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Everything posted by Garfly

  1. But operating single-engine mid-ocean ain't no walk in the park. Surely, there were no options but an immediate MAYDAY/Datalink SOS in this case. It would have triggered responses from the system. I'd suppose - and expect - that AMSA was already sussing-out shipping near the route. MAYDAY may be "the HIGHEST risk level" - but it's not like there are heaps of levels. Heck, aren't crews now bound to declare MAYDAY-FUEL even if they're going to land just a smidge under legal reserves. No such thing as a cool PAN-PAN-FUEL call. Of course there's heaps of hype around such events. The public holds endless crazy notions, panderable to for profit. Koshie even rolled out Richard de Crespigny today for us to fawn over. Insider insouciance is, I guess, the reaction.
  2. In any case, losing one of two, mid-ocean - and wondering if #2 might follow suit - sort of makes "possible assistance needed" a little understated.
  3. Apparently the accident was live-streamed from inside the pax cabin. https://7news.com.au/travel/plane-crashes/chilling-videos-show-the-moment-passenger-plane-plunges-into-mountainous-nepal-c-9459068 https://www.thedailybeast.com/jet-carrying-72-people-crashes-into-gorge-in-nepal
  4. Garfly

    Blackburn Beverley

  5. I agree. I think I was just as nervous going solo on the roads as in the air, maybe more so. (Probably with good reason.)
  6. 368,244 views Sep 11, 2020 Taking off from Old Park Farm, South Wales. Aircraft is a Streak Shadow fitted with a new Rotax 582 engine which had about 20 hours on it since I fitted it to the aircraft. Cause of failure still being investigated. 840 views Jan 24, 2022 In 2020 I posted a video showing the cockpit view of my engine failing on take off. I posted the video and it has many views, but of later interested parties (and other pilots flying similar aircraft) have asked for a `Follow Up,` video of WHAT CAUSED IT.
  7. Okay ... but "If it's Boeing, I'm not going!" is just a play on the cap-cliché : (unfortunately, way out of date, nowadays ;- )
  8. Yes, the link above is from that series, located in the sidebar menu: "Resources >> Tutorials". Section 6.3 seemed a likely candidate for "anything else"; key information which may not get its due in the PPL subjects listed in the original post.
  9. That'd be John Brandon (see post above).
  10. I'm not sure about that, Mark, but thanks for the tip. I'll have it checked out.
  11. Yeah, Glen's (RFguy's) design definitely looks the go (when it arrives). I've had the MGL V16 with Vega head for a while now. I like its features and its overall quality. I'm having some problem with intermittent noise in the system but I doubt it's the radio itself that's to blame. (It's at its worst taxiing as if there was a dry joint somewhere in the audio-out chain. I have checked the obvious ones like the headphone output sockets without luck, so far.)
  12. How have you been finding your MGL V16 Mark? What control head do you use with it?
  13. I would definitely recommend taking up Franco's great offer but if your son is not able to travel down there, then you might just want to get him a gift-voucher from the the North Queensland Aero Club based at Mareeba airport. https://www.nqac.com.au/gift-vouchers
  14. HARS = Historical Aircraft Restoration Society https://hars.org.au/
  15. Bienvenue Phillippe, As you probably know it's a very long way from Wollongong to Mareeba (like Paris to Morocco ;- ). But I guess you're thinking of a flight around the Mareeba/Cairns area, rather than around Wollongong, is that right? Maybe some people on this forum from up that way could help with suggestions. Anyway, if you check out some of the great movies on this thread you will see that Far North Queensland has some spectacular scenery to fly over:
  16. Anxious that my steed and/or myself might appear in a thread like this some day, I'd like to say a word for this plane and pilot (pending due process): blameless.
  17. That old path is sounding less and less virtuous by the minute.
  18. Actually the new WAC itself doesn't offer much guidance on the Romeo areas contained in those magenta boxes. However, a single long press on your EFB screen will reveal that R559D and R559E are active only between FL100 and FL260. So no sweat. CLICK FOR FULL REZ:
  19. But since we're talking Toora we can bank on variation (in our lifetime, at least) to remain at 11 - legs eleven - degrees, East. ;- )
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