Well, with today's AIRAC 2212 Updates for OzRwys (and AvPlan?) we now have - for better and for worse - PRDs marked on our EFB WACs.
I'd say it's worse for the busier regions because all that magenta just adds clutter, obscures detail and gets your course line lost in a magenta jungle.
Sure, for the most part, you'd be using VNCs and VTCs anyway, so it doesn't matter that much. But I've found that having at least one aeronautical chart devoted entirely to geographical realities has been a good thing. (Given that other charts, just a click away, have all the airspace info anyway. And, for that matter, the EFB can be set up to display active PRDs as a layer onto any chart. (With the catch that you need to be in internet range to get those real time updates.)
But, yes, it's a lot better for remote areas because, as pointed out above, in the absence of the large scale charts, the marked PRD borders are not redundant but necessary.
These new WACs in their paper form, will, I gather, be printed kind of on-demand, because they will now be going out of date with as much regularity as all the other airspace documentation. Therefore, to be legal, remote paper-chart users will have to keep a close eye on all PRD updates. (And I presume that pencilling in the changes won't cut it anymore. ;- )