But even in the unlikely event of this Commenter not being what or who he claims, that "hands off the yoke" method has been around for a long time and is worth re-visiting in any case.
We could try addressing a Comment with a Comment; this one was posted on a Pilot Workshops article (below) a few years back (And yes, this could be an imposter too, but we have to use our heads a bit. And, in any case, accept that, as in any field, expert opinions differ.
flyboy1423g 7 years ago
Jim, because your brain doesn’t work like an autopilot. A properly trimmed airplane doesn’t go out of control when it enters clouds, but your head will. The hands in lap/rudder only technique goes back about 50 years or more and it works. You should try it sometime, the day your AP and GPS systems go flooey it could save your life. Also remember that the DG is as important as the attitude indicator in instrument flying since the airplane won’t turn when wings are level. Use the rudder to initiate the turn or to stop a turn and you don’t upset the wings natural stability unlike the ailerons which do. How can you tell which way its banked/turning from the DG only? Bigger numbers to the right, smaller numbers to the left always works and easy to remember. PRACTICE this technique it is a life saver.
VFR into IMC - PilotWorkshops
Bob: “As with any emergency, remember the big three; maintain aircraft control, analyze the situation, and take proper action. Obviously maintaining aircraft control is the most important element. I...
The issue has been tossed around on here, too, for a long time: