otherwise. FP Isaac, post: 179973"]FP incorrect , read my post #60: Old Bar is an ALA (Aeroplane Landing Area) which is actually Heritage Listed, no notams are issued. I have used it, it is a great strip, but many pilots land too far in. Leaving a go around till late is problematic. On any ALA the pilot is responsible to ensure: He has permission to use the strip The strip is safe to use The strip is adequate for the performance of the aircraft he intends to use The effect of any obstructions in terms of clearance and displaced threshold and the impact of this on his aircrafts ability to meet the performance requirements to use the strip safely. Down wind is pure speculation. Old Bar is a short grass strip to people used to landing on longer strips. It was a late go around from a baulked landing, that is why he was low. If he had stayed on the centre line he would have missed the Ferris Wheel, and correct FP the PIC is ultimately responsible. It was a mistake made my many, this is NOT a blame session, this should be a learning session ... make your go around decisions early. David
  5. My advice is get an aviation lawyer ready, accidents like this bring out law suits. When public are involved unfortunately and this sort of accident will bring $$$$$ chasers out. Flying is fun, but FP
  6. I totally agree, and just checked Old Bar NOTAMS and guess what? There are none! So it's either the local councils fault for not notifying CASA or CASA's fault for not informing pilots "but" without stating the obvious not many pilots read them! Having said that, my guess is he attempted a downwind landing (due to obstacle) and passenger said on TV last night "we were going around after an attempted landing and it wouldn't climb" ---- guys, it's a typical downwind landing mistake and probably created due to that stupid wheel being placed at the end of an ALA. Pilot error? Most probably because end of the day the PIC is totally responsible for making sure a/c and conditions are safe to operate. Unfortunately i hope he doesn't get a letter in the mail from a lawyer! Sad but blo-dy glad "no one was hurt" FP
  7. Hi all, Decided not to proceed for various reasons, instead building another S7 on floats. Would like to thank everyone for their input, was absolutely fantastic getting great advice from the experts. Regards FP
  8. Hi and many thanks for your thread. Unfortunately it's not my choice, it's the school who will be operating it "but" if DJP was for sale and similar (no CSU) then I would definitely have my say. I've asked the question, it's not for sale least at my price anyway but thanks for the heads up, very much appreciated. Rgs FP
  9. Many thanks Nev That's some great info, The machine I'm seeking is mainly for tailwheel endo's with the odd limited aero. The school really hasn't aero end's in mind 'but' could be available however. Why front seat AD re fuel? Rgs FP
  10. Thanks DJP I totally agree about export CofA, been there done that before. I really don't mind which a/c as it's for a school and have known operator for over 20 years so not too worried. If I can get the Decathlon same price then I'm easy. Regards FP
  11. No mate, school requested Citabria however I reckon if it hasn't a CSU it'll be fine. Tx for the thought though :-) Regards FP
  12. Hi Mal, Thanks mate, I've just sent off email asking for info. I've shipped from the US and Canada before, suspect procedures same. It's the new CofA that concerns me though, because getting an export CofA doesn't always resemble the true condition until checked here. Any ideas? Rgs FP
  13. Thanks OMU, Actually want to purchase one not hire it but appreciate your input buddy Rgs FP
  14. Wanting to purchase a Citabria for tailwheel and limited aeros, must be in VGC, all AD's done PM me Rgs FP
  15. Floatplane

    11900 ft

    totally agree :thumb_up: FP
  16. Floatplane

    11900 ft

    Funny aren't you!
  17. Floatplane

    11900 ft

    Difference is, "most have had formal training" unlike you guys!
  18. Floatplane

    11900 ft

    Totally agree, it was stupid & very dangerous thing to do! Appreciate honesty but!! I flew the Air Ambulance (RFDS) around Oz, we operate in & out of strips day & night in all sorts of weather right down to the minim cloud base - we fly into the same airstrips " you do" you were putting "others in serious danger" Glad you lived through this, be mindful there wasn't a Super Kingair carrying patients needing medical help coming at you! Your playing a very serious game and wonder why Rec Pilots get a bad name! FP
  19. Good move! Least costs are way cheaper :-) I'm considering one that's all. Rgs FP
  20. Just asking, but why did you sell it? Rgs FP
  21. Sadly yes,
  22. Yes and no, doubles any water aircraft, especially amphibs! Why? They've had a spate of LDG Gear 'down' issues when water landing - whoops Rgs FP
  23. Thanks Dex I'm waiting for quote so we'll see what happens, if need be though I'm getting insurance OS, and yes connected here in OZ :thumb_up: they can't be any worse than Q-- thats for sure! FP
  24. Totally agree, I've owed 2, on my third and trust me hire if you can because buying for that sort of job will break your budget for sure. Rgs FP
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