Well, yes, exactly!
That's why I'm hoping the US effort to fix NOTAMs trickles down to us, sooner rather than later.
It's not like professionals are any better off than amateurs; they're worse off, having to deal with it every day.
To repeat a few of the comments (presumably from professionals) to the original YouTube video (above).
Matthew Butler
3 years ago
I think the issue is that in order to pick out and determine which are applicable to you, you still have to read each in its entirety. For example the one they read regarding taxiway barred, it didn't say who it all applied to until the very end (aircraft with wingspan larger than...)
Andrew Truax
1 year ago
Realistically, if every airline pilot went over every relevant NOTAM for every flight in a single day, they would have literally no time for other tasks.
Tom Nguyen
2 weeks ago (edited)
NOTAMS need to be prioritized and filtered so that the important ones aren't lost in the layers of more insignificant NOTAMS. Plus the raw text is awful to read.
And it's not like the problem is not known locally. There was this Flight Safety Australia article from 2020:
Missing the Message : How do you find the vital pre-flight information you need
when it’s buried deep in a stream of NOTAMs? This frustration, felt by pilots around the world
is finally being addressed—but don’t expect change anytime soon