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Juan Browne's take: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7OZf0NnHLU
Apparently midair at Gympie at 3pm today, 9/11/22
Garfly replied to Jase T's topic in Aircraft Incidents and Accidents
Yeah, I believe you are both very familiar with all of that; just at cross purposes. Something I've discovered recently is that if you run AvTraffic along with OzRwys (a published feature) you can have all available ADSB targets (plus FLARM et al) show up on the OzRwys display. 'Real' ADSB targets also display (fed by an SE2, or similar). Of course, you tend to get shadow a/c icons due to variable latency, but you get that anyway if you run OzRwys traffic with your ADSB-IN traffic. Plus, you can get an audible traffic alert (from AvTraffic) as long as you hook up your iPad audio to your intercom. I've never bothered with all that in the air but it's a good way to be able to see-it-all in one place (minus Mode C transponders, unfortunately) while you're sitting on the ground (wishing you were up there. ;- ) -
How about "Traffic! Traffic! See iPad for details." ;- )
I guess murmurations would blow the mathematical mind. LOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVko9jyAkQg
Apparently midair at Gympie at 3pm today, 9/11/22
Garfly replied to Jase T's topic in Aircraft Incidents and Accidents
Yeah, at $169 p.a, VFR Premium is about $1 a week more than the base version but I reckon it's worth it for Smart Brief and the Pilot's Touring Guide and being able to run it on 4 devices, quite apart from ADSB hardware integration. I haven't compared it feature for feature to the opposition but, tbh, once you know a platform well there's a bit of resistance to starting over again to save a buck. ;- ) https://www.ozrunways.com/au/products/plans-and-pricing/ -
Wow ... fascinating stuff, Glen. Do you know the people at Tailwind Software who do AvTraffic? https://avtraffic.com/# Their app has an audible alert feature which must be based on some kind of risk algorithm. But what you're on about seems at another level.
Apparently midair at Gympie at 3pm today, 9/11/22
Garfly replied to Jase T's topic in Aircraft Incidents and Accidents
Do you think? I just took it as a part of their pricing policy. Otherwise, they each seem to do the same things, more or less. CLICK FOR FULL REZ: -
Apparently midair at Gympie at 3pm today, 9/11/22
Garfly replied to Jase T's topic in Aircraft Incidents and Accidents
T88, I think Mark is referring to KG's earlier post, pointing out that you need to buy OzRWYs Premium in order to have ADSB devices (like SE2) work properly with it. He's saying that AvPlan does that trick even on the base model. In any case, I reckon either package represents incredible value for money in the overall scheme of things. -
BTW, I don't think this is a great model of cinematic coherence either; it's based on one of his chatty PowerPoint presentations. If we're "present in the room" we probably expect less in the way of clarity, coherence and concision than if we're reading a book, say, or watching a proper film. This is basically a spin analysis video with a few accident details and motherhood statements thrown in to pull it together and justify the generalised title. We don't even find out till the end that the accident guy got into a spin because he was practising stalls (solo) to sharpen his stick and rudder skills. What say you, PenName? ;- )
Apparently midair at Gympie at 3pm today, 9/11/22
Garfly replied to Jase T's topic in Aircraft Incidents and Accidents
BTW, both those ATSB final reports, the Mangalore midair (02/20, AO-2020-012) and the Ballina near miss (12/20, AO-2020-062) came out around the same time, earlier this year. So I'm guessing there would have been some cross-fertilisation, which leads me to read between these lines (from the Mangalore report, quoted earlier): "The continuous positional information that ADS‑B provides can highlight a developing situation many minutes before it becomes hazardous – a significant improvement on both point‑in‑time radio traffic advice and ‘see‑and‑avoid’. The ATSB also notes that ADS‑B receivers, suitable for use on aircraft operating under both the instrument or visual flight rules, are currently available within Australia at low cost and can be used in aircraft without any additional regulatory approval or expense." https://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/investigation_reports/2020/aair/ao-2020-012 I reckon what they're hinting at here is that a $1K EC device (with its continuous positional information) might be a darn sight more useful in Airprox avoidance, OCTA, than a full blown $100K TCAS set up (which, for various reasons, failed to avert the close call at Ballina). -
Apparently midair at Gympie at 3pm today, 9/11/22
Garfly replied to Jase T's topic in Aircraft Incidents and Accidents
I agree. I bought my SkyEcho2 in mid 2020, as soon as they were on sale. Before that I had a small 'Ping' ADSB-IN gadget. So I'm definitely more of a believer than a dreamer in the EC device department. ;- ) But, when it comes to public policy, the reason the government might (in fact, does) choose to subsidise GA ADSB uptake is that 'our sport', whilst a user-pays activity, has the rare capability of bringing down an airliner. And then there'd be hell to pay. In fact, it came to within a bee's dick of just that in Nov. 2020 near Ballina. https://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/investigation_reports/2020/aair/ao-2020-062 Anyway, the feds have at their disposal, both carrot and stick levers and, right now, they're giving the former a bit of a pull. My suggestion earlier in this thread was just that their plan might have worked better if the carrot had been a wee bit bigger, and a bit sooner, but, in any case, I'm not holding my breath for that, and I'm not hanging out for a subsidy. This piece in Australian Flying a year ago puts it in a nutshell: "The results of CASA's VFR equipment survey has provided the regulator with a view of GA that they never previously had ... But one thing that has raised some eyebrows is the lack of ADS-B use in VFR aircraft. CASA mandated the system for IFR, but has consistently maintained an encouragement policy only for visual flight, culminating in the development of a non-TSO standard for VFR, known as conspicuity devices. But the data shows that around 57% of GA aircraft and a whopping 83% of sport aircraft have declined the invitation to fit any type of ADS-B. ... what it means is that there are a lot of aircraft getting around that the ADS-B system is blind to, which dilutes the efficiency of the technology. It is hard to believe that, after seeing these figures, the word "mandate" has not been uttered between the walls of Aviation House. https://www.australianflying.com.au/the-last-minute-hitch/the-last-minute-hitch-1-october-2021 -
Apparently midair at Gympie at 3pm today, 9/11/22
Garfly replied to Jase T's topic in Aircraft Incidents and Accidents
Sounds like an interesting app. Definitely worth a look. But you'd want to have a good look at all the features of the local EFBs first, with their NAIPS integration, their automatic updates of all charts and databases etc. and even their tight integration of the uAvionix ADSB devices, before you decided on what is and isn't a necessary feature for your own operation. -
Apparently midair at Gympie at 3pm today, 9/11/22
Garfly replied to Jase T's topic in Aircraft Incidents and Accidents
Yes, you would show up on anyone's OzRWYs (Premium) - or other EFB - as long as the iPad/tablet is being fed by an ADSB-IN device, such as the Uavionix PING ( IN-Only, $400) or another SkyEcho2 (IN and OUT, $1200, less the subsidy.) See some info here: https://www.ozrunways.com/store/adsb/ But you should show up, also, on the installed cockpit traffic displays of most commercial aircraft, all of which have ADSB-IN (and OUT). And, of course, they, in turn would show up on your iPad/tablet by way of the IN function of your SkyEcho2. There are other traffic awareness systems in use - including OzRWYS and AVPlan's own cell tower based ones, and the offerings of the, very good, AvTraffic app. which, by the way, incorporates FLARM. But all these suffer from time delays in the cell tower system (latency) and other issues. They are not in the same league as the true aircraft to aircraft communication offered by ADSB. See here: https://avtraffic.com/ -
Apparently midair at Gympie at 3pm today, 9/11/22
Garfly replied to Jase T's topic in Aircraft Incidents and Accidents
Yeah, true. That was only me musing on what could've (should've?) been. -
Apparently midair at Gympie at 3pm today, 9/11/22
Garfly replied to Jase T's topic in Aircraft Incidents and Accidents
True enough, but the SE2 weighs 160 grams and would cost $0 under the full subsidy plan. ($500 under present arrangements). And you make a good case for having one even in low (not 'no') traffic areas which just adds to the case the ATSB makes. -
Apparently midair at Gympie at 3pm today, 9/11/22
Garfly replied to Jase T's topic in Aircraft Incidents and Accidents
Yeah, it might be complicated to implement but still, it really is a shame that midair tragedies keep happening when low cost tech is available to help avert them. Of course, we know nothing of the whys and wherefores of this latest accident but in regard to the terrible Mangalore midair of 2020, this was in the final ATSB report: "The ATSB also strongly encourages the fitment of ADS‑B transmitting, receiving and display devices as they significantly assist the identification and avoidance of conflicting traffic. The continuous positional information that ADS‑B provides can highlight a developing situation many minutes before it becomes hazardous – a significant improvement on both point‑in‑time radio traffic advice and ‘see‑and‑avoid’. The ATSB also notes that ADS‑B receivers, suitable for use on aircraft operating under both the instrument or visual flight rules, are currently available within Australia at low cost and can be used in aircraft without any additional regulatory approval or expense." https://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/investigation_reports/2020/aair/ao-2020-012 -
Apparently midair at Gympie at 3pm today, 9/11/22
Garfly replied to Jase T's topic in Aircraft Incidents and Accidents
Maybe it would have been a good idea for CASA to provide SkyEcho2s (or similar) free-of-charge to all aircraft operators without ADSB (while continuing to subsidise certified models) and then proceed to make ADSB IN/OUT (of some kind) compulsory for all flying machines (as it is, pretty much, in the US already). -
Production of the TU-214 has started in Russia
Garfly replied to Methusala's topic in Aircraft General Discussion
On that, we're in furious agreement, Don! ;- ) -
Production of the TU-214 has started in Russia
Garfly replied to Methusala's topic in Aircraft General Discussion
Another cartoon characterisation of Gaddafi paints him as no more than a preening fool, a brutal dictator and serial violator of basic human rights. But if one's only criterion for anointing heroes is their status as enemy to one's enemy ... well, one risks waking up with fleas. Speaking of dogs, yes, Putin's victims - on all sides - do need to be remembered, and way beyond Remembrance Day. How about a Stop-Repeating-the-Need-for-Remembrance-Days Day; a more sincere way to honour the victims. And there's no greater insult to Ukrainian people today, living or dead, than to figure them as ants, collaterally crushed in a (real) battle between elephants. They have their own identity and historical interests, far predating the birth of "The West" (whether seen as Punch or as Judy in your narrative of choice). BTW, nobody on here is arguing that the West has clean hands in any of the "big game" tragedies of our era. Quite the opposite. It just comes down to how complicated a world-view we're willing to work with. I think it was Russia's Tolstoy, who said that melodrama is about the struggle between good and evil; Drama is about the struggle between good and good. (Or, to put it another way, between evil and evil.) The enemy of our enemy is likely an ***hole, too. -
Apparently midair at Gympie at 3pm today, 9/11/22
Garfly replied to Jase T's topic in Aircraft Incidents and Accidents
It's generally accepted that driving is, overall, safer than recreational flying. Even proper stats seem to back that up. But the comparison discussed here is specifically about age-related alertness - when "staying aware", avoiding "stupid things" and maintaining "concentration" are crucial. But if you're barrelling down the highway, any random 3 secs of eyes/mind off the job will very likely end in instant disaster. Flying is not quite as perilous as that, moment to moment, at least. -
RA-Aus's Understanding of Safety Videos
Garfly replied to APenNameAndThatA's topic in Student Pilot & Further Learning
A CTLS LOC in the French Alps. There's a new home-made Air Crash Investigation channel for GA that's turning out some interesting stuff. Especially when paired with the official reports that it links to - in this case, from the BEA (in English). BEA2021-0294.en.pdf Maybe this should have its own thread but it fits very well into the discussion here. -
Production of the TU-214 has started in Russia
Garfly replied to Methusala's topic in Aircraft General Discussion
By the way, Don - and anyone else with an affection for the best of Russia - this is an amazing full length feature film from 20 years ago; a kind of dream/fantasy which looks back over Russia's complicated history with Europe. Anyone willing to give it a go (preferably on a big screen) and to hang in there with the subtitles, will be well rewarded, I reckon. And from a filmmaking angle The Russian Ark is legendary, in that the whole thing is done in one take. Incredible! (The making-of story is almost as fascinating as the film itself.) For more info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Ark -
Production of the TU-214 has started in Russia
Garfly replied to Methusala's topic in Aircraft General Discussion
But that Punch and Judy (West on Russia) narrative doesn't wash from the viewpoint of Russia's neighbours and ex-vassal states who want to be left alone to be themselves. Ask Georgia and Kazakhstan for starters. I've spent time with friends and colleagues in Estonia, Lithuania and Poland as well as having dear friends in Moscow. I've also known folks among the Russian minority in Narva on Estonia's eastern border with Russia. I think I get all their perspectives. Basically, Russian's are resentful and furious at their neighbours for not wanting to be part of the glorious empire anymore. A bit like the way the British were furious with the Indian mutineers. "You really want to risk losing this clearly superior culture we've bestowed on you!?" Anyway, for self-absorbed / self-critical Westerners (and I admit I'm one) to insist that this is mostly all about US and THEM is an insult to the people who've lived before under the Russian empire and are now in danger of being reabsorbed. The notion that Russia has a right and a reason to fear the West equivalent to its neighbours' right and reason to fear Russia, is ludicrous and disingenuous. Bob Dylan did have it right but his message was universal: To hate them and fear them To run and to hide And accept it all bravely With God on our side